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Posted by
December 28, 2005
Date Submitted
These r not the same as any of the other cherries that have been floating around. These r alot smaller and have a sort of smooth waxy finish. The logo is clear and is in the dead centre of the pill. Not crumbly whatsoever.
2 Cheeries Joined
Round no score
2.0 mm
8.0 mm
Very smooth and quite shiny
Bottom is bevelled, top is flat
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

These r the best pills ive had in awhile would def say they were up there with the pink hearts but dont quite contain that magic. One had me gurning and lovin it and 2 i was really really enjoying myself with no mongyness at all. Get your hands on these but just remember there is alot of different ones about. All my friends really loved these aswell.


jumpingforjoy (member since December 28, 2005)

had 4 of these.(did nothing else) they are the cleanest I've had in ages, though not the strongest hence 4! Slept easily, although felt tired when I got up.
was still up the next day. took a couple of days to get back to normal. allot of chewing, definitely that old feeling although not as dancey as some. would definitely recommend.

December 28, 2005, 12:10 pm GMT

luigi (member since December 22, 2005)

I had some of these a few weeks ago although im not sure if they r the same cauz i dunno what bevelled top means, well i sorta do lol but the ones i got did have scores on the back but yeah they are clean cherries have a good rep in my town but they dont seem to newhere else

December 28, 2005, 12:22 pm GMT

joonyer (member since December 28, 2005)

I had 3 of these for my birthday the other night, and I was really REALLY impressed - I rushed so intense that I blacked out on my feet (didn't pass out, just stood staring blankly for about a minute, lol, but a lot of that is mind control too, directing the trip etc). I wasn't as dancy as usual, every 10 mins or so I wanted to go and sit and chill and watch the world go by, but they were awesome. Very clean press, very white, and the comedown was basically non-existent. I'd been raving all night, then slept for about 7hrs, then I was just tired all day - VERY pleased! If you find some, buy loads and stock up!

December 28, 2005, 12:27 pm GMT

luigi (member since December 22, 2005)

Yeah i had no comedown whatsoever with the cherries i had, it was quite the opposite, i felt buzzy the next day and energetic, if only they were all like that :-/

December 29, 2005, 9:03 am GMT

dragon78 (member since November 2, 2005)

I had some of these the other night.... not sure if they were the same ones as the press on these I had was very faint. They were white with speckled cream bits.

My first time on pills for ages, and I loved them! Very clean and happy, although not too strong. I went a bit nuts and had 5 in the end! They werent very dancey, I was happy enough just sitting and chatting and enjoying the music/ atmospehere. Although that might also be beause the club was PACKED!

Found it hard to sleep when I got in, so I just chilled all day :-)

December 29, 2005, 2:47 pm GMT

village crew (member since January 2, 2006)

first time i got these i heard they were apparanlty mint. so i dropped 2 and didnt feel a come up, just felt rite open about everything. then dropped another and started feeling rite heavy and horrible. then i got some more a few weeks back and dropped 2 about 9 felt fine and dandy. just havein a dance and a bit talkative. then by 2 in mornin id dropped 7 and started halucinating bad. felt rite heavy and started hearin stuff that no one was sayin. felt terrible a good four days after. last nite i got some. double dropped about 10. felt ok and talkative and then by 4 id dropped 10 and started feeling terrible. halucinating badly like a bad trip. and just lost all enthusiasm about anythin. just wanted to fall alseep but couldnt. woke up this mornin and feel terrible...i dunno if these are different from others people are gettin. but i dont think these are that good a pill. lots of confusion and too much hard gurning for me. woke up my jaw felt like it was hangin off...i dont know if this is any help so.

January 2, 2006, 12:51 am GMT

joonyer (member since December 28, 2005)

Village crew - no offence mate, but don't do so many... I know you may have a high tolerance, but doin that many of a decent pill is bound to fuck you up... Then again maybe these just don't agree with you. Be careful though mate.

January 5, 2006, 1:54 am GMT

village crew (member since January 2, 2006)

yeh i dont usually drop that many just on rare occasions when i have that many. but when i dropped 3 i felt kinda same as i dropped 10 so i think its just these pills not agreein with me like you said. stayin away from these ones for a while anyway. id rather drop the superman or devil horns if i could get em.

January 6, 2006, 12:35 pm GMT

rhubarbboy (member since November 4, 2005)

Got hold of a couple of these for the weekend. the Logo isn't like the pacha cherries that where doing the rounds... these cherries have the leaves also (kinda like fruit machine cherries)... am gunna try then and report back.

January 6, 2006, 7:37 pm GMT

comingup (member since January 13, 2006)

I have been getting this batch in for a few weeks and at the start they were amazin, came up after 1/2 hr and felt really happy then i would do another one an hr later but after having them for a few more times the feeling just wasnt as good and i didnt feel like dancing much, just sitting down watching the world go by, i felt it hard 2 come up on 3 after doing them a few times and i dont take much. But recommend for early users!

January 13, 2006, 4:14 pm GMT

ultron12 (member since October 3, 2005)

Tested. Went black in about 10 seconds. Will be useing these on St Paddys day in Manchester.

March 16, 2006, 7:30 pm GMT