Pill Report: MOB (Money Over Bitches)
MOB (Money Over Bitches)


Posted by
April 21, 2014
Date Submitted
Contains no MDxx



Last Update
September 12, 2014
Rounded Tab-style
Suspected Contents
Other - please see report
User Report

Long time reader, first time reporter. Just thought I should this time to keep all y'all safe who've been keeping me safe for years. From a friend of a friend of a friend....

"Had seen no reports or heard anything about the pill which I had received as a tester from a trustworthy source. Was out with a good mate so decided to try it but seeing as had heard jack about the pill decided to be cautious & only drop a half each (these are 2 hardly souls who have been enjoying life since the late 90's & would usually be in the 3-4 bracket if they were going down that route) so threw it in with a pint. Initially sweet to the taste so knew we were either in the extremely well made realm or the no-mdma realm. This was at around 7pm.

After about 15 mins my heart started racing for about 1 minute then that eased off & went back to normal, which I put down to a likely dose of caffeine & hence the sweet taste. We hit another pub for another pint & realised that things were slowing down a bit. We were getting ear to ear cerebral burn & that followed in our arm & leg muscles thereafter. I was laughing a good bit at this point. Had a very slow pint there, 30-40 mins, & then head somewhere else. Time had very much slowed down now & we had another pint over the course of the next hour, just chatting away we were, which was nice. Having a piss was tough as my extremities were a little numb at this stage & the guy manning the bog was singing in my ear & it was hard to take. My brain needed peace. The bar was raucous & not to our liking so we went somewhere else which had mid-90's dance tunes on pretty low & was very chilled out, which fit our brains very well. We saw the night out over 2 more pints & then decided to get a cab home as was feeling a bit wrong at this stage, not unwell, just heavy with a foggy brain. That was 12:30 & we'd only had bout 6 or 7 pints since 7pm! Next day, up at around 9, felt a little numb still & a bit sick in the stomach but ate well & the feeling was gone by 3pm. Was it a good fun? It was certainly different. Would I do it again, no, would much prefer yer average 100-120mg mdxx pill."

There ye have it. The reason I'd warn about this pill is because it seems like a dose of **unknown** (see edits). If you didn't have a hardy brain & were expecting mdxx only, this could scare you. Also, the fact that it took around 1 1/2 - 2 hours to feel the effects is a serious danger especially if you're going to be an amateur & take more to see what happens. Just be careful with this one people, a double drop will be extremely dangerous & I would suggest a whole pill is for a night in, if at all.

Stay Safe Party People.

EDIT - Based on comments have changed to ingredient unknown.
EDIT - Advised to be pcp


billyb (member since July 6, 2010)

No one presses a ketamin pill ever. Don't even know why there is a option for this on this site. An active oral dose of ketamin is massive and the pill would have to be fookin huge.

April 21, 2014, 4:08 pm GMT

caca7 (member since April 21, 2014)

Cheers Billyb. Ok, will change suspected contents to "unknown". The only thing to describe the effect is ketamine so if anyone can give any pointers as to what chemical that might be it would be much appreciated.

April 21, 2014, 7:10 pm GMT

doofers (member since January 15, 2009)

every pill i have ever had that tastes sweet has always been pips i find they have a sweet taste and a bit of a burn

April 22, 2014, 11:15 am GMT

mrbyawiska (member since January 5, 2006)

@billyb, you're very wrong if you believe you cant get a pill pressed with Ket, theres 7 pages of pills on here with pills that contain ketamine. Ive had a few over the years

April 23, 2014, 1:07 am GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)

@ mrbyawiska - have you got a link to these ket pills.

i have being checking thru LAB RESULTS from USA, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and cant find any results of ket in pills.

im led to belive that ket only works if you snort or inject it but taken orally it has almost no affect.

April 23, 2014, 3:29 pm GMT

billyb (member since July 6, 2010)

Thanks bogman for backing me up on that one. Lab results show that there's never been a ket pill, occasionally a trace amount will show up in a result but thats it. The only reason people say there is ket in a pill is due to some other adultarant that has similar evects to ket.

