Pill Report: Pink Superman & Blue Rolex
Pink Superman & Blue Rolex


Posted by
September 18, 2016
Date Submitted
Overall experience is not bad, wouldn't go for those pills again - there are better ones around.
Might be also caused by tolerance.

Symptoms chart:

Euphoria: ??/10
Pupil dilation: ??/10
Jaw tension: ??/10
Sweating: ??/10
Music appreciation: ??/10

Day after:?

LRI: (pill count) (pill name) (date)

LRI* A little info about your previous roll.
Last Update
September 20, 2016
Superman & Rolex
Pink & Blue
3D Shield Shape
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report


Got them in Dolapdere

Last time i dropped last year October.

02:00 Dropped rolex
02:40 Enjoyable come up
03:00 Peak but not too much, eyes rolling
03:00 Peak was not enough and i wanted to drop 1 more (Superman) and i dropped (i chewed half and swallow the other half)
03:35 Holly shit! Great feeling.. now thats real kick in!! 03:50 The peaking level is building up and it keeps overwhelming me. Hard to talk because the rushes keep coming. Sweat more then usual. I can not read my phone anymore. Music is intense but no speed feeling.
05:00 Gradually come down and no bad feeling. I was happy when i come down..
06:00 Past suddenly.

Guys, Overall experience is not bad. These pills for relaxing and enjoying musics, not for dancing cuz no speed. Especially i recommend Pink Superman.

The day after was very good. I slept like a baby and eat normally. Clean pills

Stay safe bros! Enjoy.. Cheers


Sekerleri Dolapdere'den cozdum..

En son gecen sene Ekim'de atmistim..

02:00 Rolex'i salladim
02:40 Yavastan hissettirdi
03:00 Zirvedeyim ancak tam bekledigim kadar olmadi, gozlerim catallasiyor..
03:00 Zirve yeterli gelmedigi icin 2'yi salladim (Superman) Onunda yarisini kirdim cignedim yarisini da butun yuttum.
03:35 Hassiktir! Iste bekledigim zirve!!
03:50 Zirve gitgide eglenceli hale geliyor, asiri mutluyum, goruntuler karincalaniyor, telefonumda hicbirseyi goremiyorum o kadar yani..Terlemeye basladim. Terledikce daha da yukseliyorum. Muzikleri yogunca hissediyorum. Ancak speed olmadigi icin dans etme istegim yok.
05:00 Yumusakca dusmeaye basliyorum ancak kotu hissetmiyorum. Dustugum an bile mutluydum.
06:00 Biranda dustum ama kotu hissetmiyorum.

Arkadaslar, sekerler icin genel olarak guzel diyebilirim. Dans ettirmiyor, asiri mutluluk veriyor. Muzikler guzel geliyor. Ozellikle pembe Superman tavsiyemdir.

Ertesi gun hersey guzeldi. Pisligi yok. Bebek gibi uyudum ve kolaylikla yemek yiyebildim.

Hapiniz bol olsun kardeslerim! Eyvallah..


bearlove2 (member since August 20, 2015)

Hi there, Unfortunately we do not allow reports on mixed pills as you have no way of knowing what effects are associated with what pill etc.

September 20, 2016, 8:52 am GMT

hellwatchman90 (member since July 23, 2014)

Bunlar hep kotunun iyisi kim nederse desin piyasa boktan nerde o eski haplar...

the market so bad pills, the old was better

September 21, 2016, 10:58 pm GMT

mollyisparta (member since September 18, 2014)

http://i.hizliresim.com/40WMWq.png Arkadaslar deneyen varmi nasil bunlar baskisi kotu gibi ama?

Did someone consume this??

September 28, 2016, 1:23 pm GMT

dieterbletten (member since November 11, 2016)

nice looking pills. "not for dancing cuz no speed" :) . at the time, there are luckily most pills pure mdma.
me and my friends take speed most before party und then a pill at party or at afterhour.

the pill vom this link http://i.hizliresim.com/40WMWq.png is porsche. nice little bean, mid dose mdma, 110-130 mg. had a great party with it. there are some reports/labtests on these in the web.


November 11, 2016, 6:00 pm GMT

xbyhrzn (member since October 8, 2017)

Bu supermenler saf mdma saglam hizli degil ama iyi..

October 15, 2017, 4:56 pm GMT

pqthm1 (member since November 3, 2017)

La biri görsün ulaÅŸsın bana mk Ä°stanbul kanal lazım. [email protected]

hey there. pls help in istanbul . i need pill.

November 16, 2017, 10:45 pm GMT

ashdod (member since December 31, 2018)

Selamlar istanbul avrupa yakasinda kanal lazim yardimci olabilecek birileri var mi? Telegram dan ulasin bana link = https://t.me/TamanShud1

December 31, 2018, 9:51 am GMT

ihtiyar (member since September 5, 2019)

telegram group link;; https://t.me/joinchat/GqiBzEVVTFIZU6xlirDY8w

September 5, 2019, 9:09 am GMT