Pill Report: Blue Heisenberg
Blue Heisenberg


Posted by
February 21, 2015
Date Submitted
Picked 3 of these up.

Now I see a few reports of these already on here w/ lab tests and matching pill descriptions so I assume(lol) they are safe.

Here was what I was told about them, idk just take it at face value and call it as you see it:
"275 Mg Pure MDMA tested 93% - from Berlin, Germany"
275mg? that seems really fucking high for a pill, maybe just marketing shenanigans

It's a fairly large pill, though. Some white speckles but not many -- only on one of the three pills can you really notice it.
I've double dropped E only once, I was told be careful with these guys. Going to take one for starters but might bomb two another time. Will update *tonight* with results.
Last Update
February 22, 2015
Heisenberg face
Firm press
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Dropped 1 at first -- took 35 minutes to kick off on a fairly light stomach.

Starting to feel the waves, hop in the shower and enjoy the feeling, but not too long... living in a desert and all.
Head back into my room. Start skyping some friends for about 1.5hrs, and then close that and start bumping some music.
Still feeling good @ 2 hours.

Peak of first pill falls off around drop+3hrs. Drop another.
Enjoying music and texting.. sister came in and we talked advice for a bit. Enjoyable empathetic mood with a very clear head.
At drop + 4 hours, I am starting to get some jaw clenching. It actually ramps up quite substantially, moreso than other e in the past. Writing this in the morning with a sore jaw lol. Tried some gum .. didn't do it so i just chewed on an old shirt. I know..
After dropping the second pill I peaked again after about an hour after consumption for a good 30-45m, then rode the wave back down again.

Other than that though I'd rate overall with 8/10. Solid pills. I've only ever once encountered better imo.
Just brewed some coffee and feeling pretty good in the morning .. no harsh repercussions other than jaw.


bigshot1990 (member since February 10, 2015)

sweet looken beans, i believe MDMA purity maxes out somewhere in the 80% range is as good as it gets but i could be wrong...either way those are some dope pressies

February 22, 2015, 12:41 am GMT

solarsun (member since February 21, 2015)

glad you like them! looks like they are floating around the southwest?
bout to drop in 30 minutes :)

February 22, 2015, 1:33 am GMT

savage951 (member since October 16, 2009)

wooooo have fun and be safe!

February 22, 2015, 3:47 am GMT

hug e bear (member since October 31, 2012)


24mg MDMA

February 22, 2015, 4:28 am GMT

solarsun (member since February 21, 2015)

Thanks for that find bear. I'd say mine looked a little more blue, but interesting nonetheless. Updating with a user report as promised.

February 22, 2015, 6:00 pm GMT

xthec (member since September 30, 2014)

Dang 24mg!? ....I'd b pissed

February 23, 2015, 12:15 am GMT

solarsun (member since February 21, 2015)

I'd be very surprised if what I had was only 24mg. Felt more than that for sure.

February 24, 2015, 8:02 pm GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

I'm sure they meant 240, probably a typo.

February 27, 2015, 5:52 pm GMT

tesk69 (member since August 18, 2011)

im surprised they didnt post the mg of the MDA and the unknown substance. maybe the effects that you felt where from the unknown substance, most likely some sort of new RC

March 6, 2015, 3:49 am GMT

tassylad (member since May 21, 2014)

Mdma tops out at 84% pure guys!!

March 9, 2015, 7:01 pm GMT