Pill Report: Yellow Star Pokeball
Yellow Star Pokeball


Posted by
April 25, 2010
Date Submitted
Yes, they made it to Hawaii :)

Very similar press to the blue star. The press is very firm and seems to shine under a light when new. They do get a little chalky after rustling around in a bag for a while. Some of the pills I have have random brownish or grayish spots on them (see pic).

When I bit one in half, it broke into 2 clean pieces. But when i started chewing it, it dissolved easily and was quite disgusting to say the least :)

NOTE: The pill is yellower in person, my camera makes it seem almost whitish. But if I were to name the color, I'd say its banana yellow.
Last Update
April 28, 2010
Top: embedded star/Bottem: Pokeball logo
Top: flat/Bottem: rounded
5.0 mm
7.0 mm
Suspected Contents
User Report

I used to roll like every other week a couple months ago, then I stopped after livewire to save my brain. It usually takes rolls 30-45 minutes for me to feel ANY affects. I havent rolled for a little over a month, until now :)

1010: Took half with a friend. We just finished burning about 30 minutes ago.

1030: My entire body was almost uncontrollably twitchy. I could stop it if I really needed to, but my mind was too lazy to do so. It was kinda fun tho and made me excited for what was to come. I described how I was feeling to my friend as if "a ball of energy was building up inside of me, just waiting to explode." I was kinda stoned xD

1045: Significantly happier and talkative. I noticed I had sweaty palms already but I knew I wasn't peaking yet. My "brain felt warm."

1055: PEEING WAS GLORIUS, and I'm talkative as fuck. It felt so good just to talk and connect with my friends. I had like a 30 min. convo with one of my other friends about how cool we were to each other and how we were happy to be friends and to know each other xD

1105: Took the other half with my friends. Still feeling good and warm :)Not peaking yet.

1150: FAACCCKKK FLOOORED! SO MUCH LOVE FOR EVERYONE! And I always thought I experienced eye wiggles in the past, but this time I finally experienced TRUE eye wiggles! Just looking at street lights was tripping me the fuck out. More talking and spilling out my feelings to all my friends.


From here I stopped recording what was happening. But I'd say i peaked for about 2.5 hours or so. I'm really not sure, just a rough estimate.

Around 330am we started to come down. Was not as talkative as I was, but was still feeling pretty good :) We smoked some weed around 400am and went home. I fell asleep so fast I don't even remember getting into bed.

I woke up happy and hungry with NO CRACKOUT. No joke. I usually crackout kinda bad for the whole day after I roll (blue stars for ex.), but I woke up normal and thats one big reason why I give these yellow stars a 9/10!

Overall, a good clean pill, and a great comeback pill from not rolling for a whole month. I have to say tho, I usually get floored, but this pill did not floor me, which is kinda a good thing I guess. It's just odd tho because I usually do get floored. Some reasons for this however might be that I smoked before my roll and I was'nt at a rave this time. Just cruizing around with friends.

I'm saving some of these for [MOD EDIT: NO EVENT NAMES PLEASE! - we r1*Mod] IN HAWAII!. See you guys there!


sleepinglion608 (member since June 2, 2008)

looking so good

April 25, 2010, 4:35 am GMT

uyfgh321 (member since November 22, 2009)

i hope everyone is ready for sf i am and so are these who wants to catch some pokimon with me XD

April 25, 2010, 6:59 am GMT

ravenousblonde (member since October 1, 2005)

Thanks for the report! ~R*Mod

April 25, 2010, 10:06 am GMT

rkp808 (member since April 25, 2010)

i double dropped 2 yellow stars this pas saturday and brah i gotta agree with you they are amazing XD i was also surprise that i didnt down.
but even though yellow stars are amazing my favorite is still green transformer pokeballs XP

April 25, 2010, 10:08 am GMT

asdfpsy (member since October 3, 2006)

I could of got these last night. But chose blue transformer pokes instead. But these look just as dank.

April 25, 2010, 4:57 pm GMT

hirollin808 (member since March 8, 2010)


aw shit man, I still gotta try those!! heard they were mean too

April 26, 2010, 2:41 am GMT

happyland (member since February 1, 2010)

Nice report! Had these a few weeks back, one of the better pokeballs I've tried

April 28, 2010, 1:22 am GMT

exxdoutthegame (member since April 24, 2010)

Yea these are the shit

May 8, 2010, 8:38 am GMT

kbear7 (member since May 17, 2010)

i tried these out and im forsue going to do these again!! i took orange euro pokiballs but these were way better :)

May 17, 2010, 4:16 am GMT

mattijuana (member since May 21, 2010)

These were bomb :] my second favorite after the green transformer pokes.
My yellow star pokes had brown specks in it too & tasted like straight up thizz.
I looooove 'em

May 21, 2010, 2:49 pm GMT

hirollin808 (member since March 8, 2010)

had um again last night, shit was amazing! i was rolling well into the morning hours o.O

June 1, 2010, 3:38 am GMT

istartedthefire (member since June 21, 2010)

I'm starting my night off with one of these, then a yellow clover pokeball. Anyone know how those clovers are?

June 21, 2010, 10:00 pm GMT

jraesd (member since June 24, 2010)

yellow clover pokeballs are badass! I was hella talkative! ahah

June 23, 2010, 10:10 pm GMT

eorgasm (member since April 4, 2009)


July 23, 2010, 4:07 am GMT

puachan (member since July 26, 2010)

yellow star pokeballs were pretty good for me, i didnt down and it gave me a really nice body high :) id say 8/10 for me.

July 26, 2010, 7:20 am GMT