Pill Report: Blue Hearts
Blue Hearts


Posted by
February 12, 2006
Date Submitted
Small and very well-pressed, light blue, almost lavender. No smell. Slightly bitter taste.
Heart within a circle
Bluey Lavender
4.0 mm
7.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx Medium
Marquis Reagent
User Report

Second night, different pills, expectations low, as we'd seen a bad report on similar looking pills. BUT wooooh, nice buzz, very dancy, sensual and nose-friendly, quite visual, silghtly trippy. No comedown yet, and maybe for some time.....

Marquis Reagent: brownish/red to purple/black in thirty seconds.


thetrinity (member since September 29, 2005)

Took these for the last 2 weeks. They seem ok. Not all that strong but after a few you can get in a nice state. Marquis Reagent went brownish/red quite slow.

February 15, 2006, 1:52 pm GMT

mrsmitconh (member since September 29, 2005)

@ peelz: How many and duration. Other than that good report.

Marquis brownish would indicate some speed in the mix.

February 15, 2006, 3:49 pm GMT

swirrusss (member since February 21, 2006)

I'm from Poland I eat red If you can get it do it awesome efect POZDRO. = D

February 22, 2006, 10:56 am GMT

peelz (member since February 12, 2006)

Soz for the delay in the reply! We stayed in and did these and they were very nice and clean. I personally thought that they were a little weak, as in most people would probably need to double drop to get optimum effects! There were a few of us, most people probably did about 6 for the duration of the nite, but it was a 12 hour party and they lasted well. Seems most people feel the same, u need to take a few to get there, but once ur there u don't wanna come back. There wasn't really any comedown to talk of, at the end of the nite there were pretty trippy once we started on the bongs of doom!

March 4, 2006, 6:22 pm GMT

geordieuser (member since March 12, 2006)

Comment moderated.

User Banned for soliciting.

- Ruski

March 12, 2006, 11:02 pm GMT

tekn0 (member since April 29, 2006)

How much do you think a person should take of these to get the best feeling? 5average xtc-user, 80 kg). Maybe, 5? Or is that too much?

April 29, 2006, 9:08 pm GMT

novotel (member since June 16, 2006)

I ate this pill and I don't feel anything my friend ate 3 and ... no comments NOTHING

June 16, 2006, 7:25 pm GMT

tekn0 (member since April 29, 2006)

Swim had 50 of those. Swim had to take 5 to really feel it hard, but then it was so sweet... Damn...

October 26, 2006, 5:11 pm GMT

partysafeone (member since March 14, 2006)

@ tekn0, a decent dose of ecstasy should be twice your weight; ie. if you weigh 80kgx2= 160mg mdma

Personally i always stay in between 100mg-200mg. It's obviously difficult to tell how much is the right dosage UNLESS your pills have been lab-tested or you're taking pure mdma crystals/powder.
An experienced ecstasy user will immediately feel and know what's right during or in the beginning of his/her E-trip.
For those who are not experienced, if you don't know what you're taking, i wouldn't take more than 1 or half of a pill - to stay on the safe side. Choice is yours.

June 1, 2007, 9:12 pm GMT