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Blue Dolphin


Posted by
September 27, 2005
Date Submitted
pillreports v1
Size: 4mm x 8mm
Colour: Light blue
Score: No Score
Bevelled: Slight bevel on both sides

TASTE: Strong bitter taste.

I was given one the other day and was asked to road test it.

Started feeling it after about 40 min. 1 hour in got slight nausea feeling, 10 min later my guts started convulsing, had to try real hard not to throw up. I haven't had a pill this strong since the green mitzi's earlier in the year, Personally I recon these are better. Got my monies worth with these.
Better than the aeroplanes that were going around a few months ago. Good head wobbles, good visuals and jaw chattering like you wouldn't believe for at least three hours.
Comedown was fine. Would highly reccomend these if you can get your hands on them
Round No Score
Suspected Contents


incompletee (member since September 30, 2005)

i had these a few weeks ago. felt it after about 40-45 minutes too. had to try real hard not to throw up as well. the start beam/peak was f'n awesome! these are definatley worth a try. lasted a couple of hours, can't recall how long. 9/10.

September 30, 2005, 12:44 pm GMT

miss pillhead (member since October 2, 2005)

i got 1 of these the other week. i first had half a red russian, witch never kicked in and then about 2 hours later i had half a blue dolphine (although mine were darker then these ones) and it kicked in about 40 minz, was not lovey-dovey at all, good feeling but had to try n hold myself from throwing up. my mate had 1 and a half and was throwing up all nyt, and there was alot of illusions. i would rate them a 3.5/5

October 7, 2005, 12:41 pm GMT

zoolander (member since October 22, 2005)

I took one of these the other night and it came on, as mentioned above, after about 40-45 minutes. I didnt feel sick at all. I didnt feel like throwing up either. For me they were pretty clean and had me talking big time. I had one pill and was still awake the next day. No real come down for me. I would say good pill and give it a 7-8/10. No sloppiness just really talkative.

So much shit going around at the moment

October 28, 2005, 8:03 am GMT

happemunchkin (member since October 4, 2005)

October 31, 2005, 3:54 am GMT

happemunchkin (member since October 4, 2005)

had one of these sat nite. loved it! it came on slowly and then bam! it was like u hit a brick wall.
first time in ages i was actually able to stand, walk and dance without the feeling of dropping over. for me it was an "irish" pill. the reason i say this is because u usually get the smacky feeling first followed by the full on chargey part. felt body heating up, body tingles, thent he foot started taping and couldnt shut up.was very figedy and all over the place. then BAM! the brick wall hit and was smacked out. but a good smackey.Didnt feel sick at all, actually a very clean feeling. I actually felt like eating ! yeah thats right eating. which was a first for me.I was going a good 5 hours! was able to fall asleep at a click of a finger and next day was like a normal day.woohoo no come down. love these little dolphins.8-9/10

October 31, 2005, 4:06 am GMT

lemonade (member since November 8, 2005)

We had these a while ago... they were really good, great come down.. reallly happy... didnt feel unwell at all, and we were drinking too. never found them again tho =(

November 9, 2005, 2:25 am GMT

edsun (member since November 21, 2005)

before u take note of this i dont kno if these are the same pillz (they were blue dolphins tho, maby not same ones)

i double droped and snorted half and they had a realy big "K" afect (horse Tranks) i was at "krust demonds" it was so bad i had to leeve i couldnt stand sitting there i needed to leeve, worst pill iv done
i dont think they r tha same pills from wat iv read above but id recomed being carful for taking fakes

November 29, 2005, 9:22 am GMT

kursedkitten (member since December 22, 2005)

i took this after about a years break of using, and it was so good. it took about an hour to kick in but after that i was in love, in love with everyone. had no come down too. i give it my highest rating of 8/10. oh but the ones i had, had white little specks- not sure if its the same.

December 22, 2005, 12:02 pm GMT