April 24, 2014, 6:17 am GMT

iheart mints (member since November 16, 2012)

This is just my 2cents but if it felt like ket and a oral dose of ket is around 500mgs theres no way it could be ket but it could be mxe (methoxetamine) oral dose is around 50mgs or less and that will deff give u a crazy ket feeling for sure. Ive taken 30mgs of mxe and got just a kd out like a normal nasel dose of k

April 24, 2014, 11:31 am GMT

danielone (member since April 18, 2010)

MOB- what kind of people are pressing these pills? "money over bitches" society has failed these men, sure it just aint the local mob? :D

April 26, 2014, 11:07 pm GMT

mrbyawiska (member since January 5, 2006)

@bogman and billyb

theres a few pills that contain ONLY ketamine



so yes you can get pills containing ketamine

April 28, 2014, 5:11 am GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)

the first link is working but the second is not.

i can only see 2 pills that have ket in themand 1 pill has a certain % of ket and the second pill only has a trace.

April 30, 2014, 6:46 pm GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)


this pill has MDMA - KET - COKE -MET AMP

and the ratio of each is

68 - 24 - 3.5 - 3.5

April 30, 2014, 6:49 pm GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)

pill here with 3mg of KET http://www.saferparty.ch/tl_files/images/download/file/Warnungen_PDF_2014/XTC_div_Inhaltsstoffe_Mai_2014II.pdf

May 10, 2014, 10:54 pm GMT

alecks (member since August 5, 2011)

DO NOT TOUCH THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had the worst time of my drug career on these pills.

a mate of mine had them,i took one thinking they were pills (ecstasy),im a very well experienced pill user,high tolerance etc etc.

what seemed like forever,i noticed a slight come up as did my friend. we started giggling and then we realised that they were 2cb,which i have used before....shortly after i realised they were not 2cb,much much stronger visual effects and motions. when i was walking past people everything was in slow motion and even the music I started having a full psychedelic trip inside a busy club,I started to really really panic and freak out in the club,i asked one of my mates to stay with me,the paranoia was truly horrific. i was able to just about stand and talk. my mate got me a couple of glasses of water which helped.

when the club ended at 4am we were all outside and it felt like I WAS IN THE CLUB FOR DAYS,I MEAN DAYS. this was very unsettling. me and my mate got in a taxi and went home,the journey felt like days also. when i got home i tried to sleep but could not for the life of me. I started seeing very intense hallucinations/patterns and visions,it was horrible. THIS LASTED FOR 12 HOURS. the whole time i was thinking they were 2cb but definetly not. The paranioa/insanity got so bad that at 2pm the next day,(still in bed),i had to tell my parents.

for two days after i could not go to work,it was like 10 notches deeper than depression,thinking i was going insane,slight visions and memories coming back into my head...as the week went on it slowly faded and i started to come around.

my mate said he was in absolute bits the day after also but wasnt in as a bad of a state as i was. people were texting me asking was i okay,so it was very serious. I like to think that im always in control of my actions,even on drugs,but this was another kettle of fish. There is definately a psychedelic substance in these,either one of the 2c analogues or other,i dont know.

moral of the story: stay the fuck away from these.

May 12, 2014, 5:54 pm GMT

sexygeek (member since May 23, 2014)

I've been taking pills forba few years and have tried 2cb about 5 times and although yeah its sounds a little like 2cb it definitely isn't. Usually feel brand new Tue day after 2cb. It sounds like Hawaiian bbaby Woodrose. They give you that feeling of everything slowing down but you feel heavy and on edge mentally. after about 7 hours of hell I vomited badly and even though I was exhausted mind wouldn't shut off to sleep.The only plus to these pills I found was the giggles at the start and then the slight visuals. I flushed the rest down the toilet after this experience

May 23, 2014, 5:02 am GMT

sexygeek (member since May 23, 2014)

Also they have a sweet taste so that would explain that

May 23, 2014, 5:03 am GMT

caca7 (member since April 21, 2014)

Source advises the chem is pcp. Not sure if accurate, just what I was told & would definitely fit the experience.

