Pill Report: Green Mitsubishi
Green Mitsubishi


Posted by
January 22, 2006
Date Submitted
DIMENSIONS: 8mm x 5mm (including domed back)

COLOUR: light green with white specks

LOGO: Mitsubishi Motors (3 diamonds)

SCORE: same width score running across the centre of the back face of the pill, deeper in the centre because of the domed back

TASTE: Did not taste.

SMELL: Chemical, not the usual smooth aniseed, but close.

MARQUIS - grey to black in 5-10 seconds. No bubbling, fizzing or other reactions.

Comments: Tests suggest the presence of DXM.

Chops in half easily without crumbling too much. Noticed clear specks when I scraped a bit off to test.
Mitsubishi Motors
8.0 mm
5.0 mm
Suspected Contents
Marquis Reagent
User Report

I had one, took about 2 hours to come on, not very strong. All head-fuky, no love. Was like MDx without the goodness. No extra energy. Tested grey to black on the tester which is DXM according to the colour sheet. No purple to be seen, no matter how hard I looked!

The high was dirty, left me with a headache and a dodgy stomach. High lasted for about an hour or two, but didn't feel like sleeping for about 6 hours after I dropped it. While the pill wasn't as crumbly as others I've seen, the remaining ones that were'nt consumed are breaking away bit by bit and the logo and score are not as defined as they once were.


ekstasis (member since September 29, 2005)

Can you please describe the taste and smell? Was it the usual MDxx bitter taste? Was it the usual sasafrass/safrol smell that the Green Mitzis usually reak of? (kinda like aniseed)

Could you see any differences in the way these looked from the good batch of Green Mitsubishi's such as in these reports?

You should change your report to Tested-yes and Marquis-grey as your "e" tester is a Marquis reagent as this is the only home ecstasy test kit that will turn a grey - black for DXM. Also did you first see smoke and bubbles? Was it a slow reaction to grey?

January 22, 2006, 9:42 am GMT

trajikirony (member since January 22, 2006)

I've edited my post based on the clear reports you've refered me to.

I'd say these Mitsis look pretty much identical to the other posts - The difference would be that the one's I got might be a slightly darker green, and have white specks. They're also a bit crumbly, although it didn't feel that crumbly when I scraped a bit off to test.

The photo I've provided is actually a bit darker than it should be because of bad light.

January 22, 2006, 12:27 pm GMT

iamanaughtyboy (member since October 7, 2005)

I think you may need to have another look at your test results. If they didn't go grey and have fizzing/smoke, then it isn't DXM. The test results indicate to me that you've got MDxx, which is in line with the other reports for this pill.

January 23, 2006, 2:25 am GMT

stevenwidavand2es (member since October 1, 2005)

Yah sounds like you just had a bad reaction to a good pill. Don't worry it happens to the best of us. :)

January 23, 2006, 6:51 am GMT

trajikirony (member since January 22, 2006)

Think what you like - but the feeling was mutual among the group of us that took them (unless you're really suggesting that 5 people could have bad reactions to good pills all in the one night?). I've been taking these things for quite a few years now so I'm no newby and a good pill has never failed on me - all I'm saying is be careful, and party safe. There's no regulatory body who governs the rights to the Mitsubishi press in this industry.

January 23, 2006, 9:33 am GMT

peaked (member since September 30, 2005)

If you have access to a mecke test kit, that will give a much more definate indication of DXM in a pill. Its pretty rare for DXM pills to be in circulation here, though ofcourse its still possible, so thanks for the warning.

In regards to the marquis test, as others have said, dxm will cause bubbling/fizzing and smoke. Many mdxx pills can also cause a grey reaction which darkens to black over time, so the fizz/smoke is important in determining DXM.

Also, just because a pill tests up as MDxx does not mean it is a good pill! Impurities in the MD left over from the synthesis could effect the experience, as well as the addition of other (undetectable) chemicals like caffeine.

January 23, 2006, 12:32 pm GMT

maorimessiah (member since October 11, 2005)

I love green mitsi's awwwwwww green mitsi's are the bomb fuck you buddy lol ;p

January 25, 2006, 8:56 am GMT

complex (member since September 29, 2005)

yeah that's helpful maori dude... Go have a few more.

January 26, 2006, 12:59 pm GMT

pillpopper (member since January 13, 2006)

A friend and I dropped some of these the other day. After the first, they seemed fine - if a little weak, so we dropped another, and later another...Things started going bad about 18hrs after we dropped the first one and about 3~4 hours after our last. We were both drinking a little, and we had both just had 2 cones. After reading this report, I looked up DXM and its symptoms and effects, and they seemed very familiar. I'm not saying that those symptoms couldn't have been felt on anything else, but at the moment, I am thinking it is very possible that the pills did contain DXM. Would also like to note that they tasted worse than pills usually do. We tried chewing them, doing lines, and both were so bad - even for non-newbies like ourselves, that we ended up just swallowing them whole - with a nice tasting drink to wash down the aftertaste.

January 27, 2006, 12:18 pm GMT

laser (member since September 29, 2005)

These are the fakes!

- Larger logo

- Flat score

- Big white bits

January 29, 2006, 9:55 am GMT

krash (member since January 26, 2006)

Ive got to say, that when I heard that Green mitzi's were back in town I got a little exited, I mean sure different batch as always but hey I had hope, However that hope very quickly faded when i dropped the sucker. I work in a bar and ive gotten higher dropiing no-Doze, No peak, No Love, No energy, Just a chatty SLIGHTLY floaty feel to them. Avoid if you can.

January 30, 2006, 3:47 am GMT

hoojoo (member since January 30, 2006)

Snorted a little bit of this a while back but not much (about a 1/3 of a pill). I had no tolerance as this was technically my first time. I say technically because I did not feel a thing. Another friend who did this with me claimed to have a really bad headache for about 2 weeks after snorting some of this.

January 31, 2006, 8:15 pm GMT

juvey (member since September 29, 2005)

a friend of mine had this pill reported it to be a feeling similar to Acid and nothing like mdma (suspect DXM). Another friend didn't feel anything.

Either way, avoid them.

March 26, 2006, 4:02 am GMT

rossy (member since August 29, 2007)

reject these pills

August 29, 2007, 11:17 am GMT