Pill Report: Silver Bar
Silver Bar


Posted by
May 9, 2016
Date Submitted
Fantastic pill. Very strong stuff. Start with 1/4 if you're inexperienced. Pill smells amazing and it look very beautiful. Kinda shiny really.
Last Update
May 9, 2016
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Around 3 months ago I tried a +200mg pill for the first time. Started with 1/2 (it wasn't this exact pill) and my experience was kinda shitty so I decided to start with 1/4 with this Silver Bar.

My experience with this pill was good but also very very different. Definitely better than the last time I rolled but not the best roll I've ever had.

It was a very introspective and kinda selfish/asshole-ish roll and that was unusual for me.

Some weird things happened here that never happened to me before:

- I didn't feel like moving AT ALL. The music playing at the party was great and I loved it but I didn't wanna dance. We sat literally all night. I could tell that my friend was kinda bothered by that (she always wants to dance) but I didn't give a fuck. I just wanted to stay sit. Usually I always do what she wants because I want her to have the best time possible (even if I have to do stuff I don't want to) but this time I didn't care if she was enjoying the roll or not. I didn't even ask her how she was feeling the entire night.

- I didn't feel like talking at all too! I was feeling really amazing tho. Whenever she tried to say something I would only respond with a one word answer or I would just nod. I'm not really a talkative person on E but this time, man, I did not wanna open my mouth to save my life. And we were fine. We weren't on a fight or anything.

- I felt very happy with my body. I have very low self esteem but at some point I was looking at my body (like my legs and arms and face in the mirror) and I was feeling very happy about myself. That was a good feeling.

- I also didn't sweat at all. I always end up dripping in sweat even if i'm not moving that much. I live in the tropicals so it's always hot as fuck here but I didn't sweat at all this time.

- I think I had some mild hallucination. Like, a few times I looked to my side and my friend wasn't there and then I'd blink and there she was. I was also seeing a lot of "old people" like bald men but then I'd look again and it's a normal young dude. That was so strange.

- I felt a tiny bit paranoid. For a couple of minute I was absolutely fucking sure the security guard saw us dropping the pill. I didn't say anything to my friend to not worry her but I freaked out for a good 20 minutes until I realized it was nothing.

- That was the worst for me: I felt incredibly anti social! That's not something MDMA does right?
I felt bothered when some guys would come and sit next to us. Maybe they didn't even wanna to talk to us but I felt so defensive that I held my friend so they would think I'm his boyfriend and leave us alone.
The times I went to the bathroom and some guy or girl would approach to try and have a conversation I would just leave them speaking alone. I didn't stop to say I wasn't interested or anything. I just kept walking. That's so fucking rude and that's not me.

- Speaking of that, I also felt repulsed by people making out! What the fuck was that? I was very grossed out by people kissing. Usually that turns me on but not this time. SO weird!

But overall I think I really enjoyed the experience. The comeup was very smooth and it hit me in like 30 minutes. Redosed another 1/4 around 1 hour later and another redose 1 hour after the first redose.

Honestly I wanted to understand what the fuck happened to me this time. It didn't bother me but it makes me a shitty fucking person to roll with. I'm pretty sure my friend won't be rolling with me anytime soon. I was a bad company and I knew it and I didn't care.

7 other friends and friends of friends also tried this pill the same night at a different party and they all had the time of their lives. They all absolutely fucking loved it. But then again, it was the first time those people tried a decent imported pill. Everything people sell here is utterly shit. I was really happy for them tho.

Comedown the next day was kinda rough. Mild depression so I went to the park to take a walk, think a little and smoke a few cigarettes. Returned home and binge watched HBO's Veep and felt a little better.

I don't know tho, I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm starting to feel like I'm getting too old for this, you know. And I don't like feeling this way, like I won't be able to truly enjoy MDMA like I once did.


eremesepete (member since August 31, 2015)

really nice report. thank you for this

I must say I have similar experiences to yours. Every time I tried pills I have sat down almost the entire time and just enjoyed that. wasnt much of a talker either. never wanted to dance, never had any urge... i love mdma, i love pills unfortunantely i act rather strange. I remember my friend that tried pills for his first time. his night was epic and I was happy for him. I kind of made him lose mdma virginity, took the same shit and we both had different high. this is sad, isnt it

May 9, 2016, 4:18 pm GMT

elementttt (member since June 28, 2015)

please, test your pills.
pretty sure it is not MDMA. 6-APB is my best guess of what this is.

The effects of MDMA are ALWAYS the same: Talkactive, loving everybody, euphoria, dancing but not tired.. etc
The effects you describe as not talking and not caring if she is enjoying or not the roll is way different than what mdma do.. If you were in mdma effects, you would do the opposite of what you said this time.

Trust me, this is another stimulant, I think it is 6-apb, that is kind of MDMA, but different, because it gives you the good feeling in your body, brightened colors / enhanced visual perception, general shift in consciousness is common and closed and open-eye visuals is also commom, like u describe.

Be safe, test your Pills....
I doubt this is MDMA..

Be safe!!

