Pill Report: Black Ops
Black Ops

new brunswick

Posted by
February 11, 2013
Date Submitted
Bit hard to break in half. white but kinda goes on the brown colour also has small dark brown spots on it.
Black ops
5.0 mm
13.0 mm
Bit rough
Suspected Contents
User Report

Bought 2 of these never seen them before. these are amphetamine pills for shure so dont buy it if its sold for anything else. Very speedy and euphoric,they last very long. dont do more then half if you dont have any tolerence! I did not test these but I would say its a meth pill because it lasted very long. 12h+


bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

As soon as I saw the name I knew this was going to be a speed pill :) Thanks for the warning.

February 11, 2013, 11:16 am GMT

kaoblinx (member since February 21, 2010)

you know nothing yet someone who falsified

February 11, 2013, 6:05 pm GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

ok ?

February 11, 2013, 7:16 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Sorry Kaoblinx not sure what you mean? This is reported as a speed pill with a warning posted by one of the sites speed users?

February 12, 2013, 8:08 am GMT

kaoblinx (member since February 21, 2010)

many fake pill that encourages mixing pepezine the big pill sounds often mix with shit like her! and I have observed that in the world to sell essaille know shit and post false Raport

February 12, 2013, 5:07 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Speedfreak makes speed reports - they do not claim them to be MDMA. If you read their reports you will see that they have made several reports so Im assuming they know the difference between Meth and Piperazines.

I agree so many fake pills around and testing is advised :)

February 13, 2013, 8:13 am GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

does anyone knows what are the orange,brown and red spots on these? also they they have a very strong smell

February 18, 2013, 3:39 am GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Date Submitted: February 16, 2013, 8:47 pm
Submitted By: baddnight77
Name: black ops
State/Province: Quebec
User Report: Nice pill if you want speed. Take one pill at 9 pm and gaming all the night ;).

These comments copied from a new report - nothing new to add, no picture so report removed and copied here.

February 18, 2013, 9:22 am GMT

baddnight77 (member since February 16, 2013)

My picture doesn't work when i post the report but its not the same batch. The one i got is clear white.

February 19, 2013, 2:49 pm GMT

blaster200 (member since March 25, 2008)

funny you say that badnight, the star pills that were in NB came in clear white and others with brownish spots, both with equal potency

February 19, 2013, 4:37 pm GMT

cleanspeeduser (member since March 16, 2013)

Hey pill reporters! I'm new to commenting, but I have used this site for reference for almost a year now. I figure that I am an excellent info source for certain supply chains of speed pills from NB and QC.

Since I deal with a lot of product from this and other supply chains (assuming the press isn't copied and adulterated. Those ICE pills have so much variance now, and many are unethically produced. Stay away!)

These Black Ops embossed pills, are indeed methamphetamine. If you're looking for regular amph, this isn't your pill, although I prefer m-amph to amph when taken orally, plugged or insufflated. I don't want a rush and I don't even shoot or smoke pure crystal. I will only be reporting on speed/meth pills, as this is my specialty and I have much experience with plain old stims. If its not amphetamine, I will know, d-amph and meth don't cause any anxiety for me compared to all other hard stims and speed wannabes.

Black Ops Report:

Test: 1 pill dissolved in 7ml of warm water. Insoluable excipients are removed, and solution transfered to shallow container for quick evap (this solution when dissolved has a mild smell of sweet solvent, and by my standards, the product is free from many impurities that meth can come with. The solubility of active ingredients in 30C water and discarding of insoluables causing no change in percieved dose confirms that this is m-amph HCl - as opposed to base). Clearly, not all the binders were insoluable to water like cellulose, and the dried remains are white with noticeable cloudy crystalline shards (another indication of HCl). Marquis test lightly fizzles in under 10 seconds, dark orange. Stable. Simon says almost black but slightly blue. Meth-amph HCl confirmed.

Dose/unit (subjective): Feels like 40-60mg of meth to me! 1.5 pills is my ideal dose (oral or rectal, duration is the same for both usually), and lasts 8-12h (subjective tests are always performed after abstinence of 2+ weeks with magnesium supplementation and ndma inhibitor use.

Adulterants: None noticed. I love the clean feeling of these pills, and find that this source is the best for consistent recipe and predictable effects (by consistent I mean the same supply chain, which rotates press stamps every few thousand pills at most. Don't assume similar shapes will be the same tho!). For the price, this can't be beat. (I'm not a promoter/manufacturer, and sales of pills from this press/lab doesn't affect me). I'm not sure what you pay for 1 or 2 on the street (or how many people took a profit) but I can't disclose price/volume here. I would pay $10/ea for these if I had no other options.

Well, hopefully you'll see more reports, pictures and analytics from me! I also hope that I'm not labelled a cook or primary distributor, as I am not. I just want to comment on what to me is clean speed. I get no adverse effects, and in low doses I don't get crashes with benzos around. Friends who take 4-6 in a day report terrible crashes, but they don't take supplements and other practices to reduce dopamine depletion, such as not taking so fucking much, and never missing more than 1 night of sleep.

CleanSpeed Out! - sorry if this was unacceptably long, it is my intro post.

March 16, 2013, 4:53 am GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

hey man great to have another tweaker on here welcome haha! I haven't been here for to long! I post every new speed I get to let people know its not mdma or something related. also to let speed freaks like me know wich one is good and wich to avoid! Im pretty shure theres a couple of us on this site! anyway thanks for letting me know this is really some meth! I prefer some straight amphetamine less neurotoxic lol. but they will do the job if I cant get anything else! I was suspicious of what this press had cus there was alot of brown/red spots on it and was also more yellowish than white. I heard theres another batch going around that is white? wonder if that one is better? did yours have a strong smell to them even if not dissolved in water ? I pay $2.50 each most of the times.. and I agree its almost impossible to find the good ICE, all the ones down here are complete shit :( I always loved that press for some reasons haha

March 17, 2013, 3:55 am GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

I got this one yesterday!!Strong anxiety.
It had a strong sugar taste and was not enjoyable seriously.. It was some bulk sh!t in my batch I guess.
felt asleep, was extremely mad at life, tasted sugar, headache, pouding hearth, and NO DESIRE to move or socialise.

March 20, 2013, 3:12 am GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

seems to be different batch of these around. the first ones I got tasted very bitter and burned alot when snorted. another batch I had tasted suger and did fuckall. went to sleep after taking 5 of them..

March 27, 2013, 2:53 am GMT