Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
busyoner (member since December 9, 2008)
I am completely disgusted by whats happening at the moment. In Perth it seems about 50% of so called "ecstacy pills" are actually this piperzine shit. The worst part is most people who take them dont care what it is and dont either bother to test to see if there getting a dodgey pill.
January 20, 2009, 1:41 am GMTPeople you dont need a tester to tell if its a BZP pill or not. Just lick the pill and if it taste sour dont even bother. The even sadder part is that people are actually enjoying these pills just for the fact that they are getting wasted and buying them again knowingly.
Iv dealt with one of these pills and i would not wish it on my worst enemy. With festival season in full effect, these are being punted off in the thousands and people are double dropping etc leaving them in a disgusting state and in some cases like i have witnessed, a coma.
This is what makes me so angry at the goverment and other goverments, although Piperzines are illegal in Australia, they arent in many other countries and this drug is just absolutely horrible and puts thousands in hospital whereas MDMA does not cause this but the fine and jailtime for possesing small quantities of ecstacy is insane.
I do not see how the Australian government will allow tobacco to be legal, a drug that has absolutely no medical benefit and ecstasy which has many medical and phycholgical benefits to be illegal and classified as a class A drug. What the hell is wrong with this country? Dont get me wrong i know if ecstasy was legal it would case a few problems but the positives would outweigh the negatives by a mile.
psilosubnaut (member since June 20, 2007)
^^^ Agreed
January 20, 2009, 3:50 am GMTNZ has the most expensive/shittest pills on earth, i feel sorry for you guys!
Remember, knowledge is power!
The government wont legalise anything in the near future so do your research and start stumping dealers when they spin their bullshit.
repress (member since September 21, 2008)
Again, I had no problem with these pills. Both Red and Blue Nikes I found to be fine. These blue ones have an awfully bitter taste to them. The people I spoke to at the club I was at before buying one said they took a little while to come on, there was a big table of muntheads that had double dropped who appeared to be enjoying themselves. I had one and it hit me in about an hour. Pretty lovey-dovey and happy.
January 20, 2009, 8:27 am GMTThough in saying that, I've never had a BZP pill before and I don't know what the effects are so I'd have no way of telling. But these felt like MDxx.
js2k6 (member since June 30, 2006)
bzp feels a lot like speed in a lot of ways. chargey and energetic. tappy. or at least thats how it felt to me.
January 20, 2009, 10:06 am GMTand not a thing like MDxx.
the nikes we've had in melbourne have not been pips.
repress (member since September 21, 2008)
Also, the color of the ones in Melbourne are a light blue, almost a light grey color.
January 22, 2009, 10:58 pm GMTorganicshroom (member since May 8, 2008)
Below I have compiled a list of reported and/or reagent tested pills during summner 2008/09 that contain NO MD** for quick reference. These pills either contain an adulterant or nothing at all.
January 27, 2009, 9:32 pm GMTGreen Hearts
Blue Newyork Yankies
Grey Airplanes
Purple Stars
Yellow Versace
Yellow Swallow/Dove
Green Batmans
Blue Batmans
Blue Euros
Grey Cherries
Red/Pink Ladies
Blue 8 pointed Star
Blue Armani's
White Smurfs
Green Superman
Pink Nike
Green/Orange Mitsubishi
Green CK
Pink X
Purple Nike's
White Happy Face(with brown specks, indented face)
Pink Hearts
White Doves
Blue Anchor
Blue Playstations
gacked19 (member since January 28, 2009)
a mate dropped 3 nikes he was feeling horrible all night, he didnt get a rush just a small buzz and have stomach pains for about 3 hours, the next morning he doesnt want to talk about... no good
January 28, 2009, 5:14 pm GMTmysteriousxx (member since November 2, 2008)
I dont think BZP feels like speed at all, BZP makes you wanna piss every 10 minutes, gives you the shakes, makes you sweat heaps, leaves you more dehydrated then a normal mdma pill would and ofcourse not being able to sleep. In some instances people have reported vomiting, nausea, and even being in a coma.
February 1, 2009, 2:59 pm GMTelectroee (member since February 2, 2009)
I've come across Orange Nikes, They do the exact same thing.
February 2, 2009, 12:41 pm GMTfader (member since March 1, 2009)
I have to admit i was a little worried reading this. But i didnt think they were that bad. Had 3 and it felt like MDxx to me or something close anyway. Definitely didnt get the shakes nor sweat overly much and i got to sleep no worries. Was getting nice waves of euphoria and had trouble focusing my eyes. Only problem is slight kidney pain next morning though that is most likely from not consuming enough water. I have a low to medium tolerance and am from South east Queensland.
March 1, 2009, 5:44 am GMTchasers (member since July 12, 2009)
These fucked pills have made there way to Adelaide and are really making people sick. THey seem to be in the form of mercedes blue colour or nikes. Maybe someone could let people know they been tested fpr pips cos they made me fall very ill on Friday night and I am still not right today.
July 13, 2009, 1:30 am GMT