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Blue Tesla

Edinburgh, Scotland

Posted by
July 20, 2016
Date Submitted
Apologies for only half a pill being visible in the photo.
Dark Blue
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

Not being a regular user, I have a low enough tolerance that half a pill will generally be enough to last me a night. Hence this report will discuss two different nights on which I dropped a half of the same pill. No alcohol was consumed while using this pill.
Night 1:
At a friend's house, he's not long back from T in the park and has half an orange tesla left over. Another friend has a blue tesla for sale, and, having not rolled for a few months, decide that I quite fancy dropping one that night. But the blue tesla and half it, my friend drops his half of the orange tesla and I drop my half of the blue. 20 minutes in both of us are beginning to come up, butterflies, sweaty palms etc. 40 minutes in we both agree that we are feeling pretty wired, feeling good, energetic, empathic. Despite the energy the pills gave us both of us were still able to enjoy a relatively chilled out night with 5/6 other mates. Peak effects lasted about 3 hours with residual effects lasting maybe another 2. No real bad side effects - mild jaw clenching, however a crazy amount of pupil dilation and also great difficulty sleeping, however no comedown/depression the next day. Overall good experience.

Night 2: At a small party at friend's house, drop other half of the blue tesla from a few nights before. Same sort of time frames for come up as before, however the more energetic party environment gave a slightly different experience while rolling. Nonetheless very fun, enjoyed a good few hours of dancing, talking with people and just generally vibing. Party finished, me and a few mates just sit and have a laugh as the effects of the pill begin to wear off. Bearing in mind the difficulty sleeping previously, we stick on a movie and roll a joint, smoke it and proceed to fall asleep without much difficulty. Wake up next day feeling fine, no hint of a bad comedown whatsoever.

Overall: Good pill, strong enough to get you going on a half but not something that's hard to handle. Regular users may wish to take a full pill, but personally I think a half is enough to make sure you have a great night. Little to no negative effects, good looking, professionally made pill. Would definitely seek these ones out when next planning on rolling.

1 Comment

bearlove2 (member since August 20, 2015)

Thanks for the reports - the Tesla's seem to be pretty popular around the UK at the moment.

July 25, 2016, 8:43 am GMT