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Green Hitchikers, Green Gloves

Perth, WA

Posted by
September 27, 2005
Date Submitted
pillreports v1
Smell : Aniseed

Color : Green with a few Darker Green specks, some White Specks also. But the pill is a very solid green with little color impuritys !

Size : 7.67mm X 4.77mm ( measured with digital calipers)

Press : Very Good Firm Press

Texture : an Almost glossy finish to the surface to the pill !

Logo : A hand with a Thumbs Up ! Indented into the pill !

Score : On one side like a square cut > |_| Not V !

Bevel : There is a Bevel on both faces of pill, an Square cut into it .

Taste : Bitter !

I aqquired these last night, havent chewed back yet, but i have heard reports that these Suppose to be good ! heard of people having there Eyes rolling into the back of there heads, had A few of my mates Drop these last night, they looked Quite Happy ! another mate Doubble Dropped and ended up throwing up on the lawn !

Perhaps i will try tonight, and give you a report on expierence !

Hand With Thumbs Up
Suspected Contents

1 Comment

charity (member since December 2, 2005)

scored a few of these and would strongly recommend getting hold of them if you can!

dropped in halves, mine came on within 30 mins but my friend had to drop second half before his kicked in. Each pill seemed to go for about a good four hours which is a nice change as I was getting sick of dropping pills that came and went in about 2 hours.

very dancey and loads of energy, euphoric and chatty, then moved into a nice touchy feely phase. After dropping two I was having some wicked hallucinations, nothing freaky, very calm and mellow. All in all I would say these are great pills, had quite a bit of jaw clenching, lots of eye rolling, especially in the peak. All i would warn is, due to the energy they give you, you can get SUPER hot, so even more than normal, keep drinking, because at one point my body temp was scarily high.

Come down was manageable, after dropping last half about 3am, was able to fall asleep unassisted about 8am and slept a good 6 hours, next couple of days was a bit moody but all in all it was worth it as these are good pills.

Play safe

December 2, 2005, 1:11 pm GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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