Pill Report: American Eagle
American Eagle


Posted by
June 14, 2014
Date Submitted
See user report!
Last Update
July 19, 2014
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Marquis Reagent
User Report

We tried this beautiful E with my friend at my peaceful home with good music and company of course. These pills are very professionally pressed and you can see the logo clearly. It was kinda hard to break it in two pieces but not impossible with hands, thanks to the good breaking line. Took only half of the pill but it kicked in like 2-4 street shit pills which are sadly going around here very often. This one was EZ tested by my friend and marquis reacted to it in 2-3 seconds to black or kinda dark purple.


There has been 2 death reports for similiar LOOKING beans in Sweden. I think that it is good to point this out since you can get confused!
Links to the articles below.
Be careful! Warning added because of fake and dealy versions of these going around.





thedre88 (member since June 14, 2014)

I actually grabbed some of these today. Can you elaborate on the visuals part of it, if you had any. There is only 2 other reports, and they both had compared it to somewhat of a MDA feel. It seemed the effect really only became visual when a whole pill was consumed. I only ask, because I am not a big visuals person, and Will be at a festival and don't want to be out of my comfort zone. Mild visuals are ok, but not a total mind fuck. I am very experienced MDMA user.

June 14, 2014, 7:37 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

What a great looking pill - seems like you have a good source as you have made three reports on high dose pills.

How long are you waiting between dosing? Taking too often can increase your tolerance and can lead to problems later.


June 15, 2014, 6:43 am GMT

colakoka (member since January 5, 2014)

@thedre88 I've never done MDA by purpose so i cannot really say but as I told I only took a half one and only got a nice rush with some empathy so no visuals at all. It may be different with a whole pill I guess. @bearlove I did these 3 posts at the same day but I take a month break or more so I didn't eat them in a row :P

June 15, 2014, 7:02 pm GMT

thedre88 (member since June 14, 2014)

Thanks for the Feedback @Colakoka. Yeah every person is different. From what I read, once you consume a whole one, you break a tresh hold into somewhat of a different high. Just given the user experiences I have read.

June 15, 2014, 11:20 pm GMT

thedre88 (member since June 14, 2014)

I have a kit. I did notice Nobody has yet to use simons on these yet. I will definitely do a report here soon to shed some light on these.

June 15, 2014, 11:21 pm GMT

fremder (member since June 18, 2014)

they are tested with 152 mg in labor. i think they have toleranz from 150 - 180 mg.

June 18, 2014, 8:24 pm GMT

colakoka (member since January 5, 2014)

@fremder Hmm, could maybe be some more since my pill weighted at my scale around 0,5g? :O

June 18, 2014, 10:28 pm GMT

acid 303 (member since April 19, 2014)

What a nice press ! Never heard of thoose beans, I hope they will come to Belgium. Thanks for the report :)
Take care !

June 20, 2014, 9:09 am GMT

jippijay (member since April 21, 2014)

My friend ate half a pill and she was then hugging and kissing all of her friends, told how she loved all of them and was really euphoric. Dealer warned me that these are strong and sold them as 200mg MDMA pills. Didn't consume these myself as I am trying to not create any tolerance. People without tolerance should start with a half.

June 27, 2014, 8:31 am GMT

jimdapillmuncher (member since November 2, 2013)

These are mdma I've tested with Simons and it turned a nice royal blue instantly

June 27, 2014, 6:50 pm GMT

iamnemo (member since July 14, 2014)

These bad boys supposedly killed 2 persons in Sweden. This happened 11th of July.

Here's an article about it. Translated from Swedish to English.


July 14, 2014, 9:52 am GMT

colakoka (member since January 5, 2014)

@iamnemo Huh, disturbing to hear this. I would like to hear the lab results when those beans have been analyzed. This is a good reminder that the outlook tells nothing about the pill and you should ALWAYS test it before consuming whatever have you tested them before or not cus those different batches are more likely coming and changing very often so may be contents are changing too... Tack for the translation. :) Take care and be careful everybody!!

July 14, 2014, 3:03 pm GMT

colakoka (member since January 5, 2014)

@iamnemo You can see a picture of those death sentence pills from this another article I spotted and in my opinion those look very crumbled and not so well pressed but yeah hopefully we will get more information soon.


July 14, 2014, 3:17 pm GMT