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Blue Pound


Posted by
October 9, 2005
Date Submitted
A hard pressed pill, took the pill, after about 15 minutes (normally takes about 45-60 minute) I felt my legs go weightless, and my arms started to go numb, thats when I knew it was something different. Dealer said it was a great pill, but it was a very weak hit of ketamine, it lasted roughly 30 minutes, with no real comedowns or anything, in general a waste of money, even K lovers should stay away from this one.
British Pound
Round slightly domed
Suspected Contents
User Report

Horrible pill. Total waste of cash.


the rabbi (Moderator)

yeah i got sold these as MDMA and tested it and came up with no results so snorted a half and it felt like some really shit k OR something else and taste so yuk its like washing powder and it smells like it to il try and do a report on it. i found these made me very horny as well....

October 9, 2005, 11:15 am GMT

tiptop (member since September 30, 2005)

"Dealer said it was a great pill, but it was a very weak hit of ketamine"

to me that makes no sense

October 9, 2005, 11:43 pm GMT

dodgey (member since October 2, 2005)

My question is did the dealer sell it to you as an ecstasy, if so fuck him get a new dealer, real cool if you on the way to a dance club drop a pill and its K. good or bad that pisses me off, and if the dealer doesnt know what it is why is he selling it.

October 10, 2005, 5:16 am GMT

mchin (member since October 9, 2005)

the dealer did originaly say it was eccies, never buying it from him again

October 10, 2005, 7:35 am GMT

alexk (member since October 10, 2005)

Couldn't get red russians (totally sold out ffs!) dealer had these on him said they were a lil worst then russians i'm like fuck thats still alright. I got one snorted the bitch n noticed it tasted like washing power (how do i know that it tasted like?... i dont know) tasted a bit powdery and i knew it wasnt gonna be a md pill. about 10min last i got a K feeling in me felt so good dancing it was like swish swish swish swish... lasted about 30min to 1 hour i went to the dealer n told him n he said it was a good feelin i got a bit of enery outta it but it just fuckin droped instantly' and it did like u werent even effected by anything... definity k based maybe with some ampthet. So glad theres a new batch of russians comin in 2 weeks hehehe

October 10, 2005, 10:24 am GMT

kokie301 (member since May 26, 2023)

I think that was even a low dosage of K of some weak dosage or 2fdck which is less potent that Ket and less fun

May 26, 2023, 7:36 am GMT