Pill Report: What's up, green
What's Up, Green


Posted by
July 26, 2015
Date Submitted
I will add pic later.
What's up
Whats up logo, on both side
Suspected Contents
0 - please select the suspected chemical
MDxx Low
User Report

I heard its strong so i took half at 23h. I have wait for hour or more to feel any effect. This is a first sign not being mdma pills. 12:30 Took another half, after half hour a felt strong kick. Eyes wiggling, jaw clenching,peripheral visuals. Friend ate whole at once, i saw em puking and struggling. This are strong pills,easy with em. I saw more people get sick but on party were also some other pills.
When i was 20 years before red about extasy it was described as a party dancing drug, people loves it because they dont feel over druged. Pills this days are very hard and they lack love, smiling, riding on the waves, empathy.
A cam home at 5pm, drink 3 beers and sleep well. Wok up with a small headache.
I would use this pill again but with care.


stojan83 (member since August 4, 2014)

Please add Bosnia and Herzegovina to country list

July 26, 2015, 9:47 am GMT

wizardmcnew2 (member since September 25, 2014)

Why warning? These are Dutch 200mg are they not?

July 26, 2015, 12:11 pm GMT

stojan83 (member since August 4, 2014)

They are not Dutch, i doubt they contain any mdma at all.

July 29, 2015, 5:04 pm GMT

br3wst3r (member since July 30, 2015)

These are dutch pills, according to the TC they are 190 - 210 MDMA clean.

July 30, 2015, 10:24 am GMT

stojan83 (member since August 4, 2014)

I took one pill, i didnt feel any rush of happiness, dindt smile or had a will for dancing. Iv got jaw clenching, eyes wiggling and that dumb, stoned feeling. Also i wasnt feel so chatty as i do on mdma. Those maybe copy, i dubt they contain mdma.

July 30, 2015, 4:45 pm GMT

yenino (member since July 15, 2015)

kardes europe a değil middle east e atman lazım

August 4, 2015, 11:48 am GMT