Pill Report: Clovers


Posted by
June 13, 2008
Date Submitted
medium fine press. easy to break, but not TOO easy :)
Last Update
June 30, 2008
Light pink
Suspected Contents
User Report

WARNING, PEOPLE IN NORWAY: extremely dangerous pill. this is poison!
makes you sick as hell. i got so warm it was scary, and my heart was pumping so fast.
felt very ill, and had to puke! same thing happened to some friends of me who took this one night. they got so sick they called the ambulance, they thought they were gonna die.
stay away and do NOT take these pills.


cnopske (member since March 10, 2008)

hhahaha lool :)

June 14, 2008, 8:42 am GMT

lacokanostra (member since March 21, 2008)

This is somthing to laugh about cnopske?? fuckn idiot!
anyone know why the previous report have been removed?

June 14, 2008, 11:23 am GMT

blaster200 (member since March 25, 2008)

ya u fuckin dork^^ shut the fuck up, sorry u had to experience that! thx for the warning

June 14, 2008, 2:47 pm GMT

pusher (member since October 28, 2007)

lacokanostra: the previous report was in norwegian. all reports must now be in english, new rule :)

June 14, 2008, 10:03 pm GMT

blink (member since May 11, 2008)

looks a smililar shady press to the smurf/clover press that was going around a few years ago

June 15, 2008, 12:20 am GMT

trippinaway (member since November 27, 2007)

Got some of these goin around, but im not sure if theyr PMA or something else fu**ed up shit. Never tested, but other says these are good mdma. Or is there some other batch around?? Would be nice to confirm it.. ppl say these are similar to the 4 hearts we had half a year ago.. soooo??

June 15, 2008, 4:23 am GMT

roller (member since June 15, 2008)

not PMA, but nothing like mdma.
shitty pills!

June 15, 2008, 1:57 pm GMT

flippingtop (member since August 18, 2007)


This is terrible :-(

Be VERY careful people!!!

June 17, 2008, 10:06 pm GMT

lacokanostra (member since March 21, 2008)

in the UK report they say its MDMA and mcPP. the test showed MDMA and by the feel an expirience they report mcPP wich ruins the pill they say! shitless pills, need some real goody ones now when the summer is here! :)

June 19, 2008, 2:23 pm GMT

dannysx (member since April 18, 2007)

stor variasjon fra pille t pille på herran!! vart litt måse form men d e d nokk andre grunna t.. Ha ALDRI blitt dåli av knips før men spydd som faan av herran.. STOR variasjon i ka som e i vær enkelt av pillan, mang som ble i kanon form av dm! æ mått jo selvfølgeli bort å smak på dm som ikke va nå å skryt av.... vart bare sittan å spy i en times tid uten å få nån form for opptur el nå anna funk i heletatt bortsett fra kvalme.. va "heldivis" itj enesten som ble kvalm av dm, men storparten av pillan virka som dm fikk folk i bra form... Tar du en av herran kan d slå begge veian! opp t flaksa di om du får en som e go el dåli så greit at folk e advart!! å skriv på engelsk e ikke akkurat nån av mine sterkeste sider så d hadd vært kjekt om dn komentarn hær får stå som en advarsel t folk læll om d tydlivis e i mot nytt reglemang

June 28, 2008, 8:43 am GMT

bongdally (member since June 29, 2008)

had some of theses took one and was coming up so hard, then took more very long buzz bit trippy no real comedown.

June 29, 2008, 8:34 pm GMT

neivk (member since July 16, 2008)

did take one of those last morning and it's not a good pill, i did almost call ambulance becouse i was wery ill and fucked up on a bad way!

July 17, 2008, 4:30 pm GMT

trippinaway (member since November 27, 2007)

Any more expiriences with these?? I would like to hear if any ppl have some advice to select the BAD once from de GOOD ?? By taste or consistence?? Please respond anyone who knows..

September 19, 2008, 1:30 pm GMT

trippinaway (member since November 27, 2007)

these balls been around for some time now. And no one i know had any BAD side effects off them. But surely they diffrent from one another. Cool pills. Prob not much mdma in them, more like MDA. Peace. Tripp safely

October 17, 2008, 7:48 pm GMT

sexybuzz (member since November 1, 2008)

Looks like the pills I took new years eve last year and went unconcious and I can't remember the f**king day

November 1, 2008, 12:29 am GMT

pacman84 (member since October 14, 2008)

have tested these with marquis and had no reaction, so hard to say what is in this but PMA has no reaction

November 20, 2008, 1:38 am GMT

hvanzon (member since November 30, 2008)

McPP. Junk. don't take will ruin your night.

November 30, 2008, 12:48 pm GMT

lauren4321 (member since November 30, 2008)

I suspect this pill has traces of bcp and mcpp
sort of like LSD, just a harder trip.
Some people enjoy it, its like the blue omega,

June 5, 2009, 3:27 am GMT