Pill Report: Green Xbox
Green Xbox

Meath - Dublin

Posted by
July 28, 2014
Date Submitted
very well pressed pill with a deep X on one side and box inside a square on the other.

both the front and back are curved.
Last Update
July 29, 2014
X on one side - box on other side
Bright green
4.0 mm
8.0 mm
Suspected Contents
Tested Only
Mandelin Reagent
Marquis Reagent
Mecke Reagent
Simons Reagent
User Report

this pill was mixed with other pills so i wont give a user report.

people who only did this pill reckon 100mg-130mg.


letherman (member since July 11, 2013)

Tried these last weekend, started at about 10 with just under a half (they can crumble when you break/bite them). Nice comeup with slight jaw clenching but took at least 1 1/2 hours. Topped up again about 12:30 with the same and had a great night til 3ish. slept well, with no skagging the next day, but did feel completely drained/exhausted.

July 29, 2014, 8:00 pm GMT

stayhealthy970 (member since September 1, 2012)

Thanks for testing

July 29, 2014, 9:57 pm GMT

beorla (member since August 17, 2014)

Took 3 of theses Last weekend, 1 to start off, fairly rolling about 1/2 an hour - 45mins in, then another one about 2 hrs later, and another about an 1hr after that, fairly solid buzz Off them. BUT!! I took them again last night, (took a small bit of MDMA the night before, not enough to effect or alter my buzz Of last night)I double dropped 2 and waited about 3 hours, felt absolutely NOTHING, while my 2 other buddies were rolling Off their face (they also had taken MDMA the night before). So then I dropped another one waited another 2-3 hours and still NOTHING! So I eventually gave up and went to sleep. The likelihood of me taking 3 duds seems pretty slim.. If anyone has any idea what affected my buzz I'd really love to here it. Freaked to say the least.

August 17, 2014, 3:22 pm GMT

androneas (member since May 12, 2014)

Wow these made it all the way to Melbourne! Haha good to see imports. Haven't had a good one in a while.

August 18, 2014, 12:17 pm GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)

Green Xbox lab tested here at 115mg http://www.checkyourdrugs.at/media/checkit_Warnungen_0814.pdf

^^ funny that as 1 mate reckoned 100mg and another mate put them at 130mg

if same pill they were both within 15mg :-)

August 22, 2014, 3:59 pm GMT

rb26vspec (member since July 13, 2014)

Last Peak:
3 weeks

Peak Duration:
4 - 5 hours

40minute come up. Sweaty hands and strong jaw clenching. Felt very charged and chatty. Appreciated music with very good open / closed visuals. Felt very euphoric. No eye wobbles yet I did feel like I was smacking out. Was very hard to sleep on these. Woke up with a very sore jaw and forced myself to eat (did not feel like eating). I would rate these MDxx Medium - MDxx High

Other Comments:
Definitely amphetamines or some sort within these. Friend of mine consumed 4 and did not eat or sleep for 2 days. Heard these were imported.

September 9, 2014, 9:24 am GMT