Pill Report: Superman


Posted by
May 10, 2016
Date Submitted

Arkadaşlar öncelikle merhaba satıcım mavi superman dediğinde içim rahat bir şekilde 3 tane aldım biraz küçük göründüler gözüme ama sertti baya tadı baya acıydı yüzümü ekşitti evde yanlız takılacaktım saat 12 gibi attım tam 1.15 gibi geldi ama ümidi kestiğim için geldiğini hissettiğimde 2 tane daha yuttum 1 buçuk gibi zirvedeydim ve 7 ye kadar hiç düşmedik müzik açık ancak müziğe fazla odaklanamıyordum sevgi dolu hissettiyordum bi arkadaşla 2 saat falan telefonda konuştum arkadaşım eve çağırdım oda kendinede alıcağını söyledi ve bende banada almasını istedim beyaz blackberry getirdi 2 tane de ondan yuttum sanırım uyuduğumuzda saat 8 veya 9 du müzik olayı yoktu bende tamamen duygusaldım sarılıyoduk falan bence iyiydi ama speed hiç hissetmedim baya mutluydum ama bulursanız başka bir şekerin yanında ve ya ev ortamında muhabbet eşliğinde iyi gider yanında güvendiğiniz başka bir şeker varsa onunla birlikte yutmanızı öneririm
Ve telefonum bozulduğu için fotoğrafını çekemedim bulursam koyarım blackberry fotoğrafı bu sayfa mevcut

When my dealer said he has blue supermans on his hands, i was happy with that and bought 3 of them. It seems a bit smaller than actual ones but they were hard pressed beans. Taste is bitter(sour faced). I decided to roll alone. I dropped the first one at about 12:00. Hit me after 1h15m passed from the initial time. But i was frustrated about why the come up duration was so long and then I decided to drop 2 more. I was peaked at 1:30 and peak continued to 7:00 without any problem. Music played at background but i couldn't focus on music totally. I feel empathic, euphoric and love everything around me. I talked on phone with my friend about 2h. I invited him to my house and he also decided to buy pills. When i heard this i want from him to buy more for me. He came with blackberries and i double dropped them again. We slept around 8:00 - 9:00. I was completely on emotional states. Urge to hug each other. I think it was good. I didn't feel any signs of amps. I was very happy. Rolling with these pills are going to be a good experience under right conditions. You can drop with another clean pill. I have a problem with my phone so couldn't take photos of them. Blackberries' photos are available on this page if you want to take a look.

***edit -- translation doesn't make sense.


Friends first hello seller is blue Superman also is inside comfortably in 3 units bought, they seem a bit small in my eye but his was pretty taste pretty was the pain in my face sour was home alone I put as inserted going at 12 came exactly like 1:15, but I feel that hope came to interrupt as 2 units lower than 1 half I was at the peak and 7 up we never fall music on, but I did not focus more on the music I hissettiy loving bi friend told me 2 hours or so on the phone talked to my friend home, I called my own room ll take and I wanted to take me in white BlackBerry brought 2 units in 8 hours we sleep I think I swallowed it or 9 di there was no music scene like I've sarılıyo I was completely emotionally I think it was good, but speed did not feel I was happy male but if you find another one near the sugar and or if another sugar you trust next goes well accompanied by conversation in the home environment, I suggest that you swallow with him

Jaw: 7/10
Pupil Dilation: 8/10
Empathy: 10/10
Euphoria: 10/10
Sweating: 7/10
Touching sensation: 9/10
Music: 5/10
Speed: 3/10
Last Update
May 15, 2016
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

1 buçuk ay önce 4 tane yeşil el bombası kullanmıştım

LRI(last roll info): 4 green granades 1.5 months ago.

Resimi arkadaşım paylaşmış burayada kopyaladım resimdekinin aynısı


Eksik ve ya yanlış varsa düzeltebilirim


istanbulext (member since April 2, 2016)

Evet dostum buyudu ama raporada yazdığım gibi yanında speedli bir şey bulablirsen harika bir gece geçirmiş olaursun :)

Yes mate, they are the same ones. If you can find pills mixed with amps, it's going to be an amazing experience. :)

May 11, 2016, 12:03 am GMT

euphoricthing (member since February 18, 2013)

Dostum rapor için teşekkürler bi çeviride ben ekledim seninkini silmedim ama biraz kötü çevirmiş translate :D

Thanks for the report i add my own translation but i didn't delete yours. It doesn't make sense :D I cropped picture for you. It's done :D

May 11, 2016, 9:54 pm GMT

istanbulext (member since April 2, 2016)

@euphoricthing(Moderator) translate i düzlettiğin için teşekkür ederim
@unitedwearee dostum gece çok rahat uyuduğumu söyleyebilirim ancak yemekte biraz zorlandığimı yada kendimi zorlayarak yediğimi söyleyebilirim o kadar kötü bi etki görmedim

@euphoricthing (Moderator) Thank you translate im Corrected
I would say to my friend @unitedweare night I slept very comfortable , but I can say I had a little trouble eating or forcing myself that I have not seen in a bad effect

May 12, 2016, 12:10 am GMT

euphoricthing (member since February 18, 2013)


rica ederim dostum ne demek
You're welcome mate.

May 12, 2016, 4:15 pm GMT

nomadhere (member since August 14, 2015)

Superman in kötüsünü hiç görmedim .
Superman Pills always good , I dont see any Bad Superman pills before.

May 17, 2016, 12:30 pm GMT

istanbulext (member since April 2, 2016)

Tabi her iyi şekerin birde türk merdiven altının leş bir taklit eseri olabileceğini de unutmamak her zaman iyidir

Of course, every good sugar carcass of a golden ladder on Turkey to keep in mind that a work is always a good imitation

May 18, 2016, 12:21 am GMT

ilaida (member since May 29, 2016)

ArkadaÅŸlar, merhaba. Dün biz Mercedes Amg kullandık, bugün aftereffecti çok kötü geldi. Yeniden onu almak istemiyorum ve Ä°stanbulda son iki günüm, umarım yardımcı olursunuz. Bir kaç sorum var, lütfen buradan bana mesaj kutusuna, ve yahut [email protected] adresine yazarsanız, memnun olurum.

May 29, 2016, 9:37 pm GMT

yenino (member since July 15, 2015)

al bunu alalalalalal

May 30, 2016, 10:59 pm GMT

ashdod (member since December 31, 2018)

Selamlar istanbul avrupa yakasinda kanal lazim yardimci olabilecek birileri var mi? Telegram dan ulasin bana link = https://t.me/TamanShud1

December 31, 2018, 10:09 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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