Pill Report: Neff

Florida / Tampa

Posted by
August 21, 2013
Date Submitted
They're "WHITE" with the "Neff" head logo from the clothing brand, And on the back it has a line through the middle with the word "neff" above it. I've tried a few of these and I always recommend half, there's no need to take the whole thing(Unless you want to be floored the whole night) cause they're that good.
Last Update
August 23, 2013
Neff Head
7.0 mm
9.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

5AM - Second time eating a neff, but first time in a calm environment. the musics comfortable, and only 3 friends; so i figured why not split one with someone.

5:20AM - Starting to feel a warm tingling sensation coming up the back of my neck.

5:45AM - Holy shit i'm feeling amazing my whole body feels like it just wants to float. Im beginning to feel my jaws tighten

6:30AM - Hahaha have my LED poi in hand and im just flowing, my eyes are so crossed there are just trails all around me, i cant see anyone outside of my poi spinning, for a moment i was completely in my own world of flow...

7AM - at this point NO ONE can look straight, mad case of the ugly face we call it lol huge cuddle puddle light shows are being exchanged faces are being melted...one person just wanted to practice spinning glowsticks and was all they wanted to do...

8AM - Can feel the peak subsiding just finished smoking so everyones just really slow and euphoric some people of course became close...maybe too close.

8:30AM - Definately still rolling at this point but not hard jaws are really clenched and just want to chain smoke, well i wanted to just let the night/morning continue so i ate a whole neff.....

9:30AM - HIT ME SOOO HARD!!! my eyes are permanently crossed at this point, my jaws are so clenched that opening them the slightest would make my teeth chatter hard...

10AM - Drifting from reality at this point, slightly tripping not hard but hard enough i was talking to a bag of chips cause i thought i was in the middle of a conversation with my friend who wasnt even there, i wasnt falling asleep but was lucid dreaming but my friends heard me saying random gibberish while in this state.

10:30AM - Trying to be convinced by my friends to get up and give them a lightshow but it wasnt happening i couldnt even think of getting up and spinning i was rolling so hard and i felt so amazing that i was stuck and pretty much ended up being in that spot for quite a few hours having the craziest thoughts and scenarios unfold in front of me but nothing bad just indescribable.

without realizing i even fell asleep i woke up about 7 or 8PM didnt feel jittery or even exhausted just got out of bed had my morning cigarette and at this point i realized i was still slightly high from the neff, and you know what else i did? I ate, not ust a snack either, but i mean i ate a meal...I never want to eat after rolling the night before but i felt so clean and hungry and i functioned the rest of the day just fine even a lil happier and worry free......

Neff's hands down the best pill I've taken =D


thedirtydutch (member since November 23, 2012)

I call bullshit it would make little to no sense to press a 200mg super pill when someone could press a normal 100mg pill and have twice as many to profit on. I am also in the bay area and i have not seen any of these floating around and we have no domestic presses at ALL a test result would also be nice!!!!

August 21, 2013, 8:28 pm GMT

iheart mints (member since November 16, 2012)

This was reported on allready with a pic but the discrpt of the pill is the same this is deff b s indeed

August 22, 2013, 10:46 am GMT

yellow smileys (member since March 22, 2013)

Every time some one claims there MDMA or pills are "from Amsterdam" it's usually complete bullshit.. I think that's probably what were dealing with here.

August 22, 2013, 7:34 pm GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

most of the pr veterans will agree with the previous three comments, but in all fairness, the OP did a solid user report and shared the information that he believes to be accurate, so this report will remain up. but i always chuckle when ppl say they have inside information on the pill presser and his sources and methods. NOone is going to believe you!

August 22, 2013, 8:12 pm GMT

euphorik (member since August 21, 2013)

Say what you want guys I know and others know and maybe one day you'll see and thx facedbeyond thx

August 22, 2013, 8:29 pm GMT

rollnpeace (Moderator)

Two solid reports on these. Hopefully we see some test results soon.

August 23, 2013, 6:54 am GMT

we are 1 (member since June 20, 2013)


August 24, 2013, 8:10 am GMT

bulletpointflux (member since May 6, 2010)

These have been spotted in central fl they are starting to make the rounds, everyone says start with only a half due to strength. Dont double drop these!

August 24, 2013, 2:02 pm GMT

fda approved yo (member since September 15, 2007)

Your 10AM / 10:30AM descriptions seem classic hahaa; since a small portion of MDMA is metabolized into MDA via your liver; considering your high dosage, you had more psychedelic effects, which are fun if you handle it right 8) Stay safe... Oh! And these pills are quite unique looking, seems like a nice find.

September 16, 2013, 8:46 pm GMT

cyberzonne (member since November 7, 2013)

hey guys quick question.... i have a mecke tester, when i test some mollys it fizzles but it turn dark purple/blue super fast... what does the fuzzing mean? thanks

November 7, 2013, 12:58 pm GMT

needaxanax (member since October 7, 2013)

Nice find. Good report. Good presses are hard to find.

November 22, 2013, 3:43 am GMT