Pill Report: Warner bro
Warner Bro


Posted by
October 16, 2014
Date Submitted
Not the same as the ones that were doing the rounds before they seem chunkier but from the same crowd.
Last Update
October 16, 2014
Warner bro
Crest - see pic
Hard pressed well shiny
See pic
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Took one late in the night, about 23.00
didnt feel much for a long time but I had eaten so maybe that slowed it down.

23.45 I felt my jaw feeling good and the music started to sound much better.

00.00 I experienced some slight visuals and started to appreciated the lights more.

Dance for a while, then topped up on another half, and then another half (01.00) soon after, probably having not given enought time for the first additional half to come up. Had a great time and talked a lot of shit to my friends who were also on the same buzz.

We walked around the festival and at one point I was so fcuked I couldnt walk properly, it was like I was drunk but still having a great time. I think I took too much at this point realising I should have given the first additional half time to come up, but nothing I could do now.

05.00 I felt it started to come down but not very fast or sudden and still sat and enjoyed talking shit for another while back at the tent at this stage.

I had experienced a sick feeling some time back when taking heavy pills or MDMA in high doeses but with these guys I did not get that at all and I felt great. No come up pukes either which I sometimes get.

Woke up fresh as a daisy too, ready for more on day 2! Don't know if there are many around but defo get a thumbs up from me.

* Pic robbed from another report.


encryption (member since October 6, 2014)

Great review :)
You probably didn't feel any nausea because you had eaten before your first drop.
How much mg of MDMA would you say these roughly have?
If they're heavy hitters then around 160mg to 200mg of MDMA?

October 16, 2014, 5:32 pm GMT

etekz (member since October 5, 2014)

I had the blue ones tested at 180/190 with spreding 180/210.
1 and half picked me up high with a nice buildup
No comedown with a good sleep and litle tyred not more.
If this yellow ones compare, top notch beans!!

October 16, 2014, 5:40 pm GMT

mikbee (member since September 11, 2010)

got these for weekend. will report back.

October 16, 2014, 6:04 pm GMT

quadruna (member since July 20, 2014)

I had these at a festival too along with red bugattis, was very impressed

October 16, 2014, 8:44 pm GMT

candyman23 (member since December 19, 2013)

thought these were tested around 160, and the blue 190..

October 17, 2014, 5:22 am GMT

etekz (member since October 5, 2014)

I have also seen 160mg results for this yellow ones, nice beans this wb's

October 17, 2014, 11:08 am GMT

bobazvakaspicajaka (member since September 29, 2013)

these are in my hometown SARAJEVO will report as soon as i try them

October 18, 2014, 3:25 pm GMT

dubzz (member since October 18, 2014)

Love them! ;) http://i.imgur.com/ZbJNZLL.jpg

October 19, 2014, 3:38 pm GMT

etekz (member since October 5, 2014)

Gotta love them, seems to be a bean that stays clean (i hope so) no matter what color...

October 20, 2014, 8:16 am GMT

mikbee (member since September 11, 2010)

had 3 over the night on saturday. but had heineken first so couldnt really tell how strong the come up was. but they kept me buzz going all night. gave me mate 1 he did his in halfs. said they wernt to intense just the right amount in halfs for a good decent buzz.

October 20, 2014, 5:00 pm GMT

etekz (member since October 5, 2014)

Someone knows more about the blue more to green colored ones? Same press, also more chunks visible then the blue ones i had june. Contact said spreading 204 - 187.

October 21, 2014, 7:34 pm GMT

evanengb (member since February 28, 2014)

These pills are amazing! Among one of my favorites! These will give you a very nice high where you just want to run around and love everyone! I definitely did not get that "floored" feeling where you just want lay in the grass

October 28, 2014, 1:33 pm GMT

shulgin567 (member since October 25, 2014)

had these ages ago. it's pure MDMA (you can even see the transparent crystals if you split them). don't take an entire one tho, youl be floored (the empathy diminishes at very high doses with MDMA).

these are basically two pills in one so only take half - half (or a little over) will be enough to get you there.

November 16, 2014, 9:41 am GMT

jayy323 (member since October 4, 2014)

Best i ever had.! Some real MDMA.. Just like he^^^ said with half will be good.

January 19, 2015, 7:10 pm GMT