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Blue Dolphin

Houston, TX

Posted by
September 27, 2005
Date Submitted
pillreports v1
OK, So I know everyone has had a blue dolphin, but I figured I'd comment on these since they are current as of 08/28/2005. So if you get some in H-town in the next week, this should be accurate. Suspect some form of MDMA and stayed up for a really long time so speed too..but not too much. pretty good tabs considering all the crap out there right now.

So Here goes the evening:
Saturday - 6pm Had my boyfriend arrested for assult and 4 felony counts.. so he's gone for 15-20, out of my life forever! Found out he was cheating on me too, so I had to get f'd up.
Satuday 3am-went to after hours. took 2 hits of acid and 2 blue dolphin double stacked Xos... kicked in 20 minutes later. rolled balls...
6am left club... rolled balls all morning.. tried to come down to sleep, couldn't... advice tip: don't have sex or orgasm on acid/xos and expect to go to sleep afterwards... didn't fall asleep until 10pm sunday night..
Pretty good roll, didn;t have any stomach issues. these were really thick - I would say double stacked. I rolled non stop from 4am to about 11am... but I did take 2 with 2 hits of acid.. so my night was a blur..

anyway have fun! ***if anyone is everlooking to prolong there roll.. take it with acid and you will roll all freaking day.. and it makes sex so much better, if thats even possibe.
Dolphin (side profile)
Dark blue with light specs
Suspected Contents

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