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Dublin, Ireland

Posted by
March 8, 2006
Date Submitted
These pills are tiny. The height equals or exceeds the diameter. They have beveled edges and at first glance might seem a little crumbly and badly made-this is mostly because the colour of the pill and the speckles make it difficult to see the definition of the logo and bevels. They are scored on the reverse side. Have yet to try one as I'm looking for second opinions before I do.

NOTE: Some people might regard the colour as being a darkish/off-blue colour--in my book they are purple--and yet another report claims that thery are pink!

EDIT: Reflecting on the experience I have come to the conclusion that these could very well be MDA based pills.
Finely etched dolphin jumping left
Purple & lots white speckl
Break smoothly but aren't very hard
Beveled, flat on either side
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

Dropped three of these orally and then plugged one half an hour later--the come-up(they do take a while to comeup on tho') came in waves, really intense bursts followed by little plateaus in between.

Absolutely wonderful if you like really rushy come-ups(which I do). I got a 4-5 hour buzz from my initial drop.

I then took another 5 and this buzz was much more uncomfortable-I had an aching nausea caused by huge amounts of stomach acid-it was impossible to thow up so I didnt get any relief. When it all passed I had a very pleasant and relaxed few hours!

Certainly better pills than most of them out there-just line your stomachs guys!


butcher (member since February 15, 2006)

I also have these in Poland, they are exactly same as you described - but do they have a score on the back, if so, they are exactly the same. I didnt eat them so I am also looking for info on those little bastards.

March 3, 2006, 7:30 am GMT

lazlo (member since September 29, 2005)

yeah these ones are scored too

March 5, 2006, 6:15 pm GMT

mc ecstasy (member since November 13, 2005)

i had these a few weeks bak and they r exactly the same as u describe but i thought they were a more pink colour. apart from that every detail like size, texture, logo bein hard 2 make out, how long took 2 cum up is exactly the same. i got mine from london area

March 8, 2006, 1:58 pm GMT