Pill Report: Yellow Rolls Royce
Yellow Rolls Royce


Posted by
January 12, 2014
Date Submitted
This is the newest pill in town, my friend got me 2 for yesterday but I didn't roll cuz I rolled in Amsterdam in nye with Mario bullets :)

I tested with Mecke, It's MDMA. My friend told me this was the best pill that he used in months. He regularly roll (every week or every 2 weeks)

I will update if I consume these but probably end of the next month.
Be safe!

Selam beyler, bu su aralar yeni piyasaya gelen bi hap, arkadasim bana deneyim diye 2 tane almis saolsun fakat yilbasinda kullandigimdan malesef bekletecegim.
Bunu bana ayarlayan eleman her hafta yada her 2 haftada bir kullaniyor su aralar kullandiklarimin icinde en iyisi dedi.

Mecke tester'i ile test ettim, siyaha dondu yani MDMA. Fakat ne yazikki icinde speed veya baska bisi varsa ayirt edemiyor, ondan anca kullandigimda raporu guncelleyebilirim. Buyuk ihtimal o da Mart ayi icersinde olur.
Last Update
February 10, 2014
Rolls Royce
Suspected Contents
Tested Only
Mecke Reagent
User Report

Finally, I consumed the pill. There were blue DB pills too but I prefered RR pills. I started with 1 dose at 12.00PM friday night. I was too exhausted from work and gym but it was nice to chat with friends at home.

00.30 The feelings come smoothly, not a big rush or overwhelming.

00.45 Nice euphoria, empathy feelings like typical mdma.

01.00 I couldn't roll cuz couldn't feel relaxed so smoked some pot.

01.30 Things got a little hallunicating or it was effects of weed.

02.00 I was rolling pretty hard and dancing.

02.30 Feelings were off, smoked some pot and get the other half.

03.00 Pot was bringing back the rolling again till the other pill kicked in.

04.30 I felt the comedown in my body again and again like something was going from my head to my toe.

05.00 I smoked Jamaican (my first time) It was very another universe, didn't feel any comedown after that go back to sleep.

05.45 Jam feeling was off, (Just 1 breath took that long wow)

Go right to sleep and woke up at 11.30AM.

Jaw clentching was bad, I'm scared to break my teeth again. But this time my jaw just locked, gum didn't helped me.

The comedown was not disturbing, maybe pot helped me a lot. The next day hangover was not huge, I smoked some pot and went to the gym. I quite performed well during my workout.

Everything is good since then.
For blue DB pills, my friend told they were perfect.


bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for testing :) - I haven't seen these mentioned in any other region so would be nice to see a user report.

Please be advised that 'rolling' every week or every other week is considered too often and could increase the risk of problems long term (depression etc).


January 13, 2014, 8:40 am GMT

icantregisterwtf (member since January 13, 2014)

i ate these three times last week no bad come down nothing and it doesn't feel speedy at all. it took like 2 hours for my friend to come up when he ate it but i secretly think somethings wrong with him so its ok. i dont know how long it took me to come up.

also i got them in ankara so theyre everywhere

January 13, 2014, 11:51 am GMT

mrstoner12 (member since January 13, 2014)

Dude I also got two pills yesterday. Gonna try them next week;)Hope its decent

January 13, 2014, 8:18 pm GMT

desohigh (member since May 9, 2013)

Hey @Mrstoner12, can you share your report with us? I'm really curious about this one. Thanks!

January 15, 2014, 2:24 pm GMT

thebackdoor (member since March 30, 2014)

I tried it once, it was great. but i can not find it enymore, do you know an adresse?

April 3, 2014, 4:19 pm GMT

ashdod (member since December 31, 2018)

Selamlar istanbul avrupa yakasinda kanal lazim yardimci olabilecek birileri var mi? Telegram dan ulasin bana link = https://t.me/TamanShud1

December 31, 2018, 12:47 pm GMT