Pill Report: Glocks/Pistols/Guns

Savannah, Georgia

Posted by
February 29, 2016
Date Submitted
Could not break in half with my fingers no matter how hard I tried. Had to use a knife and it would break into several pieces when I tried to cut it in half. Tasted slightly bitter. Very low amount of MDMA and it turned dark orange first then settled on a dark puple/black.
Last Update
March 13, 2016
Glock pointing left
4.0 mm
8.0 mm
Hard and smooth
Slightly beveled
Suspected Contents
MDxx + other
MDxx Low
Marquis Reagent
Other - Please see description
User Report

Got a mixed bag of multi-colored glocks. These were no where near as good as the green glocks I had. I did test these using Marquis Regeant and it turned light orange then black a lot slower than the green glocks I had. I'm not sure about all the ingredients in this particular pill but it felt like I was speedballing. I took one after work around midnight and it mainly made me feel very relaxed without a lot of energy. Took about 45 min to an hour for it to fully take effect. This particular purple glock made me feel alright for about 2 hours. I tried to do a light show and just felt kind of weak and uncoordinated. It definitely had MDMA and made my head roll a little bit with some jaw clenching. Did not really get the eye wiggles like I did from the green glocks. I ended up taking 3 of these throughout the night/early morning spaced out. The come down was terrible. I felt pretty nauseous and clammy hands like I was getting poor circulation. I used a little bit of Xanax for the come down and fell asleep pretty quickly. I slept for maybe 3 hours before waking up and just kind of relaxed the rest of the day watching TV. I will say that I did not get any more of these because I prefer more speedy rolls like the green glocks. And I didn't like the nausea that came with these. I would give these a 2.5 out of 5 rating.


rollnpeace (Moderator)

Thanks for the report. Do you have a picture of your test results?

March 4, 2016, 1:21 am GMT

heavymetal (member since February 28, 2016)

I did have a picture of it, but I can't find it anywhere. My newer reports will all have pictures of the test from now on. I came back to add the warning to this report because of the positive test for amphetamines and possibly something else. I will not ever be getting these again because they just made me feel too nauseous.

March 13, 2016, 5:20 am GMT