Pill Report: Mushroom 1up
Mushroom 1up


Posted by
June 24, 2014
Date Submitted
pressed well, very hard! With eyes!
Super Mario Mushroom
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

I take 1 Pill.

First signs of an MDMA effect

Slow start of dizziness.Eye wiggles en such an great rush.

The perception of the color begins to become more intense. The image moves slightly.I could not really keep my feet still.

No bad side effects!

Good trip! Effect is at first very slowly, but then very intense. Very good partypill for Beginner´s ;-).


tassylad (member since May 21, 2014)

This pill is being copied here in aus, people trying to flog off as these pills for bigger profit!!
Some people just simply suck!!! Lol

June 25, 2014, 8:45 pm GMT

stayhealthy970 (member since September 1, 2012)

So they added eyes to the new 1up mushrooms!?

Thanks for the report

June 25, 2014, 9:13 pm GMT

thesilentassassin (member since October 5, 2014)

Have tried these a couple of times. Mine were pinkish colour with eyes, hard press but if bitten went into powder
First time I ate half to test them out, took upwards of an hour to fully kick in but after that I was gone for a few hours incredible buzz! euphoria, eyes rolling, dancing, socialising, light trails etc

This was last night: (had consumed large meals during the day, about 4 beers prior also)

consumed 1 full pill with water

feeling nothing so left club for a cigarette to kill some time, friend had consumed same pill same time and was glued to the dancefloor already, very eager for mine to kick in

starting to feel warmth in stomach, yawning a lot

felt the need to take a sh*t so went inside and found a nice quiet cubical upstairs, as soon as I was finished I stood up, my limbs was floating. massive smile ear to ear. I was peaking HARD! massive urge to socialise and huge euphoria, eye wiggles - took out my phone had to close 1 eye to even see the screen, jaw clenching started but not too bad
looked in the mirror pupils heavily dilated

Completely in my own world at this point danced for hours making a few stops for water

mostly wore off but still very buzzed, decided to take another half to keep the buzz going

starting to come up hard again, actually had to sit down for a couple of minutes was very intense (but very satisfying) (was actually more intense than first full pill, this was my first time re-dosing with mdma. could of been stronger half? idk whatever)

rolling again, urge to dance/socialise, pretty bad jaw clenching at this point

not peaking anymore but still definitely buzzed

decided to call it a night (or day haha) walk home I was slightly paranoid, thinking everyone was looking at me (they were all going to work and I probably looked rough as fuck)

fell alseep no problem, very nice after glow today and not noticed any bad side effects apart from slightly sore jaw.

Long time to kick in and slow build up but once they take effect they REALLY take effect, amazing night.

Will source these pills again for sure!

October 5, 2014, 10:33 pm GMT