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Dolce & Gabana

Coleraine, Northern Ireland

Posted by
December 22, 2005
Date Submitted
Smaller than average pill but packs a punch would have got pictures up but they were delayed in getting to us so we were all eager to bang em
Slight Blue Tint
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

I can't really be sure of how good just one would be. I took one at around 8:30pm and i started coming up 15minutes later while playing guitar, huge fuckin grin on my face. My friends took one at the same time, one took about half an hour to come up the other came up about same time. I was sweatier than normal, went out in the car(with sober driver) stuck my head out the window, it was a really intense come up sorta like regular bursts gettin better with every one, took another half at about 9:10pm went to the party, my other friend also took another half at same time as me but my other friend wasnt feelin it too good, he was layin in bed most of the night but said he cud see stuff when he closed his eyes, when we were dancing i could see couloured trails when the lights went out highly visual, took my last one at 10 and i was rollin till bout 4 then in a flash everything was normal untill 10mins later, very gradual comedown. the next day was a bastard of a comedown, just lay in my bed most of it but could sleep good and had interesting dreams, good for partying when ur coming up and peaking but as it wears off, its really good for chatting, make sure u got some haribo or ull chew ur teeth to the nerves :S


wieldop (member since October 4, 2005)

i had these like 1 year ago blue d&g there were the bomb aight they contain mda i eat 4.5 of these beatys and mah trip was ooooh soo fine:)

December 22, 2005, 4:21 pm GMT

flyingpasty (member since December 23, 2005)

Just bought a large batch of these (Swindon - South West England area) and will test them 2moz i think. Like Luigi said smaller than average pill, very well pressed and hard. Cut one in half with a knife and wasnt as hard as i expected, some greyish speckles inside along with slight blue. Been told there quite mild to begin with but get rushy later on.

December 23, 2005, 8:14 pm GMT

packman (member since September 30, 2005)

had same pills in dublin very well pressed and hard some greyish speckles. Medium MDMA. i have a big tolerance so i necked 14 but about 5 pills would do most non heavy peeps.

December 23, 2005, 9:00 pm GMT

luigi (member since December 22, 2005)

Im not a heavy user, i have only been using for a few months and basically every weekend, but im laying off till a big party after xmas, im 16 5'6 and around 100lbs so i dont need much, i was quick to start coming up and it was light to begin with and very rushy later on as u say and the peak lasts for a good few hours had a really craving comedown tho, make sure u got some hash or weed or if u dont like that get haribo or something cauz they gave me the worse grinding ever and i had alredy run out of both

December 24, 2005, 1:46 am GMT

flyingpasty (member since December 23, 2005)

Did two of these tonite, quite mild and didnt feel anything to start with - altho maybe a bad atmosphere - no music. But as got quite rushy feel later on. Didnt last very long to be honest, just dropped with no real come down. Gotta say u deffo need something to chew as these are quite severe on the jaw. Also had a mate with me who did two but he was fucking pissed before he did them. He was hallucinating badly! Made a interesting walk home!

December 25, 2005, 3:15 am GMT

julian (member since January 3, 2006)

Dam! How come luigi gets to try all these differnt pills in collrain?!?! i been living in portrush for 5 months all i had where the double cherrys an those shittie red pills! luigi u are a lucky bugger

January 3, 2006, 3:51 pm GMT

luigi (member since December 22, 2005)

I gtta go to diff dealers, i got some shitty supermans in portrush for new years eve they were shite they actually made me end my ecstasy honeymoon well at least untill i can get guarantee of sum good ones and i been doin them too often so ill just lay off them for a few months gunna have to go back to very heavy ganje smokin

January 4, 2006, 6:55 pm GMT