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Yellow Snapchat


Posted by
August 29, 2015
Date Submitted
Saw some mixed reports on these, so I thought I would give my own thoughts. It's the same bean that is photo'd if you use the search function.
Snapchat logo / CP on back
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Background: Been rolling since 99'
Last roll: 2 months ago (Orange tesla x3)

Tolerance level: Elephant

0:00- Ingest 1 whole snapchat

0:45- Still not feeling anything? Probably because of the rice meal I had about 5-6hrs prior to ingestion. Still usually feel something by now though.

1:15- Been a little over an hour. Eyes still look normal, not feeling a thing, kind of thinking these will not be that great. Decided to have my wife drive me to an auto parts store to replace our rear break light (lol)

1:30- As I start to replace the bulb in the parking lot..the all to familiar floatiness and lightness starts to occur YAY :). Next thing I know shit gets real and I turn full e-tard mode, to the point I'm seeing double vision (This happened very quickly no gradual come up, just out of the blue..BAM!

2:00- Drop the second snapchat. Rolling really good at this point, but I like to take things to another level where I foam out the side of my mouth and have the dumbest looking face a human could possibly have. I get the bright idea to head to our local casino. Wife looks at me like "o O", but alas we are off.

3:00- Not sure what's going on at this point. All I know is the casino is packed and I have to sit down at this point because I am floored like none other. Empathy is through the roof. Attempting to play the slots...all those colors and symbols really fucked me up lol.

4:00- Going hard as hell; it would be an understatement to say eye wiggles, more like can't even see. Euphoria is ridiculous. Still having trouble functioning. At one point this lady bumped into me and apologized, I looked at her with the meanest thizz face one could possibly have and she straight looked at me and couldn't tell if I was retarded or challenging her to a fight, either way it worked out for the better. Lol

5:00 Leveling out, still going though. Super clean from the peak to the cruise control. Really smooth

** Done

So all in all I rolled for about 6 hrs off of 2 which isn't bad for me at all. I know these are the successors to the OT's, but I am not sure if it was my mood or what not, but I personally thought these crushed the OT's in every possible manner.

Keep in mind mood and setting definitely help, but I just felt these were overall a much better bean. I took 3 ot's the last time I dropped and felt that 2 SC's were more than enough to keep me satisfied.

*Next day hangover was a bit much, maybe because I am older and not the spring chicken I once was, but I do feel a bit out of it, but nothing debilitating; will still be able to hit the gym, so that is definitely ok with me.

Anyhow hope this clears up some of the confusion I have seen in various reports on these. Strange the variance in people's responses from barely feeling it to omfg wrecked. Have a wonderful weekend and be safe.

1 Comment

tssbh26 (member since July 26, 2014)

Shit I can't imagine dropping a whole of these in one haha... Take it easy yourself dude :)

September 3, 2015, 8:57 am GMT