May 23, 2014, 5:28 pm GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)

@ caca7, are they still about

May 25, 2014, 9:47 am GMT

spacejunkie (member since May 25, 2014)

Where can somebody test a pill before consumption? Is there a place where I can send one off to get tested? Or am I able to buy a tester online and if so which one? Just got a load of these off a friend and he says there are very good. But after reading these reports I feel uneasy about taking any. And help would be greatly appreciated!

May 25, 2014, 8:44 pm GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)

@ spacejunkie - where are you based ?

May 26, 2014, 2:53 pm GMT

spacejunkie (member since May 25, 2014)

I'm based in Co.Laois, Ireland. Why? Can you test one?

May 26, 2014, 6:03 pm GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)



May 27, 2014, 12:56 pm GMT

caca7 (member since April 21, 2014)

@bogman Advised at the time (only got 3 as a sample) that they were very much limited. Didn't ask for more in any event.

May 29, 2014, 6:37 pm GMT

johnny1x (member since June 2, 2014)

If warnings above are not sufficient to keep u away from these can I add another - my advise is do not touch with a barge pole - had 5 very experienced party people in a very bad way 2hrs after taking 1 of these each

those left over -flushed down toilet, best place for them

June 2, 2014, 4:25 pm GMT

laurence (member since June 3, 2014)

If you take these and you enjoy the buzz you get, you are not right in the head. After one I was forced out of a great concert to end up on a mates couch under a duvert by 9pm. It took nearly 24 hours before I became slightly normal. I was lucky there were 3 other good mates who were going threw the same mess.
I am an experienced drug consumer but this crap was just posion and would not give it to my worst enemy.
The tosser who give it 5 stars is probaly a dealer who has been left with 500 and is desperate to get rid of them. I flushed the last 6 I had down the bog. In over 20 years of drug taking I have NEVER flushed gear, do yourself a favour and avoid at all cost.

June 3, 2014, 10:10 am GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)

if anybody has one of these pills would they be willing to send it off for lab testing.

could send it here https://www.ecstasydata.org/send_sample.php

it might be the free test and if not i will pay the $40

June 3, 2014, 5:56 pm GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)

@ laurence - the 5 stars is for the report and not the pill.

June 3, 2014, 5:58 pm GMT

spacejunkie (member since May 25, 2014)

I have some, you are more than welcome to have 1 to test and warn other with the proper results! Where can I send it?

June 3, 2014, 7:55 pm GMT

kildaredove (member since June 7, 2014)

did you send one off theres a lot of these floating about the kildare area i know there not mdma but would love to know what is in them before i consume

June 7, 2014, 12:48 am GMT

yackers101 (member since June 8, 2014)

Got some of these at Life festival a few weeks ago. Took one on the saturday afternoon around 4 o' clock along with a blue ghost at pretty much the same time. felt grand and was buzzing up until about half 8 or 9 while at jamie xx. started feeling like i needed to vomit but wasn't able to. kept coming in waves every few minutes so went back to my tent. felt fine mentally but i was overheating and my heart felt weak, along with the nausea i was exhausted, couldn't move.
can't say it was defo from the MOB 'cos i was taking some coke and bombs of MDMA throughout the day and drank a fair bit too so could have been a combination of everything. took one again on the sunday night but felt nothing from it or the MDMA as i probably had zero serotonin left at that point. felt fine that night though, no sickness.
Have 5 or 6 left and got them from a fairly reliable source so not sure what to do with them but after seeing these comments i'm not eager to go near them again.

June 7, 2014, 11:54 pm GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)

would anyone be willing to send a pill off for testing. the cost of testing will be covered.

all you have to do is pay for postage to USA and you will also need a small jiffy envelope.

