Pill Report: Orange Triforce/Zeldas
Orange Triforce/Zeldas


Posted by
January 7, 2014
Date Submitted
Got a few of these a while back, was told they contain 150mg MDMA and 50mg Amphetamine. Some quick online research seemed to confirm this. Saw 2 other reports of them, but no test results, so I thought I'd add my experience (with test results).

First thing I noticed, out of the "few" pills I had, only ONE actually had the "Triforce" logo and double breakline (the one pictured). The rest looked exactly the same, except a blank front and back. To ease my mind, I tested each and every one, and the results all looked the same.

Test Results:

*In the Marquis test you can clearly see the traces of orange/red indicating the presence of Amphetamine.
8.0 mm
5.0 mm
Slightly beveled front and back
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
Mandelin Reagent
Marquis Reagent
Other - Please see description
Mecke Reagent
Simons Reagent
User Report

T+0:00 - Consumed one whole pill (my gf took half of one) and we immediately left to finish one last errand for the day.
T+0:30 - Think I'm feeling the Amphetamine first, more awake and more energy. We are on our way home.
T+0:45 - Just now feeling the beginning of the roll as we park, so we hurry inside and put on some tunes. Since my gf only took half of one, the remaining half is split between us.
T+1:30 - Feeling GREAT now, good amount of eye wiggles and not too much jaw clenching. Music is amazing. We switch back and forth between rocking to the music, and incessantly talking about anything and everything.
T+3:00 - Surprisingly, still rolling pretty good, though the jaw clenching and teeth grinding are becoming something that I'm frequently catching and stopping myself from doing.
T+4:00 - We start smoking to ease the comedown a bit.
T+6:00 - After a bit of TV, I do have a little bit of trouble falling asleep, but do eventually.

Next day - The next morning was NOT fun. Though I admit, I totally expected to feel pretty crappy, but it didn't help that I had to go work outside in -15° C all day.

All in all, I had a great time with this pill. The roll was great and I personally enjoyed the added Amphetamine. HOWEVER, honestly, I think 50mg is a bit much. 30 or 40 would've been better (for me anyway) And I dont consider myself particularly sensitive to speed, so to those who are, I would avoid these unless you care to wake up with chapped lips and torn up cheeks LOL. Stay safe!!


stayhealthy970 (member since September 1, 2012)

Thanks 4 testing/report

Do u know if these r In circulation


January 7, 2014, 11:56 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for testing but when you say a 'while back' you mean over a year ago?


January 8, 2014, 8:15 am GMT

codbeast (member since October 14, 2013)

No problem, nah by a while back I mean a little over a month. I guess thats not really "a while" but for sitting on beans without eating them, it seems like a while! Hahah.

January 8, 2014, 7:53 pm GMT

thedirtydutch (member since November 23, 2012)

These are 100% no longer in circulation they are from the same press as the green,red and white question marks/riddlers that were legendary!!!

January 9, 2014, 4:02 pm GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

Yes, this pressing is about a year old already and likely almost gone, but the word in the euro section is that there are new triforces now in circulation in 3 different colors, all from 120mg to 200mg with no speed. the purples are the strongest according to another PR member.

January 9, 2014, 7:45 pm GMT

thedirtydutch (member since November 23, 2012)

@@@Facedbeyond I am pretty sure this crew has not produced anything in a while period. I do recall seeing a few diff color's of this press however it's been a good min sense there has been a report on these in any region!!!

January 11, 2014, 2:20 am GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

^i cant seem to find the report/comment where a PR member stated there are new ones around(in 3 colors), but you're probably right. im a Chicagoan, so dutch pills arent even on my radar these days. it was all rumors anyways, lolz.

January 11, 2014, 8:25 am GMT

rollnpeace (Moderator)

Anyone else think the orange in the Marquis might be from the dye in the pill?

January 11, 2014, 7:01 pm GMT

needaxanax (member since October 7, 2013)

Great post. Insightful responses. @facedbeyond Is there a nationwide shortage of good beans or do Dutch beans still make it over here just harder to find? I'm in Fla and can't seem to find any legit beans, only molly.

January 23, 2014, 9:46 pm GMT

derrick4real (member since February 27, 2011)

I can tell you in the NE...it's all "molly". Presses are like dinosaurs in my area; everyone knows their history, but the closest they have come to a good old fashion press are images they've seen on the internet.

And the worst part is...75% of the time the "molly" isn't truly mdma. It's mostly Methylone with cut. The presses that do occasionally make their rounds are all Pipes of some sort.

Some of the youth today actually bug when they are shown presses...it makes me laugh.

March 28, 2014, 2:57 pm GMT