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Huddersfield UK

Posted by
February 9, 2006
Date Submitted
These are slightly chalky, no taste to the pill unless its bitten into , then its only a very slight chemical taste
VERY clean White
3.0 mm
5.0 mm
Really Hard
Suspected Contents
User Report

Had 5 of these bastards the other night, didnt feel anything off the first 2, had 3 more felt sightly in a different world , cud have been that i was drunk, definatley non active , my friends had them too and said the same thing, they probably contain a trace of SOMETHING but they dont do NOTHING, has anyone reagent tested this pill, does anyone know what it is that is inside these pills, Im Making a definate warning about these, they dont contain any MDXX and that is certain, Maybe they cud contain ketamine or speed, does anyone know, coz i certainly dont ,


cardiffboy (member since October 1, 2005)

I think ive had these. They are a domed diamond shape. Kinda like viagra shaped but white. I was given these free off my friend to try but didnt think much of them. Was told that they contain speed and no mdma but I am unsure if they contain anything at all. Maybe just some speed??? Was told they were from manchester area. Dunno if they are the same??

February 10, 2006, 8:34 pm GMT

tribal girl (member since January 11, 2006)

Try to explain how they made you feel in more detail and perhaps we can come to a conclusion.

February 10, 2006, 8:37 pm GMT

brownz (member since January 18, 2006)

Well, i just kept forgeting basically, i had smoked plenty of weed n drunk plenty of beer(typical day), but even when im drunk i know when i have a pill thats active or not, these were non active as far as most ppl are concerned but i did feel out of place like i kept forgettin i was alive n jus daydreamin but it cud have been the weed/beer combination

February 11, 2006, 5:18 pm GMT

tribal girl (member since January 11, 2006)

Hmm, sounds weird. Ketamine can make you forgetful but if it got to the stage where you forgot you were alive you'd probably be having OEV's. Did you get any sleep that night? if you did you can probably rule out speed too. Thing is, that's the chance you take unless you have the privilege of owning a testing kit. It sucks.

February 11, 2006, 6:23 pm GMT

highlover (member since February 10, 2006)

testing kit? where can we get hold of these and are they expensive?

February 12, 2006, 7:37 pm GMT

tribal girl (member since January 11, 2006)

You can buy testing kits through for $25 plus postage.

February 12, 2006, 8:40 pm GMT

mrsmitconh (member since September 29, 2005)

EZ Test Kits with Bluelight Discount read this thread ...

Extreme Kit 25 euro (marquis, Simons and Robadope) normally 35 euro.

I am no affiliated with EZ by the way.

February 15, 2006, 9:02 pm GMT

ultron12 (member since October 3, 2005)

I have tested these fuckers. No reaction/colour change. Could be Ket.

My advice is to flush them away, or sell them to people you do not like.

February 16, 2006, 11:00 pm GMT

brownz (member since January 18, 2006)

Definatley not speed, i had 5, i double dropped, then again, then snorted the last one, i was out like a baby, sum parts of the night are missing in my head aswell, maybe they cud contain more serious drugs like rohypnol coz i cant remeber nothin after a certain point, and i wasnt THAT drunk, its a possibility. If anyone buys these after readin this report they deserve a slap.

February 16, 2006, 11:06 pm GMT

highlover (member since February 10, 2006)

thanks for info on kits...gona buy one to be safe in future!

February 18, 2006, 1:20 pm GMT