Montreal - Joliette

Posted by
March 10, 2013
Date Submitted
BATHSALTS. Go see the other post for more info!!!

Plz mod upload this pic and put it on the right side. I put both of them pills to show they have the same dome.

Just taking them pills for a picture, I realise my fingers smells what the pills smell. Strong acidic or whatever type of smell it is, solvent or something.

I did not try the airplane but I am intended to do so today, gonna tell you about it but I can already tell its the same ''kind of'' highs.
3.0 mm
7.0 mm
Perfect, not crumbly
Quality is the word. nice looking
Suspected Contents
User Report

more later


tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

(talking about airplane pill as its the one beeing tested this morning!! (6:30pm LOL)
OK, tasted REAL dry when snorted, no burning but incoming taste from STRONG smell was not interesting at all!!!
I suspect mephedrone but could be alot of things.
6:36, relaxed feeling forces itself into my mood, feel like noding of watching anything.. ( reminds me of opiates ).
Feeling real cold but only in selective places ( cold arms )
Alright I already know this chemical, its probably not mephedrone, it is far from beeing like E. It stimulates your inside, not the same high as the swirl, but as much pottent. No sleep tonight, but no cleaning too. Just 10 minutes in it and I cant really tell how its going to be but I can how NOT its going to be. And its NOT going to be like amp/mAmp. Anyway im kind of glad its been 2 days I was clean and my body wanted nothing else then this chemical... :(

March 10, 2013, 11:31 pm GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

why the fuck do they bother putting RC's in speed press? Not like it was a better high lol. I don't understand, Meth is already easy enough to make..

March 11, 2013, 1:44 am GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

A guy I only saw once explained his job and was just saying that he was mad at people saying pills sucks cuz thats what they receive in powder form ( this making it legal, no proof that its intended to be sold on street ). Then they just press this powder into pill. I dont know if their ''legal'' or ''not'' about the biker/gangster thing. I think their not ''legal'' and are made by little groups.

March 11, 2013, 4:03 am GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

And about the high.. not sure about what your saying but im having a pretty dang good time my friend :D laughing at tv shit and stuff, lool :P. Having fun doing absolutely nothing this airplane does the job but not if you want to work cuz ur gonna end up smoking pot and watching tv n playing games inbetween or washing ur shit but not too much :P

March 11, 2013, 4:05 am GMT

almost222 (member since March 9, 2013)

There is another report on this swirl,

March 11, 2013, 11:14 am GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

I remember the 3x had the same dome on them.

March 11, 2013, 11:26 pm GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

Yup 3X had the dome. Im happy you notice, thats what I am showing people.
Airplane was same as swirl but no headache and alot less anxiety and no stomach problem. The old lady already sold her hundreds.. I cant believe how quick things goes...
airplane for me is pretty addictive.. but she already sold em all..

March 12, 2013, 12:22 am GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

There is no way I can be awake a 3rd day with those pills, I am gonna be crazy, I am happy I have seroquel to calm those psychotic symptoms and tomorrow will be a new day but I am done for now, zombie lookig and out of reality.
Edit: First 24 hours I had airplanes, less damageable in my opinion, then I only had swirls and had to stay awake, oh boy... No need to talk and act weird that people look at,you , white face, dry lips, weird eyes, tweaked, anxious, headache. Typical pills...
Also, if I get caught with 3 pounds of mephedrone powder, in Canada, there is no problem as long as its not for reselling in the streets. But like I said, they are illegal once transformed in pill form. This making it easyer to buy the powder and then press then making amp/meth and pressing it. amp/meth under powder forms stays illegal. So the safest way to do pills would be to use a legal powder and press it..already so many steps skipped for them!! all the hassle and chemistry is over for them.

March 13, 2013, 1:33 am GMT

speedaddict23 (member since March 16, 2013)

LOLLLLLL this is amphetamine high (only the plane) whit alot a strong buff ii take 2 in 24 h my heart make alot of pain and pressure after that plane (alot of sparkle) orange the swirl is piparezine stay away and the plane = very strong but dangerous ,my opinion

March 16, 2013, 4:38 am GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

are these ones hard to break in half ? the 3x with the same dome was almost impossible to break in half! the most solid press I ever hadXD

March 18, 2013, 3:12 am GMT

stashpants (member since September 18, 2010)

Hey guys. It seem this press only make you feel like crap. Since a couple of years, e become something else. It became something far more dangerous than regular md. At this point, many peoples out there know nothing about md, they just think that if they take E they will be fucked up and they will never know how amazing mdma is. I suggest we all leave the scene and pray the pills presser drown in their shitty chemical until they realize its more profitable for them to sell the real stuf. What a joke, pressing cheap RC to make cash...

March 18, 2013, 6:30 am GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

@ speedfreak420 - They were regular amount of strenght to break. I think 3X was solid but cant remember. But for sure the hardest pill I ever see is the one I got atm, Perrier. I usualy crush them with a BIC lighter, but doing so cracked the bottom of the lighter and all the gas flew out it!! Never happened before, have to crush it with a hammer actualy, I could have break it with something less powerfull but I feel better wacking the hell out of them cuz they destroyed my orange BIC :(. No respect for them while its crush time!!

March 20, 2013, 10:44 am GMT

justpopit (member since October 22, 2010)

im 100% right with stashpants, new rollers in quebec dont know what real mdma is :(

March 28, 2013, 1:27 am GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

the airplane feels like a amp high to me..

April 4, 2013, 10:17 pm GMT

kaoblinx (member since February 21, 2010)


April 16, 2013, 7:14 pm GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

what do you guys think is in these pills? just got a few of the airplanes given to me for free wondering if its worth taking them..

April 24, 2013, 10:49 pm GMT

akuma zero (member since November 12, 2013)

I had those Airplane a few weeks back and was not deceived they didn't cause me any real unpleasant discomfort apart from what you usually get with uppers. we had a lot of fun my friend and me. I'm sure there's better pills out there but i didn't regret buying them. altought I needed to take more just to get a little boost to stay awake after a couple of days on them

November 12, 2013, 10:44 pm GMT

chillax anarchist (member since May 1, 2014)

The airplanes are good, have done them on a few occasions & havent been disappointed. Tho they feel a tad more addictive than others, might just be me however :)

May 1, 2014, 12:17 pm GMT