Pill Report: Pink Bomb
Pink Bomb

Gold Coast

Posted by
January 25, 2006
Date Submitted

Logo: Was sold as cherry bombs. Has what appears to be a bomb or the female symbol.

Colour: Baby pink with white and dark pink specs.

Score: About 1mm deep and runs right to the edge

Bevel: Noticeable bevel top and bottom

Other: No real taste or smell. Appears to be a fairly solid pill and will not break easily.


Marquis- Orange

Mandelin- Maybe a light change to green but nothing noticeable.

Mecke- No colour change.
Bomb or Female Symbol
4.0 mm
8.0 mm
Bevel top and bottom
Suspected Contents
Mandelin Reagent
Marquis Reagent
Mecke Reagent
No Reaction


bzzed (member since November 18, 2005)

Great report... all the important info. Thanks for the heads up with a test not just “it felt like K”. Wondering if anyone in internet land has dropped one??? Would be interesting to here a consumer comment.

January 25, 2006, 10:26 pm GMT

nickthecheese (member since September 30, 2005)

It's the holy hand-grenade from monty python!

Pressers are certainly getting inventive...

January 26, 2006, 11:26 pm GMT

cowlick (member since January 24, 2006)

grr just got some of these, after being unlucky enough to get the grey v's previously. will proceed to try these tomorrow night and will post details

January 27, 2006, 2:31 pm GMT

crazybrendan (member since November 6, 2005)

I had one of these last night in Brisbane. Definitely speedy. Felt a little chopped for a bit then just speed effects for the rest of the night. Good fun, but don't take these if you want MDMA effects.

January 29, 2006, 7:32 am GMT

pet0x (member since October 31, 2005)

Had one of these last week on the coast. Thought they were quite good much better than some of the crap that has been going around lately. As crazybrendan said they were quite speedy took one at 1am with my girlfriend we both didnt get to sleep till 8. Recommened for those looking to get away from the smacky pills that are around atm.

February 14, 2006, 1:03 am GMT

picadore (member since September 30, 2005)

If you dont enjoy the effects of MDMA then i sugest you try speed.

Then maybe there wouldnt be so many aduterated pills around.

February 14, 2006, 2:33 am GMT

niceonebruva (member since April 16, 2006)

I have had two of these on seperate occasions and definatly felt the effects of speed, very chatty. I refer to them as speed bombs and would definatly agree with picadore on his comment about all nighters, not for the smacky loving person tho.

April 16, 2006, 10:46 am GMT

pillmeboi (member since July 24, 2006)

Had FOUR of these on saturday night. Had one at 2315... waited, waited, felt like something was coming, but nothing happened. So dropped another at 0045, and was very dancey by this stage, but still not what I was hoping for (ie mdma effects), so at 0130 I threw caution to the wind and dropped the other two. Danced all night, was good for dancing, but NOT what i want from a pill. Went back to a friends place at 0430 and stayed there until 1130 talking. Had a few lines of real speed just to get me through the day. Took a sleeping pill at 2000, kept waking up still through the night. Day at work today (monday) was fine, no bad come-down at all. Cheers

July 24, 2006, 10:16 am GMT