Pill Report: 6/49

Montreal osti - Joliette

Posted by
March 13, 2013
Date Submitted
Mod please upload this for me:

The 6/49 has the same dome on its back as the swirl, the 3x, the airplane, and other logos. Its made by the same people pretty much for sure. Okay this one in here is quality!! Its not amp/mamp but does a real good job! My favorite one of those domed pills for the moment. Snorts easy like pretty much all pills we have for the moment, swirl is pretty harsh and tastes horrible compared to this 6/49. Its a good one to get your hands on. Ur gonna talk alot and be annoying. More info later as its my stimulator for the next day or so. Still alot pills logo available that I have not bring on pillreports.
Last Update
March 14, 2013
Perfect pill
7.0 mm
3.0 mm
Real hard, smells alot
Real nice pill, quality press
Suspected Contents
User Report


Posted on March 13, 2013, 11:37 pm by tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)
It still is not amp/mamp, but in my opinion this pill is comparable and it does not seem to be damageable like the swirl and its companion. It does not leave you feeling drained out the hell out, soo droained that you cant pick up your phone to call for more pills, and you dont bother cuz you know it aint gonna wake you up anymore at this stage ( been living that the latest days, not so pleasant ) But this 1 is, like I said, the one that made me think twice about them research chem.. I dont know anymore what to think about them... I guess TFMPP, CMPP, BZP are not fun and I dont like them, but those like methylone and butilone methcathinone or mephedrone, are better and do the job and actually one of them is real good.

Posted on March 13, 2013, 11:38 pm by tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)
Im gonna receive mephedrone real soon, I will tell you how comparable this is, but pretty sure my body knows mephedrone already.
Edit: OMG sped the hell out from a quarter, can't stop writing and thinking and making sence out of everything that has kept bugging me.. relieves stress, feels like my body was asking for this pill the last week or so.. I think this one is ADDICTIVE LIKE HELLLL


bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Added image, changed rating to adulterated, Added warning, copied your rambling posts into your user report.

You say these are Mephedrone - did you buy them as such or are you going from the effect you feel? You know your speed but please be careful going for a few days at at time - amphetamine induced psychosis is a very real risk.

Take a break, sleep, eat !

March 14, 2013, 8:34 am GMT

iheart mints (member since November 16, 2012)

Why do u think its mephedrone??? What u discribe doesnt rfeally match and i use to be a huge mkat adict and the high is a very intence roll 100mgs to the dome would be like 300mgs of mdma hitting u at the same time. But why u suspect?

March 14, 2013, 4:43 pm GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

Maybe I am wrong then, those looking more like MDMA will be in the E pills, and those stimulating and not having visual side effects are the ''speed'' pill. If you say its more like E, then the suspected content is unknown. This pill makes you confortable but not like MDMA, no roll at all. Sorry Im trying hard to figure what we are eating there. And I know about speed psychosis, not the same. And real speed is still out there too, Im pointing at the ''domed'' family, but the 7UP is not domed like those and is definitly not amp. It used to, but this batch with the grey specs, same content as the domed ones.
Thank you bearlove I am still not used to what comment are worth posting, I thank you for not just deleteing all the work I've done, this is perfect for me. Ill try having it better done next times, I am not so ''think-wise'' and this is not erowid, I know. But still if I had all this to read about the pill in my region I would have read it for sure. Also, it is not like a mix of TFMPP or BZP. Or maybe it is, but when tested I know they react close to what amp would do.

March 14, 2013, 5:05 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Its cool 'tripdebouffe' normally comments are for other people reading your report. Try and wait until your back down / sober again and make an actual user report - effects, how you felt, how long it lasted etc. It's just easier to read for everyone else and makes your report more useful as opposed to us having to read ramblings and guessing what you were talking about etc.

March 14, 2013, 7:59 pm GMT

speeddemonqc (member since February 4, 2012)

keep them reports coming tripdebouffe!

March 15, 2013, 1:46 am GMT

speedaddict23 (member since March 16, 2013)

i have speed addiction amphetamine and i know exactely what is amphetamine effect and this 649 is low amphetamine dependly of the batch some 649 have very to much of buff (scrap taking for make pills have each little wack effect ) ALL amphet not clean its mixing whit alot of non effect substance !! that why you feel on other drug .. the amphetamine on this not sparkle batch is low but stay away not good quality to strong for bones i got horrible pain in my back for 3 months .

March 16, 2013, 4:31 am GMT

speedaddict23 (member since March 16, 2013)

649 sparkle = high amphetamine but very strong in buff too stay away new user

March 16, 2013, 4:34 am GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

I will do what bearlove said... But I gotta keep them new pills so I always have new report in.. And I would have to ''clean'' every of the pill reports I have done. But I will do it, I will make them all compareable and easy to read, I just regret now that I have not took a picture of all of them speed I have bought because there would be alot more. I came online this morning ( lol 6:30pm ) to warn you about snorting, even though I will keep on doing it. BUT I have snorted half (2 quarters, 15 mins inbetween ) of a 6/49 pill without problem ( like usual, never had problem with them speed snorted)2 hours ago. Then 1 hour ago, I took the other half, split it in half so I have a quarter, and this quarter HURT my brain like it never did before, it seemed like a thunderstruck just behind the right eye and went to my upper middle of the brain, been 30 mins of an unpleasant brain hurting. I have try to snort an E some years ago and I promise myself to never do it again because it felt exactly like this, HORRIBLE pain in brain and I imagin my cells do not like this very much. ( I know its never good for them, but I dont know about that quarter I just took, but it looks like something in it was horrible... I did it on a clean marble plate like I always do, I did not contaminate anything so I didnt snort something else.. It was just a rare bit of sh!t I guess.. active or not .. but it hit the dash like helll.. I can tell that 6/49 have amp.. I would say methamp btw.. But still has other chemical in it that goes well with methamp. I also have ''speed addiction'' too. Pills addiction in fact, but rare are those that relieves the craving feeling.

March 16, 2013, 10:35 pm GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

keep up the reports man! Im seing you have some I had a few months ago. Wonder if theses will find their way down here.. we will see;)

March 17, 2013, 5:08 am GMT

ppa4life (member since August 23, 2012)

can someone give me their opinion on the 3x dome pill, has it ever been tested?

April 15, 2013, 2:35 am GMT

kaoblinx (member since February 21, 2010)


April 16, 2013, 7:42 pm GMT

qcreport (member since April 18, 2013)

good pill, strong effect, dosent burn if you snork it.

April 18, 2013, 7:40 pm GMT