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Go Fast

Salt Lake City/Ut

Posted by
November 8, 2015
Date Submitted
Hey fam! I happened to run into what looks like a new batch of pills. I can't find any other info on them so I'm honored to write the first report!

The pills are pressed super well! Just had them reagent tested and results look positive.

marquis: purple to black <4 seconds
Mand: instant black
Meck: Dark green/black instant
Folin: nice peachy color

Have not yet tested but will be trying them tonight at a local *** no event / DJ info ***show (prepare the feels!)
Was informed that they are strong so I will be starting with a half and I'll let you know how it goes.
User report tomorrow. Drink lots of water and be safe :)
Last Update
November 9, 2015
Oval w/ scoreline in the back
5.0 mm
12.0 mm
Hard/ chalky
Suspected Contents
Tested Only
Mandelin Reagent
Marquis Reagent
Mecke Reagent
User Report

Before I start I just want to say sorry, I keep trying to upload a photo but photo doesn't show up. anyway these pills are something else! I'll say that. it's not your regular e pill.
I tried these with a couple friends.
0:00 dropped half a pill, I wasn't drinking or anything but a couple friends were
0:30 my gf is rolling now and dancing having a good time. I'm still waiting for come up
0:50 I'm starting to think pills are a bit bunk and everyone else is kind of complaining that they're taking too long to hit, no fuzzy feeling on the back of my head or eye wiggles. little did I know that I was rolling already lol
1:00 gf gives me a message and my body exploded with joy. body is super relaxed and my eyes started dropping, got tons of energy and the lights look amazing!
1:30 everyone is rolling and we can tell they're different because it's a body high and not a mental high. if I let myself relax my eyes would go crazy but if I needed to I could clear up my mind like sober and my body still felt great. massages were insane and totally recommended. friends pop their other halves, but I didn't since I needed to drive
2:00 coming down, throwing light shows left and right. everyone is having a great time
3:00 got home from show and my body is still feeling great .
I fell asleep and woke up with a headache due to a cold I have but just to make sure I messaged everyone to see if anyone had a hangover or bad come down and I guess it was just me with the headache. definitely a new expirience and I was surprised that I my jaw wasn't clenching. Hope I was of help and ervyone be safe :)


stayhealthy970 (member since September 1, 2012)

Thanks 4 testing

I have a friend that has 1 he's gonna let me test soon

November 8, 2015, 4:47 pm GMT

potato129 (member since July 10, 2015)

sorry I forgot about the no dj rule. my bad . and have fun and be safe :)

November 9, 2015, 11:04 pm GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

I saw on that these have 300mg but I'm doubtful of that and it's pure hearsay. I'm only speculating here for hr purposes, just be careful because they could be even stronger than the other super dosed pills circulating. nice grab.

November 12, 2015, 8:16 pm GMT