Pill Report: Maserati


Posted by
July 21, 2010
Date Submitted
Nice clean press. A bit softer than pokeballs but not as chalky as the pumpkins or white dolphins so the logo tends to rub off a little.

Good/decent pills....would recommend them to everyone for a good and SAFE time =)
Trident Spear
Light Green
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

*last meal consumed: 3:30 pm (Lau Lau/Kalua Pig mix plate)
*location pill consumed: club/major DJ performing
*time consumed: 8:00 pm
*6’1” 180 lbs

About 2 month ago I got to try out the blue Maserati’s and it was actually a pretty decent pill and it did its job of getting me to “Infinity and beyond!!” So when the GREEN MASERATI came out two weeks ago and saw that the test results came out positive (http://www.pillreports.com/index.php?page=display_pill&id=22293) I had to give them a try.

Overall, the GREEN MASERATI was a really good/decent pill, I would say stronger than the blue Maserati, BUT I consumed the green ones on empty stomach vs the blue ones I ate about 2 hours before I popped them.

Grab these if you can
My personal rating on the GREEN MASERATI: 7.5/10

8:00 pm: consumed 2 pill before an event in downtown Chinatown
8:30 pm: starting to worry that these were bunk, felt normal, nothing at this point vs the blue Maserati that I took 2 months ago…told myself to just relax and not think about it too much
8:45 pm: started gagging a little…then after 3-5minutes, gagging LIKE FUCKING CRAZY as if my lungs were about to jump out. Security saw me and they approach me because they think im super drunk and thought I actually did throw up. They see that my speech is ok and my friends ensured them that I was ok
9:00 pm: it hits me hard!!!! Very good feeling, that typical euphoria, “im walking on clouds” type of feeling. I already know at this point this roll will be more of a body type roll than a head type roll
9:30 pm: feels even better!! Talking with people around me and made some new friends….DJ that was playing wasn’t the greatest music at that time, but it still felt great…no lights was displayed, it was just dark in the club
10:30 pm: im sitting down….FLOOOORED! music gets better, but still no lights to look at. At this point my friends said that my mouth was going crazy as if I was pac-man eating the air (it’s a sign that I am rolling ballzzzz)
11:00 pm: the main performing DJ comes onto stage….crowd goes crazy, lights in the club goes on…..my roll gets an BOOOOOST!!!!
11:15 pm: HEAVY EYE WIGGLES, not floored but still have that euphoria feeling and I just wanted to dance my ass off
12:00 am: I feel as if im back on earth, knowing that I still got 2 more hours to party…..DOWN THE HATCH with another GREEN MASERATI….
1:00 am: body tingles and feeling floored again….only thing at this point the eye wiggles were not as strong
2:15 am: the event ends and im still feeling great, good body roll, but feels like im sobering up as we walk to our car
2:30 am: drove off and went home…
3:00 am: at home and just chilled a bit on the couch watching TV….come down was really good and had no irritating feeling
3:45-4:00 am: feel asleep EASY
10:00 am: woke up, felt very tired..but had a lot worse feeling/experience on other pills. Drank a Monster drink….and FELT LIKE A CHAMP, went to the beach for a afternoon surf session!!!


youtube123 (member since July 20, 2010)

weird got these a while ago they were total shit. Must be a different batch

July 21, 2010, 10:23 am GMT

ocbudsmkr420 (member since August 13, 2009)

Never a crackout for me homieee lol. Good report also. A lil long but u got all the details.

July 21, 2010, 3:15 pm GMT

ocbudsmkr420 (member since August 13, 2009)

@youtube13 could be different tolerance levels, diff batch or other things ;)

"my mouth was going crazy as if I was pac-man eating the air (it’s a sign that I am rolling ballzzzz)"...i laughed hard wen i read this, my imagineation took over and i could just see a kid sitting there munching air.

July 21, 2010, 6:48 pm GMT

ocbudsmkr420 (member since August 13, 2009)

Ive nevet had dodgy jaw or air munching jaw on mdma. Other stimulants lie bzp yea but mdma has always always locked my jaw.

July 22, 2010, 1:09 am GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Nice report and great photo - thanks for sharing.

I hope the driver was sober though.

lol'd at the packman comment:)


July 22, 2010, 3:50 pm GMT

pinkink (member since July 31, 2010)

I had these a couple months ago, I would have to agree with you, nice clean roll, loved it and wanted more...

July 31, 2010, 9:05 pm GMT

inqontrol (member since January 7, 2010)

some nice looking pills here :)

August 7, 2010, 10:19 am GMT

pollywakit 024 (member since August 28, 2010)

had these a few weeks ago, tested em. speed based. at least my batch was.. felt like shit in the a.m. but i'm pretty sure that was my own fault. (hate oj) not the best i've ever had, but not the worse either.

October 17, 2010, 10:38 am GMT