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White Gator

So Cal

Posted by
November 12, 2005
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I didnt look at them closely.
Lacoste Gator
Suspected Contents
User Report

Ok Im not sure if this report is breaking any rules or not but I didnt actually take this pill. My friends took this pill and complained of being very itchy all said it felt just like the Echos. Their pupils werent dialated at all and they werent talking or very active.


kraizee (member since October 1, 2005)

There are many drugs that make you itch, and make you very unsocial. First one i think of is dxm. Another would be pseudo/ephedrine. both these sometimes don't cause dialated pupils, and sometimes they make your pupils shrink.

November 7, 2005, 8:00 pm GMT

socal raver (member since November 7, 2005)

I tried three of these one night, and had to finish them off with known good pills because the white gators were so bad. Here is what I experienced from the white gators:

After 1 hour: nothing / redose

After 1.5 hours: nothing

After 2 hours: Itchiness, Zombie-like zoned state, light headedness, no euphoria, no sweating, extreme relaxation, no desire to move, small periods of fear/panic.

After 3 hours: redose to see if things would improve, and with different settings, went for a walk. Much more panic upon the sight of strangers, with all of the symptoms above but more intense.

After 4 hours: In disappointment, I took a purple smiley and finally turned the trip around into the expected positive, euphoric, energetic feeling of a good pill.

I have had confirmed pure MDMA before, along with several other variations of pills. The white gators were by far my worst pill to date, I think they contain DXM, however, I have not had a chance to test them.

November 7, 2005, 11:26 pm GMT

efekzp0pz (member since October 2, 2005)

i agree, dxm!!

November 8, 2005, 9:15 pm GMT

jester (member since November 4, 2005)

it seems alot of these type seem to be flooding the socal area, the echos, pink mazeratis and now these. Wtf chemists? WTF?

November 9, 2005, 1:23 am GMT

spookz (member since October 31, 2005)

Yeah dude pills are getting shitty lately. Here and there theres a good batch of something but we havent had a good steady supply of bomb pills for a while.

Does anyone remember the Green Gators from last year? Really thick pill. Dude those fucked me up (not in a good way)

November 9, 2005, 4:55 am GMT

therollingstoner (member since September 29, 2005)

Thanks for the warning ecstasteve. Yea sounds like DXM to me too. -mod

November 9, 2005, 6:18 am GMT

ecstasteve (member since October 3, 2005)

Yea ya know I didnt take them, I was going by my friends saying they felt like the echo's but judging by how they were reacting and whatnot, I don't doubt DXM at all. I've taken DXM before (knowingly) and now that I think about it they seemed to be on that level. I wish I had a picture now, oh well Im glad I didnt buy them!

November 9, 2005, 7:14 pm GMT

dj king (member since November 9, 2005)

you know these fuckers really need to stop being so stingy with the mdma i mean hell its bad enough we got meth bombs runnin around we sure as hell dont need fuckin DXM i mean jesus alot of rolls aint safe no more CHEMIST PLEASE FOCUS ON MDMA!!!!

November 9, 2005, 8:21 pm GMT

anti w ar (member since October 26, 2005)

Tested these with Mecke and Marquis, heres the results;
1-3 seconds - Turned a nasty yellow with hints of orangish red around the undissolved portion.

4-60+ seconds - no farther reaction

1-5 seconds -almost unnoticable wisps of vapor and a slight greying throughout

5-15(or so)seconds - grey darkened to a murky grey/black but still slightly translucent

15-60+ seconds - no discernable change

I flushed these pills, the hell with tussin extract as far as im concerned.

November 17, 2005, 12:35 am GMT

1honest (member since October 22, 2005)

I am impressed with all the neg reviews... kazaaa... hooray for everyone that has the guts to tell the truth... That's the only way there is any hope of cleaning up the pills in SoCal.

What bums me out is that I had "White Gators" in June/July this year and they were the best I'd had in years; the kind of high that after you're finished everyone looks at each other and kinda collectively gasps, "wow" and share memories of the early 80's before MDMA was illegal.

November 18, 2005, 2:49 am GMT