Pill Report: Ice


Posted by
May 14, 2011
Date Submitted
not hard break easy.. not exactly the same logo as the old ice I think but still it looks near the same. Probably not the same old ice.
Last Update
May 14, 2011
Suspected Contents
User Report

Did 1/2 ..... no tolerance at all didnt really do any speed sessions recently (at least 6months) and I was tweaked. I was gettin nice chills that got away after I poped it 3 hours after. well its a good speed pill hands moist. it didnt really wake up for long (3hour) but I presume its because I smoked a lot of good pot too... stay away if your looking for ecstasy


subaruwrx2 (member since October 5, 2010)

Mod Edit

You would have thought that being a member for this long you would have some respect for the mods - rules of the site.

You know that personal contact isnt allowed - Banned


May 14, 2011, 5:28 pm GMT

ramb0 (member since February 21, 2008)


May 14, 2011, 7:45 pm GMT

chemically insane (member since May 13, 2011)

Were these sold as ecstasy or (meth)amphetamine?

May 14, 2011, 9:34 pm GMT

manycrimes (member since August 7, 2010)

^^^It was probably sold as speed. Almost all reports I've seen on here from Quebec have been amphetamines. Also "ice" is another name for meth, that was the giveaway for me

May 17, 2011, 4:27 pm GMT

ravermadness (member since May 18, 2011)

yes, but that doesn't mean it's meth for sure, not saying you're wrong, but they are named after Dentyne Ice, that's why their in a square shape. haha.

May 18, 2011, 8:23 pm GMT

shankus74 (member since June 16, 2011)

Good speed better than the new UPs in Montréal (LaSalle)

June 15, 2011, 11:41 pm GMT

ramb0 (member since February 21, 2008)


June 16, 2011, 7:17 pm GMT

stonedkitty (member since August 6, 2011)

These were great speed pills. Very focused and good feeling all around.

August 6, 2011, 3:04 am GMT

andrewjj24 (member since October 1, 2011)

i had one last night not very good for snorting they burn but what a buzz and plus i was drinking to when i was on it....and now i need to buy more so i can get up cus im hung over...... so im off to get two more later......and more beer

October 1, 2011, 9:33 am GMT

andrewjj24 (member since October 1, 2011)

and idk what it is its not really meth

October 1, 2011, 9:34 am GMT

isaac25 (member since October 26, 2011)

my english is not perfect but i will do my possible,
About 3 weeks ago i took a pill like this one at school from a friend. It took about 15minutes to have the effects and i had a lot of effects. this was the stronguest pill i ever took in my life. I never ran like this in ym life, I wanted to hit everybody even my best friend, and i was able to run for a long time without loosing energy. I had an exam at school this day and i dont know why but i got the best result of the class because of this pill. I got about 6hours effect. At supper time i wasnt hungry and i havent slept of the night

October 26, 2011, 2:08 am GMT

speaf (member since November 12, 2011)

I just became a member to this site... FUCKING LOVE IT!!!
ICE, like in the picture is THE untouchable speed!!! Period. No e here whatsoever. Sadly, it can not be found anymore unless you are a lucky one who happened to pick up a bunch for safe keeping or know someone who did. The ice going around now has a mild e buzz to it and a slightly toward stress type of speed... whereas the original ice was a very intense smooth awakening... I have stayed up several times for 7 days and 7 nights without a second of sleep... no shit! Of course making sure to eat at regular intervals, laying down listening to low talk radio for an hour a day, drinking lots of water, etc. NEVER for a minute being confused, hesitant, or lacking of confidence to perform any task with anybody at any time. No stress. No paranoia, and NOBODY ever knew i was on these. No abdominal pain, no joint pain, no dry skin! Bottom line; you need to get anything done under any circumstance? Build an engine for your hot-rod or pull jury duty on a murder case? Ice is the one. I did these for over 3 years straight at least a couple of times a week and no health changes nor the slightest problem... NO SHIT!!! Most other "speed" pills would cripple and rot someone after so much consumption.
How to differentiate the good from the bad ICE? The good one's indented logo is sharp, and the cut corners stay intact and don't crumble. The pill is almost impossible to break with your hands... when it does, it snaps cleanly. Not chalky and no powder residue rub-offs. I've kept a couple in my jeans pocket with change and keys and a cell phone blending around in there for days, and they kept 100% intact... just don't drop one under water... although you WILL have a few seconds to save it before anything bad happens! If you find these, get as many as you can before its too late... and save them for a very special mission! You will be amazed! Enjoy!

November 12, 2011, 2:06 pm GMT

stonedkitty (member since August 6, 2011)

Oh yah @speaf is speaking the truth! I posted in August about these and JUST got them again - oh boy are they good! Definitely the best I've ever had in my short experience with amps.

January 22, 2012, 1:11 am GMT

dubsteppa (member since March 14, 2012)

Strange that everyone has trouble finding these. There has been a constant supply of them in my area for the past 3 yrs. They are also the ONLY Amp available here.

March 14, 2012, 12:34 am GMT

justpopit (member since October 22, 2010)

same here its the only speed pill available in my area since last year. I heard its the speed made by Hells angels, and the only legit one, if you sell another pill and hells hear this you get kicked by them ;)

March 16, 2012, 9:11 pm GMT

speeddemonqc (member since February 4, 2012)

dubsteppa, how come u posted before u even were a member? isnt it weird? or is it just me?

March 23, 2012, 1:13 am GMT

muffledbuzzer (member since September 23, 2010)

can any one tell me the cut of theses pills i would really like to know

March 26, 2012, 9:29 pm GMT

soundbird (member since April 13, 2012)

Speaf said it all!! I totally agree on the no bad effects!! And nope you can't find em anymore. Or if you still can an you love em just the way i do.. fuck buy'em all!! the lab making them closed! The ice going around now has a mild e buzz to it and a slightly toward stress type of speed...INDEED!!! and you're better off not taking anything..
To know if you have the bad one do the break test you can even chip off chunks of it with your nails witch is impossible to do with the real good one! I got 7 left and im going nuts cause i know there is nothing and i mean NOTHING like it for i have been a daily speed consumer for over 10 years. Thanks Speaf you made me feel like someone understands me. Time to get sober!

April 13, 2012, 8:49 pm GMT

whytetrash (member since May 1, 2012)

these pills are VERY popular in my area, everyone LOVES them. Probably one of the best speed pills I've ever had, there starting to be very difficult to find and other speed just doesn't compare. It's even a better high then crystal meth itself, in my opinion. :)

May 1, 2012, 6:54 am GMT