Pill Report: Green Heineken
Green Heineken


Posted by
November 26, 2014
Date Submitted
(Apologies for the quality of the picture, there was quite a struggle to get these and the picture was very last minute)

Very well pressed pill, can clearly see Heineken logo, muddy green (almost like moss) in colour, break line at back, breaks into half easily - apparently contains 200mg, similar to Gold Bars previously around
Last Update
November 26, 2014
Corners stick out
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

*Times are approximate*

23:40 - Myself and a friend are chilling in my house, friend drops whole one and I drop half

23:50 - Both of us start to feel mild body rushes already

23:55 - Friend is coming up, pupils very dilated. I feel very strong body rushes but not coming up yet.

00:10 - Friend is up. I drop another quarter as my tolerance is medium/low.

00:30 - Starting to come up now, things get a little intense, decide to go outside for a cigarette, and accidentally light up a stick of filters, this event makes me chuckle, and suddenly all intensity is gone

00:45 - Dancing continues for a good hour or so

01:45 - Starting to feel a love buzz, talking about deep and personal stuff

02:00 - Drop another quarter

02:30 - Continue dancing, feels like the music is moving me

03:00 - Drop another quarter

03:00 - 04:30 - Dancing still continues, feel full of energy, I decide that I won't be getting any sleep tonight, major eye wiggles, unable to focus on my phone - but I sort of enjoy this

05:00 - I decide to take a shower as I have made the decision to walk into the city with my friend and head to college to study (thought that studying while buzzing may actually be possible at this point in time)

05:15-05:30 - I have the most amazing shower I have ever had in my life.

06:00 - We leave my house, jaw a bit sore but nothing major, I feel quite sleepy, cold air wakes me up a bit, still continuing to have a love buzz

06:50 - Whilst sitting in McDonald's I decide that I am too tired to go to college and get a sleepy bus ride home

07:15-08:45 - Lie in bed feeling not awake, but not asleep, it feels great.

These pills feel very clean and have no bad comedown, there is a good bit of gurning, and they will make you quite tired once you have come down. As a person who finds it quite difficult to sleep after pills, I found it very easy to sleep after these, with no auditory hallucinations or weird images coming into head (think this may have to do with the fact that I did not smoke cannabis all night)

If you get your hands on these, cherish them! I don't think they will be around for very long. Definitely going to take 1 and a half again at the end of this week.


warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

if the color is exact the same u can use my picture mate, this one looks bad lol

nice report and good u had nice roll 1 and half pill, i popped dem 2 times this year not more then 1 and half.
With smokin cannabis i had hallucination but also a good sleep and no bad comedown.

November 26, 2014, 9:38 pm GMT

awaitresstic (member since November 26, 2014)

Yours is a different colour than mine, they're quite a muddy dark green, not a bright green, thanks though!

November 26, 2014, 9:44 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

i know what you mean now, i have seen the other press and i compared with a leftover i had, not same color, but same press for shure, lil bit more shiny

November 30, 2014, 11:13 pm GMT

junknerd (member since October 26, 2014)

It seems that this one is the lower batch,
regarding the newer reports and these lab results:

December 2, 2014, 11:15 am GMT