Pill Report: Orange Tesla
Orange Tesla


Posted by
June 20, 2016
Date Submitted
Euphoria : 9/10
Music : 9/10
Sweating : 7/10
Visuals : 9/10
After day : 8/10

Tesla Amblem
12.0 mm
11.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

22:30 civarında salladım 2 tane
22:50 sinyaller başladı
23:10 civarı enerji dolmaya başladım yanımda dans eden arkadaşlarımı hologram tarzında görüyordum mükemmel bir deneyimdi
00:00 da üçüncüyü salladım hala deli gibi dans ediyordum müzik kulağıma çok hoş geliyordu
01:00 gibi etkilerinin gittiğini hissettim zaman çok ama çok hızlı geçmişti
02:00 gibi olayı bıraktım duşa girdim ertesi gün hiç birşey olmamış gibiydim mal gayet temiz kafası çok iyi tek sıkıntısı herşeyin olup bitmesi tabi bunada sıkıntı denirse

I waved around 22:30 2 units
22:50 started signals
I was seeing my friends around 23:10 in the style of dancing next to me , I started to fill up energy hologram was an excellent experience
00:00 I shook the third was still dancing like mad sounded very pleasant music to my ears
I felt like I was going to effect a lot of time but it was too fast past 01:00
I went into the shower the next day I was like 2:00 I left the event as something not very clean at all cost if only a shortage of well head called the shortage is subjected to finish everything


ankarasekeri (member since April 27, 2015)

Şekerin duruşuda iyi ankara piyasası ne durumda neler var bilen biri varsa yazarsa sevinirim .

EN :Ankara sugar in good standing in the market what's the situation if you have someone who knows what I'd like to write .

June 21, 2016, 12:29 am GMT

criminal35 (member since February 17, 2016)

mrb moderatör müdürüm buralarda mısın ?ya da bilgisi olan arkadaşlar birşey sormam gerekiyor.bugun bir arkadaşım aradı ,kendisinin kardeşi birtakım aile problemi boşanma..v.s yaşıyormuş herneyse onun yanına gitmiş annesi ve babası.. annesi mutfakta şu minik kare şeklinde şeffaf kilitli baharat poşetlerinde beyaz bir toz bulmuş bu arkadaşıma vermiş bu nedir diye uyuşturucudan şüphelenmişler işte arkadaşta bana getrdi bugun, sen araştır diye ,bana getirmesi de ayrı bir ironi:)görüntü pudra şekerine aynen benziyor,bembeyaz tadına baktım hafif tatlımsı ,pudra şekerini çıkardım onun da tadına baktım karşılaştırdım pudra şekeri bir tık daha tatlı ama bu ayırtedici bir özellik değil tabi,internetten kokainin tadı nasıldır diye baktım tadı tatlı acı diye aptal bir ibare var bendek malzemede acılık yok şimdi bu nu ben nasıl anlayacağım burnuma mı çekeyim ki çekersem nasıl ne doz çekeceğimi de bilmiyorum help mee

are you around my manager mrblar moderator ? or information with friends does not ask gerekiyor.bug a friend called , his brother some family problems lived boÅŸanma..vs whatever went next to her mother and father .. his mother in the kitchen white on transparent locked spice bag in the form of these tiny square this friend has given so you have found a powder he would get me a friend at work they suspect drug today you study that looks exactly the image of powdered sugar , I looked at the white taste slightly sweet , I remove the powdered sugar I compared looked to his taste powdered sugar a click sweeter but this distinctive feature not subject is how the taste of cocaine from the internet he looked no bitterness in the sweet pain she had a stupid phrase Bendek materials taste now that ni if I take that how I drew is my nose I know I do not know how what dose I take help mee

June 21, 2016, 5:22 pm GMT

criminal35 (member since February 17, 2016)

bu arada ex mex yok sizler piyasada şu yok bu yok beğenmiyosunuz ankara izmir anadolu şehrinde tozunu bulamıyoruz bizler..

mex on the market in the meantime you are not following your ex do not beÄŸenmiyos it can not find dust in ankara Izmir Anatolian us

June 21, 2016, 9:14 pm GMT

semiramist81 (member since June 22, 2016)

We are not here for you to try and source pills - your ignorance just puts the site at risk.


June 22, 2016, 9:35 pm GMT

freefallin (member since April 13, 2016)

cherry veya kiraz logosu hakkında bilgisi olan yok mu millet. güya yazın ankara canlı olurdu burası neden ölü?

any information about cherry logo? i thought market would be hotter but forum is dead. why?

June 23, 2016, 9:06 pm GMT

bearlove2 (member since August 20, 2015)

I have just banned the one person for leaving contact details and may have accidentally removed a few other comments that had translations added.

My apologies

You must try and add an English translation to your post. We do have a Turkish speaking moderator but their job is not to translate every post and thread.

June 24, 2016, 1:03 pm GMT

yenino (member since July 15, 2015)

avrupa raporu düştü bunlar mdea.

thats pill is mdea.

June 28, 2016, 11:46 pm GMT

yenino (member since July 15, 2015)

bu arada mavi shell atan var mı?

who use the blue shell?

June 30, 2016, 6:43 pm GMT

yenino (member since July 15, 2015)

eyw hocam elimde ikiÅŸerden 4 tane var :)

thx u i have 2 to 2 total 4 blue shell

July 1, 2016, 11:37 am GMT

extraman (member since February 24, 2013)

thank you for the information.


Canakkale'de ortamcı arkadaslar sesimi duyan bi sinyal caksin buralara :)

July 13, 2016, 1:19 pm GMT

karaxa (member since April 2, 2016)

gentlemen izmirde barcelona, ​​shell pink , thank you in advance that you're sharing information corresponding to the pill if they say mevlana .

beyler izmirde barcelona,pembe shell,mevlana dedikleri haplara denk gelen varsa bilgi paylassin simdiden tesekkurler.

July 15, 2016, 7:28 pm GMT

dradvisor (member since August 27, 2016)

Çok iyi

Very good!

August 26, 2016, 11:18 pm GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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