Pill Report: Dolphin


Posted by
September 27, 2005
Date Submitted
pillreports v1
Picked up some of these off a random guy... only payed 5 bucks each what could i expect?


8:30pm : Consumed one pill orally.

9:00pm started to feel nice tingly sensation... started to feel the meth, heart rate increase, sweaty hands, and un-controllable shacky hands.

9:15pm : starting to feel the MDMA, music is starting to sound better. (even the music i hate, r&b, hiphop)

9:30pm : felt a little lovey, not much at all, music sounds good, but not as good as normal.

10:00pm : the high is starting to wear away... i haven't even reached a climax.

10:15 pm: High is complety gone, just felt tingly legs... smooth comedown but really depressed and pissed that i barely felt the effects.


Don't buy these pills, there bullshit and will make you say "i was just having a strong comeup and now its gone"

Final statement:

weird pills... don't even bother... im now editing this segment of the report to say its now 6:30am and i feel wide awake like sleep doesn't exsist with no sketch... (last month and a bit i havent attained a sketch from any pills... possibly iv just adapted)

Standard Dolphin
Suspected Contents


three4one (member since January 26, 2006)

I got one of these for free.

-Took it, 3pm.
-finally kicked in 4:45pm
-pill was all caffine+meth, slight trace of MDMA, AT BEST. Total crap.
-Speeded around for a couple hours. Didn't feel good or anything like E euphoria. Talked a lot and fast. Pupils were really big.
-came down, was able to sleep well at 12pm.

So, i agree with your report. Don't buy these.
also @ mississauga.

January 26, 2006, 3:44 pm GMT

sisuliber (member since December 8, 2006)

I agree with three4one! I haven't come down yet but I know that it doesn't have any MDA/MDMA. Or if it does it is so little and the other stimulants in the pills overpower the MDA/MDMA (the little IF there is any).

three4one, was the dolphin in the pills pointing left or right? It seems that if it points right it's good and if it points left it sucks...that is DEFINATLEY the general aggreement from what I've gathered and read about BLUE DOLPHINS on here.

I'm in the Toronto area and I've gotten these pills as well. The colour is blue with white 'spots' or 'clouds'. The dolphine is in the middle and his face is pointing to the left (if you hold the pill so that the dolphine is jumping out of the water and his face to the left). The most remarkable feature of this pill is definatley it's colour. It is not blue, but rather it looks exactly like the colour of the sky with those white spots on it and the blue is a light, 'sky' blue.

The past week i've done 8 high quality MDA/MDMA pills (Green Impalas) every 3 days since dropping. Today is my 4th time after 3 days of EXCELLENT MDA/MDMA, so oviously I've got a tolerence.

I've already had one (3 by now) and it only got me uppy, much more similar to a 'meth bomb' or to an amphetamine than an MD** pill. It just doesn't get me that mind clouding/ fuzzyness and that eye dropping feeling. On those Impalas touching your forehead would give you tingles all OVER YOUR BODY. Meth bombs and amphetamine pills don't give this feeling as much if at all. I'm at least hoping there is some MDMA/MDA in them, even though I have a high tolerence to MDA/MDMA as of my recent use, I would think I could recognize an MDA/MDMA high.

P.S. There is another report about Blue Dolphins here in the North America- Canada section that showed in the picture these EXACT same pills described and praised here and everyone on that post was bitching about being stimulants in them like meth and amphtamines. Please check it out and see what is the problem. I'm in the Toronto area, I don't live in Toronto but not too far away from it either.

This is the post that is showing the EXACT same pills in the picture. The description of the pill in this one is 'TEAL DOLPHIN' which is exactly what I most likley have, though I hope I it isn't them with all my heart! The poster and the other posters who replied to the link below had ONLY negative things to say about it!


The dolphin in my pills is pointing to the LEFT! Not the right, it seems that the only ones that are GOOD are the ones with the dolphin pointing RIGHT, NOT LEFT! As well when looking at the pills from a little further away, they look exactly bluish green to greenish blue (teal)! Looking at them very close they look exactly like I described them. Thus it is leading me to believe that the ones I have are much more similar to the ones that I mentioned where people are only saying negative things about it.

And to tell you the truth, sadly though I'm hoping things will get better...i really don't feel ANY of the MDA/MDMA effects. I rather feel more like a 'meth bomb' with little to no MDA/MDMA in it at all. Absolutley NONE of the MDMA/MDA euphoria, NO pupil dilation whatsoever. The only change is that I did good MDA/MDMA 3 times this week every 3 days, so I was a little 'DOWN', a little anxious, a little stressed but generally allright, now I just don't feel 'DOWN' anymore. Rather I feel very awake....right now after 3 pills, I don't feel any MDMAish effects...like I said much more amphetamine like effects. So oviously not my favourite, not my favourite at all. Not a good pill! Ten dollars for one of these is BULLSHIT.

Please check out the link below, describing "TEAL DOLPHINE", VERY similar to the ones i've got and pretty similar to the description of these GOOD Dolphines.


December 8, 2006, 7:27 am GMT

sisuliber (member since December 8, 2006)

Other "DOLPHINE" pill reports: (from Canada, right from this site, not all of them but I'd say 50% of them are here.)









December 8, 2006, 8:35 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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