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Yellow UPS

MDMA, ecstacy, amphetamine

Posted by
June 1, 2016
Date Submitted
yellow shield with chunks of mdma and amphetamine. On rear of pill a crease down the middle making it easy to break in half.
Last Update
June 2, 2016
Top rounder bottom cornered
Suspected Contents
User Report

Dunked 1 pill and felt nothing for nearly 2 hours. Then all of a sudden I blinked and my legs gave in and i fell on the grass. I stood straight back up and felt a strong beam and peaked within the next 40 minutes or so. Peak lasted a long time, probably 2 and a half hours. very euphoric time. Everywhere i went i was running and jumping and was having a good time with everyone. Vision was very weird, bright objects were over exposed and in extreme focus but darker objects/areas were very hard to see and very blury. Come down was different to usual, peak reduced but still felt high rather than coming down properly, fell asleep still in this state and woke up feeling great and still kinda high but after a while that scattered feeling kicked in.


psychonaut83 (Moderator)

Hi,welcome to pill reports. I have added a warning to this report and changed suspected Contents to unknown as the user report sounds very to be mdma. I will change it back if more peoplwvouche for this pill or you can provide Reagent testresults.
Over2 hours come on does not sound like mdma at all.
Can you also update your report? Provence/statesection needs to be what state or city in which the pills were obtained. Also your pilkdescription needs to be more detailed including taste,smell and texture etc.
I can be almost certain these are a copy cat batch as the euro press of these went out long ago. There is no way you can be sure what you can visibly see in a pill is mdma and or amphetamines.

June 2, 2016, 8:39 am GMT

paradise00 (member since June 5, 2016)

I had these over the 2015-2016 new years. I got them in Sydney. i thought they were great pills. ive read another report saying they contained 200mg of MDMA. wouldnt do more then 1 in a night

June 5, 2016, 6:44 am GMT

subzero88 (member since December 28, 2015)

What country are you from??

June 9, 2016, 6:55 pm GMT

pillpopper202 (member since June 16, 2016)

redhot, what country are you from?

June 15, 2016, 11:19 pm GMT

idiom (member since December 20, 2009)

These sound like ones in Melbourne/southern Australia region. They are very hard and may take a while to absorb, but the description above does sound like good MDMA.

July 22, 2016, 6:17 am GMT

tassylad (member since May 21, 2014)

I've heard these are the Hobart too

August 19, 2016, 4:05 am GMT

tas bicky muncher (member since August 23, 2016)

@tassylad, there's a few floating about. Rate them at a medium dose of mda. Very hard press so take a long time to kick in unless Ya chew them up first

August 23, 2016, 2:58 am GMT