Pill Report: Pink Swirl
Pink Swirl

San Antonio

Posted by
June 14, 2009
Date Submitted
ibiza voice
This is a strange looking pill with 2 half circles kind of together on the front and a little R in a circle on the back like a registered trade mark. There is also a score on the back.
Last Update
June 14, 2009
2 half circles
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
Marquis Reagent
User Report

Nice pill very clean.


mdmahigh (member since February 27, 2008)

Awesome, that pill looks clean as hell.

June 14, 2009, 4:59 pm GMT

rayvon (member since December 14, 2006)

@ibiza voice...-hey fair play with all the new reports.. not much info on some of them could you recommend whats good and whats bad? how have u come across so many?

[Mod Edit DONT ask for sources] BL*Mod

Theres a general Ibiza discussion thread on bluelight :)

June 14, 2009, 6:43 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

My thoughts exactly darcha22 - image added to the report

June 14, 2009, 6:56 pm GMT

rayvon (member since December 14, 2006)

ok mod apoligies... just trying to get info you know yourself......

June 14, 2009, 11:13 pm GMT

cwacers (member since April 28, 2008)

how do i swee the ibiza discussion?? that pill looks nice prob b different 1's flying around by the time i go end august...

June 15, 2009, 3:34 pm GMT

cwacers (member since April 28, 2008)

cheers darcha22... how shit is the quality of our british beans 4 the past year??!! shocking.. can any1 tell me the story behind all the shitty sickly pills that r among us!!??

June 15, 2009, 5:35 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

^ Yeah - early 2000's arrived and along came piperazines. They were a legal "alternative" to dangerous/killer pills that were being taken by ravers (MDMA/Ecstasy). At first they were only available online - slowly but surely dirty pressers got wind of it and started to buy it by the tonne and press it into pills that everyone recognised (mitzis/rolexs/crowns etc) and for a while nobody noticed and thought these new pills are strong. Then some people started to realise that the "new" pills were off (Off=no empathy, no loved up feelings, no sleeping afterwards,sickness,paranoia etc) - the rest of the people didn’t really care / fucked up with them was A/OK so the majority of the pill people gobbled up the pips (pills got cheaper and cheaper). The pill pressers thought- wow legal drugs give better returns than "illegal" drugs – I can get caught but wont be locked up for dealing in Grade A drugs (MDMA). So pressers had “legal” chemicals and a customer that knew nothing else. The “dirty” pills came out and everyone ate them up– so they made more. One day those in the know (the people on the site) said “hang on” this isn’t MDMA or MD. but it was too late. Piperazine pills was already established-many clubbers didn’t notice the difference between being able to club all night, go home and sleep between club all night go home and be sick for the following two days! A new generation of clubbers arrived that didn’t know what MDMA/Ecstasy was – they thought that the Piperazine pills they were consuming (and the side effects) were “normal” so they bought them – pressers kept making them. In the meantime the precursor chemicals to making real MDMA got harder and harder to obtain so the “real” pressers were making less pills.

So we now have a drought of real pills against a flood of shit pills.


June 15, 2009, 9:28 pm GMT

playhard (member since December 28, 2008)

couldnt of put it any better myself bearlove - i know alot of people still buying all the junk even though ive showed them reports on here and tested junk for them to show its not real e theyre getting

although i also think its become harder to import real E over now aswell.

June 16, 2009, 1:39 pm GMT

cwacers (member since April 28, 2008)

wow.. thanks bearlove... i know tell me about it how ill do the pips make us!!! horrible.. i dnt actually get sick on them but suffer the following 2/3 days.. that is when i dint know much better though.. i now avoid them.. there hasn't been any 'real' pills where i am 4 a year now.. nt 1!!! it's furstrating!! always stock up on the crystal when i cam ;) thanx 4 the info dude :)

June 17, 2009, 12:11 am GMT

ndoody (member since May 2, 2009)

Ahh, these were the bad boys that I picked up in Spain. From a guy who had emigrated to Barcelona, very very good and 100% MDMA contained in them (large amounts).

June 23, 2009, 9:54 pm GMT

heathcliffe (member since July 6, 2009)

Just got some of these. I think there is a new batch which are alright but nowhere near the strength of the old ones (which is a bloody shame).

Still, they are MDMA

July 6, 2009, 4:45 pm GMT

pureparty (member since July 14, 2009)

Hey! First of all I would like to say: GREAT SITE!
Secondly. My pet wizzard has acquired these or simillar ones (have more blue specs in them...)
Will report as soon as my wizzard tested them.
Edit: just liked mine, very sour, fizzes on marquis, but also turns purple. probably bzp with some mdma...

July 14, 2009, 2:47 pm GMT

mrpacman00 (member since September 7, 2009)

Probably the best pill in the island..
they smell like vanilla.... usually is a good thing.. also some mdma powder found this summer had a similar smell.. same smell also of some good "brown hearts" found the same days....
i remember the same smell of some good old pills in late 90's

September 7, 2009, 2:35 pm GMT