May 10, 2016, 4:51 am GMT

elementttt (member since June 28, 2015)

also when you said it is a 200mg pill...
The dosage for 6-apb is smaller than MDMA one.
If you took 1/4, then you took 50-60mg... That is a normal to high dose for 6-apb. Thats y u roll so hard.


It also could be MDE... very similar to mdma, but gives you the feeling of just relax

May 10, 2016, 4:54 am GMT

sugarcube (Moderator)

What you describe seems to me like you had a very high dosage of an MDxx substance. Its expected for you to to feel anxious if you exaggerate on your dosage. Be safe -sugarcube

May 15, 2016, 6:38 pm GMT

cometogether (member since June 2, 2016)

I dont have words to describe this pill. Moderator, sorry but cant to speak english :|

SIM, eu tomei essa pílula, em Dezembro, no RS. Gringuérrima. Cara, estava lendo seu report e me foi muito familar. A única diferença é que não me senti mal, ou tive qualquer badtrip. muito pelo contrário, o rolo foi incrível. Normalmente, quando tomo essas pilulas gringas, diferentemente das que rolam por aqui, que são puramente anfetamina, me sinto totalmente introspectivo. Não tenho vontade de conversar com ninguém (isso é algo muito pessoal), e somente ouvir a música e senti-la.

A silver é INCRÍVELMENTE forte. Sinceramente, não sei o que teria acontecido se tivesse tomado inteira. Tomei metade e metade, assim como todos meus amigos.
Metade foi suficiente para me tirar do ar. Minha visão ficou totalmente embaçada, senti um frio na barriga. Como sempre, em todas vezes que ingiro mdma, vomito antes de começar a "paulada". E foi isso. Depois de bater forte, não lembro muito o que aconteceu... mas fiquei desorientado. Tinha dificuldade para me colocomover. As vezes só tinha vontade de ficar observando o ambiente ao meu redor... Mordi muito meus lábios (típico de mdma).

Simplesmentes, eu e meus amigos não conseguiamos conversar. Todos ficaram muito "FRITOS". A música era maravilhosa. A sensação de bem estar era algo de outro mundo. A duração foi de aproximadamente 2 horas em cada metade.

June 2, 2016, 1:34 am GMT

beabod (member since February 20, 2016)

@cometogether Cara, ler esse teu relato me deixou MUITO aliviado! Tu não tem noção. Achei que só eu tava me sentindo assim.

Eu não sou muito experiente com bala, só tomei bala nacional 1x e achei um lixo (na verdade não senti nada) e as outras que comprei foram todas gringas (Mortal Kombat, Chupa Chups, Route 88, Peace/Rock'n'roll e essa Silver Bar) e em nenhuma delas eu me senti TÃO introspectivo/recluso como essa Silver Bar.

Na verdade em todas as outras experiências eu fiquei muito falante, fiz umas amizades em festas (coisa que NUNCA aconteceria normalmente; eu sou super anti social e tímido) dancei muito e soava pra caralho mesmo estando parado. Com outras balas eu queria ta sempre me mexendo! Não queria ficar parado nenhum segundo.

Acontece que nenhuma das balas que eu tomei eram tão fortes como essa Silver Bar, então quando ela bateu eu fiquei honestamente assustado. Nunca tinha sentido nada tão forte, aí fiquei paranoico pq tava com uma amiga e fiquei preocupado como ela se sentiria. Até pq eu e ela começamos com a mesma quantidade (1/4 pra cada), eu tenho quase 2 metros e em mim bateu fudendo, aí fiquei bolado que nela que é baixinha tinha batido muito muito mais forte. Esse dia foi uma merda.

Tomei a mesma bala em 3 outras festas e a experiência foi outra! Já sabia o que esperar, então fui com mais confiança. Senti exatamente o que você sentiu, menos a vontade de vomitar. Fiquei desorientado, não conseguia sair do lugar que eu tava, quase não falei a noite inteira porque eu não conseguia formular as frases na minha cabeça kkkkkkkkk

Mas a música era sensacional. Eu fechava os olhos por uns segundos e me sentia a pessoa mais feliz do mundo! Bruxismo muito forte e mordi meus lábios/interior da boca inteira. No outro dia a dor foi foda. Não soei 1 gota também.

É uma bala incrível, mas não recomendo pra iniciante. Não dei dela pra nenhum dos meus amigos "virgens" de bala pq não acho que ela seja uma bala pra quem nunca experimentou mdma.

June 9, 2016, 3:32 pm GMT

cometogether (member since June 2, 2016)

@beabod com certeza, man. Quem teve a oportunidade de desfrutar dessa silver não esquece. Os produtos gringos são incomparáveis. O que temos aqui no Brasil "is the trash of the trash", infelizmente. Produtos voltados para fomentar a quantidade, e não a qualidade.

Experimentei também a tomorrowland roxa. SENSACIONAL. Bom, bala acima de 200mg de MDxx. Você sabe....

Be safe

October 27, 2016, 3:02 am GMT

bernadotte (member since November 28, 2016)

I think in south america there's a few probabilities about find real MDMA, i mean, Clean and pure mdma thats a bad thing on this side of the world.

Nice report! BE safe!

December 13, 2016, 12:44 am GMT