Pill Report: Adidas

Niagara Falls, Ontario

Posted by
December 24, 2005
Date Submitted
- logo not double pressed like the other report on here
- score on the back
- few little light brown specks
3 Adidas Stripes
Round, flat on both sides
Not hard-pressed, broke in half easily
Sharp, trim around edge on both sides
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

This report was originally posted December 3, 2005, 7:31pm but was incomplete. Got a little busy with finals. Sorry about that guys.


9:20pm - consumed 1 pill orally and also railed 1/2

9:40pm - feeling a bit cold (was warm when dropped). Lately while droppping I seem to get freezing cold before getting hit with warmer body temperatures. I suppose it could be the fact that its winter now, but even if I remain in the same environment the whole time, its been starting off as cold them warm. At this point, I can feel something behind my eyes, kind of like heavy-like stoner eyes or almost like drowsy eyes off cough syrup or something to that effect. Didn't like that at all.

10:10pm - consumed 1/2 pill orally, since I wasn't feeling anything but heavy eyes.

10:30pm - feelin it come up, but nothing intense, got a little more energy in wanting to dance, not experiencing any other typical effects yet.

10:50pm - can feel it in pit of my stomach, hands feel sweaty but are freezing cold at the same time, dry mouthed

11:00pm - peak, hands movin fast, music good, want to dance, appetite loss (someone started eating, I nearly wanted to throw up), sweaty palms, energetic, pupils huge

12:00am-1:00am - peak over, feeling pretty close to sober at this point, very awake. decided to go out ended up eating more and was awake for probably about a day before crashing.

DECEMBER 19/2005

I'm a really frequent roller but I've pretty much been on a rolling break since December 3. I might have dropped once between. That may not seem like a huge break but I'm used to dropping like 4-5 times a week, but anyways let's not discuss how stupid that is. I'm aware.

5:30pm - consumed 1 pill orally. haven't really slept or eaten for about 2 days at this point.

6:00pm - feeling it come up, perma smile, music sounds good

6:30pm - reached the peak, feeling euphoric for the first time since summer (probably cause I let my tolerance drop a bit), eyes are kind of rolly and wanting to shut my eyes, didn't really experience a burst in energy because it was a pretty chill environment (we were partying already early that morning), no sweaty hands, appetite loss, pupils were huge, tingles on the back of my head, not so dry-mouthed this time around.

8:00pm - feeling soberish at this point. didn't last very long. I think I went home at this point and ate something around 9pm and was in bed by midnight and slept until morning. No sketch whatsoever the next day.


peacelove (member since October 19, 2005)

A bunch of friends and i rolled these last night, and they were very intense for us.
We are pretty frequent rollers, too.

December 24, 2005, 6:06 pm GMT

msdanger (member since September 29, 2005)

Nah, I wouldn't say they were intense just from my experience. I've dropped them on several different occasions.

December 25, 2005, 2:48 am GMT

peacelove (member since October 19, 2005)

Maybe it's a different batch?

December 25, 2005, 3:27 am GMT

dj king (member since November 9, 2005)

man those look absolutely danky

December 25, 2005, 4:00 am GMT

msdanger (member since September 29, 2005)

peacelove - maybe its the same batch, maybe not. It's hard to say. I read your report a few days ago but I don't remember where you are from (kind to lazy to check for this comment right now), somewhere in the states I think. Anyways, if ur really far its probably a different batch. I know a handful of people who rolled balls on these pills. But I also know two handfuls of people who didn't. Who knows.

But glad to hear you had a good experience with them. :)

December 26, 2005, 2:02 pm GMT

reronic (member since September 29, 2005)

i had the same pills a few days ago... consumed 1 as i only had 1 and was very skeptical it would get me rolling. It did a hell of a job. Not sure if its got caffine or not. I fell to sleep 6 1/2 after poping but id say i passed out drinking a bottle of whisky.

December 26, 2005, 5:50 pm GMT

msdanger (member since September 29, 2005)

I was able to sleep fine after. I don't think there was any caffeine in these. Usually any kind of caffeine gives me a headache and makes me sick and want to throw up. Like the green apples that went around during the summer made me wanna puke everywhere and gave me a major headache. I was fine with these pills though.

December 27, 2005, 9:56 am GMT

therollingstoner (member since September 29, 2005)

Thanks for the reports msdanger. These sound good. -mod

December 27, 2005, 2:03 pm GMT