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Blue Thumbs Up

Pensacola, FL

Posted by
October 25, 2005
Date Submitted
jspec sileighty
The pills appear to be a very good, hard press. They actually kind of resemble the press on the squirrels/mice/girlscout pills. Maybe it's another one from the same person? The logo shows a right hand giving a thumbs up. Logo is imprinted into the pill. Bevelled edges front and back. Pill is flat on back.

All I have to go on right now is what I heard from my friend that I got them from. He said that 1 and a half blew up him repeatedly all night long. He said that he liked them better than the red/blue squirrels.

These will be consumed tonight, so check back tomorrow for a report and a picture if I can find a camera before I get tempted to eat them...
Thumbs up with right hand
Turquoise w/ white specks
Smooth. Hard Pressed
Bevelled on front and back.
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Sorry, but I didn't end up getting a picture of these. I'm sure that someone else will post a picture soon because I've now heard from a few people that these ARE from the same guy who put out the squirrels/mice/etc. The press looks and feels the same.

6:00 pm - Blew 1/3 of a pill. Gave the other 2/3 to my 2 friends with me at the time.
6:05 - Hands sweating already and I find myself squeezing and rubbing this fuzzy pillow that was in the room at the time.
6:20 - Holy shit, I'm actually rolling off only a third of a pill!! Currently heading to a friends house.
7:00 - Arrived at friends house. Friends and I talked our asses off to each other the whole way over. Feeling absolutely great right now with a slight body buzz.
7:15 - Each of us eat a whole pill.
7:45 - Still feeling great from the first little bit and I'm starting to really feel the one I just ate come on.
8:00 - I was lying face down on the floor with my girlfriend on my back giving me a full body massage.
8:05 - ROLLING FACE! The massage set me off. I blew up in the middle of it and just layed there on the floor squirming around while letting out moans of pleasure. I rarely get a pill strong enough that actually makes me moan... 1 1/3 had me feeling AMAZING at this time.
8:10 - Finally regained my ability to look normal, tried to get up to go get some juice from the refrigerator, but had a hard time walking. I could not believe I was this floored.
9:00 - Still getting strong waves of rolling hard at this time. Friends all feel the same way. We each decide to eat 1 more pill.
9:30 - I was gone, done, finished, whatever you want to call it. I was lying on the floor in complete ecstasy at this time. I didn't want to do anything at all, but lie there and take in all of these warm, wonderful feelings. OH MY GOD.

The rest of the night was absolutely terrific. I finally started to come down around 3 am the next morning. I had a friend drive me home, I got in my bed, and fell right asleep.

I woke up later on and felt pretty good. My entire jaw feels like it's broken though. Throughout the whole night, I could not stop grinding my teeth together or clenching my jaw really tight. I only got eye wiggles once or twice during the night, but I rarely get those anyways. Some friends said they had lots of eye wiggles.

Overall, if you find these pills then I highly recommend you stock up. They have a very loved up feeling and were just all around great, clean pills. If they are in fact from the same person who put out the squirrels/mice/etc, then I would rate these an 8.5/10 and put the squirrels at a 7/10.

1 Comment

racoonx (member since October 1, 2005)

Crap! That's two good ones I've read about, and I'm still seeing nothing but crap, with One exception...

October 26, 2005, 4:30 am GMT