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Orange Nike's (Brick Shaped) Pill Alert, Melbourne Australia.

Drug alert

Pentylone in orange ‘Nike tick’ pills

The pills contain both pentylone and MDMA and are described as orange-coloured, brick-shaped tablets with a ‘Nike tick’ design. Pentylone is also circulating in other forms.

Pentylone is a ‘synthetic cathinone’ that’s potent and unpredictable

Pentylone is a type of stimulant called a ‘synthetic cathinone’. Synthetic cathinones can produce similar effects to more common stimulants like methamphetamine or MDMA (ecstasy), but cathinones appear to be more potent (smaller amounts produce strong effects). People who have used synthetic cathinones report that they produce less euphoria and psychedelic effects compared with MDMA, and that these effects wear off more quickly. This can lead to people taking more, increasing the risk of negative effects and toxicity.

Higher doses of synthetic cathinones can lead to long periods of sleeplessness and muscle twitching, increased risk of agitation, paranoia and hallucinations, and toxic effects such as overheating and heart problems.

Synthetic cathinones are being sold as MDMA in various forms, linked to hospitalisations

There have been a number of recent cases in Victoria where people requiring emergency care have reported using MDMA, but blood tests have shown synthetic cathinones. Cathinones detected recently in Victoria include pentylone, dipentylone, dibutylone, dimethylone, eutylone and methylone. In most of these cases the cathinones were apparent adulterants in products that also contained MDMA. In others, people had been mis-sold cathinones as substitutes for MDMA. Synthetic cathinones may appear as crystals, powders, tablets or capsules.

Consuming synthetic cathinones with other stimulants – such as MDMA in the orange ‘Nike tick’ pills – will increase the risk of toxic effects. Using cathinones with psychedelics like LSD (acid) will increase the risk of dysphoria (bad trip), agitation, and behavioural disturbances that place people at immediate risk.

Stimulants can also interact with a range of medications, including those used to treat depression and anxiety. Commonly used medications that may interact with stimulants and increase the risk of toxic effects include ‘SSRIs’, ‘SNRIs’ and ‘TCAs’. Always seek information about your medications before mixing with other substances.

A big thanks to Jodi Lee from 7 News for reporting on this dangerous combination.

  • Posted by andyturbro
  • February 16, 2023

**WARNING** 210mg Beige/ Pink Ace of Spades

These have reached Australia (Melbourne and Sydney confirmed but the warning should be Australia wide)

Contents: 210mg MDMA, no other psychoactive substances detected.
Tested by: CheckIt! Lab
Lab's ID: CH:202209-14

Please see report for further details + reagent test results.


  • Posted by andyturbro
  • October 26, 2022

Discord Server

Hey everyone,
Just letting everyone know that we are now officially partnered with Bluelight.org's Discord server.
For those of you who don't know, Bluelight is an online harm reduction community and PillReports has had a subforum on there for quite a while.
The Discord is a great place to come hang out and get real-time support/tripsitting/harm reduction advice. Make sure to come check it out! https://discord.gg/bluelight

  • Posted by arrall
  • February 19, 2022


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.

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