June 9, 2014, 3:03 pm GMT

pillmantipp (member since June 10, 2014)

anyone send one of these off to be tested, came across a few of these the weekend really weird pill

June 10, 2014, 12:08 am GMT

mnmaster (member since June 12, 2014)

I took three of these on a night out and had a brilliant time, didn't seem any different to anything Ive had before, definitely not PCP or anything of the like.

June 12, 2014, 1:28 am GMT

guwan (member since June 13, 2014)

Me and a few friends took these a few weeks back, some had a good time and some had a bad time. We mostly had a good time because we had read this report before hand and knew to expect 2cb like symptoms. It's understandable that people who were expecting ecstasy like symptoms had a bad time and freaked out and hated it, but if you do want to hallucinate then this is the drug for you.
The trip was the longest I've ever had so don't take if you have any plans the next day you might want to not take it. It was a heavy trip throughout which I was delighted with, some friends puked but that just increased there trip but other then that there wasn't any major bad side effects.

June 13, 2014, 4:29 pm GMT

hr2014 (member since June 30, 2014)

Had these pills 2 days ago with two other people. I was told they were 2c-i and the effects seemed to match 2c-i descriptions online. The reports I'm reading here seem to also confirm this.

June 30, 2014, 5:13 pm GMT

trippytrip17 (member since July 11, 2014)

first time taking these was 2 nights ago,
very very slow to come up, however i had taken a mix of cocaine and speed earlier in the night.
once i finally came up i found myself similar to everyone here, slowed down time, vision was very very blurry, music sounded very bass heavy. even with the slowed sense of time they took a very long time to come down from i was still up after about 5 hours.
my heart felt as if it was coming out of my chest, i couldnt move without getting stabbing pains in the chest. and very bizzare hallucinations. as an experienced drug user i would never take these again (first time ever saying that about any pill ive taken).
if you are going to do these do halves at the very least and make sure your in a safe environment for the next 24 hours because you will tell facially what you've been at, try to pre-hydrate as i found myself with chronic dry mouth but hard to drink water (could also be from the mixture), and above all do not take these if it is your first time. i would aim to have done a few hard nights before advising someone to even think of these.
also do not mix with other pills ! makes for a very very bad few days!

July 11, 2014, 1:33 pm GMT

phaedria (member since July 12, 2014)

@bogman I had two very bizarre nights on these. I have some left and am still dying to know what's in them once and for all - can you send me details of where to send them for testing please and I'll pop them off In the post?

July 12, 2014, 4:08 pm GMT

kenys (member since October 28, 2014)

Had a half of one back in May. I had already taken 1 pill that night, so I was at home by the time the MOB kicked in. I was told they were trippy so I wasn't all that shocked when shit got funky.

I noticed lots of euphoria. I had started coming down from the first pill very early, and I came up like a rocket off the MOB after about 20 mins. Got really really engrossed in the laptop. Didn't start seeing visuals until ~2 hours (and many joints) after taking it. I was even looking at trippy shit on the laptop (illusions and that), but they didn't seem particularly interesting or trippy at the time.

When the visuals started, I only really noticed cartoon visuals. My friend's face was going as flat as a pancake and his eyes/mouth were sort of hovering off his face. I also felt like my brain was wobbling in my head. My buddies were lying head-to-toe in one of the beds and I became convinced - just for a few minutes - that they were a single person with a head on either end. Funny enough. I was also convinced that there was a helicopter outside, but there might have actually been a helicopter outside.

I did notice that time was moving slowly. I had to make a 2-3 min walk outside and it felt like it was taking ages. I wouldn't say days - not even close - but I remember thinking "fuck me silly this is taking ages".

I thought they were pretty fucking great to be honest, but I can definitely see it being shite if you've taken more than a half, or if the funky stuff catches you off guard.

October 28, 2014, 3:19 pm GMT

anon22 (member since December 14, 2014)


After researching the effects of all different kinds of psychedelics, this seems to have PCP in it. PCP is said to be the scariest drug ever.

I can vouch for that! I took 2 thinking the first was bad and had the worst night of my life!

Definitely not worth trying! Powerful and super scary demonic hallucinations

December 14, 2014, 9:29 pm GMT