Pill Report: White Armani
White Armani

SE London

Posted by
January 29, 2006
Date Submitted
tribal girl
Appearance-smaller than your average sized pill with very fine detail on the actual logo.

Taste-very bitter

Smell-strong chemical type aroma to them
Georgio Armani eagle
Off white w/light brown specks
5.0 mm
6.0 mm
Firm press with slightly waxy appearance
Outpressed bevel on score side
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

Dropped a whole pill around the 10:30pm mark. Came on within 30 mins with slight eye wiggles and warm body rushes.
An hour after initial effects began to take hold I began to get waves of euphoria over my body-leaving me sighing contently.
Soon after I found myself in the middle of the dancefloor, unable to stop myself from smiling and touching everybody!.Extreme jaw clenches and some serious cotton mouth had also kicked in by now (tho I didn't drink an excessive amount of liquids).
Felt very chatty and sociable throughout the entire night. Kept redosing every 1 1/2hrs or so, tho it deffinately wasn't needed, as a friend only took 2 in the same amount of time and we're of a similar level of tolerence (I'm just greedy!). Ended up taking 4 1/2 over the space of 7hrs and never felt a dip in mood. Remained fairly dancey, allowing myself small breaks for massages and what not. Didn't sense much speed in these either which is somewhat refreshing around these parts.Light shows also began to trip me out after a while, messing up my sense of balance and co-ordination on the dancefloor.

Clearly still very high during my journey home (bus driver didn't look very impressed :p). Got home around 6:30am and splashed away in a nice hot bubble bath which was so good!. After that, flicked through various TV stations untill around 7:30am before deciding to call it a day. Surprisingly enough I managed to grab about 5hrs with minor disturbances. Comedown was also very minor-still felt tired and achey but no signs of depression. Able to nibble on the odd snack but nothing too adventurous. The only bad thing I would say about these is that it's damn near impossible to urinate!. God knows it's bad enough the best of times, but these are killer in that capacity.


carlthebigmeanbunny (member since November 20, 2005)

That not urinating must really be a 'time of the year' thing. Suddenly everybody is complaining about it in my circle of friends :).
Not me though, my weener is a trusty old fella

January 30, 2006, 4:31 pm GMT

tribal girl (member since January 11, 2006)

It's very strange if you ask me. Usually when I'm out clubbing and I go to the loo, the only way I can go is if I wazz to the beat of the music. "BOOM BOOM"...sqeeze, squeeze etc :)

January 30, 2006, 8:14 pm GMT

djjeffro (member since February 10, 2006)

if it the armanis i gt they were the shittest Es ive ever had in my life. big waste of money

February 10, 2006, 1:52 am GMT

highlover (member since February 10, 2006)

man, these were my first pills and i wasnt impressed then...took a pill and a half for me to even feel anything back then.

have had a lot better ones since and would not recommend these at all. couldnt sleep at all that night and the come down was awful...not only feeling depressed but also physically sick

February 10, 2006, 4:47 pm GMT

tribal girl (member since January 11, 2006)

There were some white armani's about in london last year, and yeah, they were beyond pathetic. That's exactly the reason why I was disappointed when I got these. However, these are a lot smaller and a lot better pressed than the ones from last year. Don't be so quick to dismiss them like I was, because in my opinion, they're the best we've had since the pink playstation 2's. Now you're gonna tell me that they were shit too :)

February 10, 2006, 8:26 pm GMT

highlover (member since February 10, 2006)

didnt get chance to try the playstations...shame as iv heard a lot about them.

hopefully going to get some now, dont know what they are yet but i'l write a report for them in the morning if my mate comes through and delivers.

February 11, 2006, 7:14 pm GMT

dmtdoodeelsd (member since February 24, 2006)

i think there have been a few batches of armarnis out. my mate bought 100 a few years back... they didnt have the bevel and were a bit shit, too speedy. the fresher ones are deffinatly better, contents-wise and better produced.

February 24, 2006, 4:25 pm GMT

tribal girl (member since January 11, 2006)

^Amen to that!

February 25, 2006, 1:40 pm GMT

asdfgh (member since October 12, 2005)

I can never urinate after more than 3 pills or so.. Takes ages to squeeze it out.. I get that with virtually all pills

March 11, 2006, 7:43 pm GMT

ibiza chick (member since September 29, 2005)

Great report...sound really nice pills yummy!

March 23, 2006, 10:11 pm GMT