Pill Report: Pink Heart?
Pink Heart?

Skåne (Malmö/Trelleborg)

Posted by
December 28, 2006
Date Submitted
Entire batch is worn and broken. Seems otherwise like a good press, with medium-high quality details. No score, concave (inwards) backside. Requires some force to break, and shatters rather than crumbles. Some white specs on the inside. See pictures for exact dimensions. Extremely bitter taste to the touch of the tounge - with a noticeable cold, stinging sensation afterwards.
Last Update
January 1, 2007
4.0 mm
9.0 mm
Smooth, somewhat darker pink (and few black) specs
Sharp, but worn and broken
Suspected Contents
User Report

Slight buzz after about 20 minutes. Almost an hour and a half before it started to kick in for real. Initial reaction was similar to low dose MDMA but with significant nausea. 30 minutes later I was sure this was not MDMA. Similar buzz, energetic, felt like moving around but complete lack of happy/love feelings. Also felt trippy, although not in an uncontrolled way at all. Things happening in the corner of the eye. Lights shifting colors when not looking at them. Short dream-like mind drifts. Did not feel much for talking, eventually just wanted to go home after the onset of a headache about 3 hours into the trip. Headache gets much worse, so does the nausea. No sleep for 24hrs. Temperature going up and down between 35 and 39 degrees. Alternating between sweating badly/freezing my ass off. Unable to eat, very thirsty and passing water for first 24 hrs. Feelings of sickness/poisoning with constant banging headache lasting well over 40hours before it subsides. About 50 hours before my head was back on straight and sweating stopped. Felt very disoriented with a slight lack of judgement the whole time. It is now 72 hrs since i popped, and back to baseline except for some nausea on and off.

Similar or worse stories from three others, including one heavy all-round tripper who usually enjoys just about anything.

Fifth guy didn't feel as bad. He neither liked nor disliked it, and described it as a two day mood rollercoaster.

Everyone threw up except me, and we are all agreed the rest will go down the drain. Would never pass these on.

EDIT: After some additional reading, I am now fairly sure this pill contains mostly mcPP. Trip reports and taste descriptions from others are extremely close to what I experienced.


mesmerize (member since July 25, 2006)

Extremt välskriven rapport, bra engelska till och med (bortsett från nåt undantag). Dock motsäger du precis ALLT jag hört om dessa tabletter. Har tidigare inte hört nåt annat än bra om dem, och jag är helt säker på att det är samma batch. Hmm..

December 31, 2006, 3:51 pm GMT

zak dk (member since November 4, 2006)

Tryed some simmelat pills looks like yours, but not quite the same. Mine got a score on the back. But the effect of the pill, sounds like the experiance i hade whit mine.

try read whay i wrote about them here http://www.pillreports.com/index.php?page=display_pill&id=5114

January 25, 2007, 9:29 pm GMT

shubre (member since March 7, 2007)

Dom är läskiga, precis som vita lacoste. Vissa gillar dom men många mår dåligt. Riktigt skit att pracka på folk..

March 7, 2007, 9:44 pm GMT