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Posted by
October 25, 2005
Date Submitted
<<<<<<< THESE ARE NOT NOT NOT ECSTASY >>>>>>> Nothing like MDMA; more like bad LSD... real bad LSD. The guy that wrote the glowing report about these has very low standards, these are the worst beans I've ever had period. Anyone that drops these and afterwards passes them on should be sure to tell the buyer that they aren't clean. Definetly mixed with some kind of downer or opiate that causes a zombielike effect.
Suspected Contents
User Report

Hmmmmm.... what did this feel like... huh... well, it felt like someone hit me in the head with a shoe and forced me to gargle with ketchup and stomach acid. It felt like I was being urinated on by some back alley abortion doctor... mostly it felt like betrayal... Interestingly I could sleep the next day. But while high I felt glued to my seat, my body felt NUMB, not that wonderful loved up MDMA feeling. Neither I nor any of my friends could really even move while we were peaking... and it plain didn't feel good. Actually everyone but me vomited violently... and repeatedly. I've dosed more times than I can count over the last 10 years, same was true of my whole group, nobody had ever thrown-up like this, nauseas yes, projectile vomit no. I would agree there wasn’t any speed in these… but there IS something else just as potent and it totally fucks up the high. My guess is MDA/Ketamine. Definetly not MDMA and definetly mixed with some kind of downer.


speedbird (member since September 29, 2005)

DXM probably?

October 22, 2005, 6:41 pm GMT

mr wikked (member since October 23, 2005)

Not tested are you serious?
Please refrain from shitting out of your mouth without proof to back up your bad experience!
Someone must have given you a bad batch. I tested mine and got nothing but rave results! Black in one second.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds like MDMA to me!!

October 23, 2005, 2:24 am GMT

1honest (member since October 22, 2005)

Anyone that has had real MDMA would know this isn't. Lots of stuff gets you high... paint thinner for example. Proof you say, I took it have no agenda, and I'm telling you it sucked. Yes I got high, but not on ecstasy. If getting high is the goal, go ahead, buy and drop. But don't expect an MDMA high, cause these are totally adulterated. Some kind of opiate, Ketamine, something turned the high into a Zombied veg-out staring contest. Even the most postive review mentions this. Every negative report about these is real... for example, posted on October 17, 2005, by ecstasteve:
"omg these pills are whack. these are so NOT ECSTASY its not funny. there is definetly something else in them (I believe different from MDA) because i hallucinated badly off them (1.5 pills and i have medium high tolerance). when tripping (not rolling) i asked a bush for a cigarette and said fine dont acknowlegde me then realized that it was a bush and not a group of people. i didnt sleep for shit off these, i was up for the next 24 hours hating the cracked out feeling of unpure pills. these pills are horrible and ive had them in 3 different colors and it doesnt matter they all are adulterated, these go along with the ecko's as crap in my book."

October 23, 2005, 3:43 am GMT

mr wikked (member since October 23, 2005)

October 23, 2005, 2:43 pm GMT

mr wikked (member since October 23, 2005)

For your information, a very high dose of MDMA will give you hallucinations especially mixed with MDA. How long have you been dropping pills? Do you have a tester to bak this claim up? no tester = all heresay! or forgive me if your supplier just got you some bunk ass shit and you got cheated by your supplier!

October 23, 2005, 2:50 pm GMT

ravethatshit (member since October 4, 2005)

mdma cannot hold its form without being mixed with something else. so thats why their either mixed with an upper(so called "meth bombs") or a downer(these pills). in all pills, the mdma wears off faster thatn what its mixed with. with upper based pills the mdma wears off and it leaves you all strung out with the feeling that their the "meth bombs". in a downer based pill, the mdma goes away leaving you tired and able to fall asleep. ive had these pills, and thier fuckin bomb. the downer cut does not leave you twacked out and thats where people get confused and start to think thier not mdma. correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure these are mdma + some kind of downer.

October 23, 2005, 9:21 pm GMT

therollingstoner (member since September 29, 2005)

Rave...Please refrain from spewing false knowledge. MDMA CAN and DOES hold its form without being mixed with something else. Hence the word "molly" or phrase "pure mdma."

1honest...Im going to believe you on this because I now remember these being on the old PR with the same effects as eckos. I let the good report on these slide and stay up but will now delete it. -mod

October 24, 2005, 12:48 am GMT

1honest (member since October 22, 2005)

t/y mod, just trying to help; no reason for anyone else to deal with the dope I did.

October 24, 2005, 8:23 am GMT

mercuryst4r (member since September 29, 2005)

either way these sound like crap even if you try to say that a strong dose will cause hallucinations...nothing 1honest descibed sounded like a good roll, and is just trying to descibe the feeling that the pill gave to the best of their knowledge. It's still good to know that there may be a bad batch of these going buyer beware! peace :) XO

October 24, 2005, 9:00 am GMT

howlcat (member since October 25, 2005)

My girlfriend and i tried these this weekend. She took 1.5 pills, i took 2.5. She threw-up 3 times! This was the first time she has ever gotten sick on a pill. Right from the start neither one of us thought it felt like MDMA. There was briefly some kind of euphoria yeah, but nothing like we're accustomed to on ecstasy. And there WAS some wierd "zombie-like" thing going on (Fentanyl???) . We didn't talk, dance, make love, nothing... just a zoney feeling that made it hard to move and messed with our memory. We were both very dissappointed. Luckily, the come-down was pretty easy, not speedy at all. The whole thing really makes me sad... We rarely indulge and when we do it's a special event, yet it's less than 50% that we get real MDMA. In private, in moderation, among adults, ecstasy is much safer than almost every other intoxicant... except that at least half the time it's not ecstacy at all!!! If people that used coke got Ketamine, or speed, or Fentanyl, or baking powder or whatever more than 50% of the time, no one would buy it anymore... Such a bummer! I wish people weren't such sheep about MDMA

October 25, 2005, 12:46 am GMT

pedrolion (member since October 25, 2005)

I had a few of these myself... yep, something was way wrong!

October 25, 2005, 7:25 pm GMT

blotteracid (member since October 25, 2005)

Obtained 2 of the pills that look exacly like the picture posted. Took one at 1:35. At 2:05 i felt it come on all at once. Hit me extreamly hard. At 2:30 it made me puke. An enjoyable puke that made me feel better afterwards. As im typing this im rolling pretty hard. Ive never been this high in my life. Ive done ecstasy around 4 times before this, none have made me feel like this, though the previous trips i've had have been really nothing.+++++, probably because the pills where nothing like this. At the onset of me rolling hard, i started sweating prefusly, even though i had cold air from outside. Im thinking what made me puke was the fact that i was in a car when this whole thing started.

I'm really fucking high, hopefully everything goes well.
I feel like laying down or being in a still position. MY eyes want to shut and its hard to keep them open.

Wish me luck, these pills are something else, that is for sure. Ill post the rest of my trip in due time.


October 25, 2005, 9:40 pm GMT

blotteracid (member since October 25, 2005)

3:20... i feel very euphoric.High as a motherfucker, but at least no more nausia. It would be nice to know exacly what where in these pills. Could it infact be some other unknown substance, or just a HIGH dosage of mdma and MDA? Please escuse any typos and shit...

October 25, 2005, 10:18 pm GMT

blotteracid (member since October 25, 2005)

Obtained 2 of the pills that look exacly like the picture posted. Took one at 1:35. At 2:05 i felt it come on all at once. Hit me extreamly hard. At 2:30 it made me puke. An enjoyable puke that made me feel better afterwards. As im typing this im rolling pretty hard. Ive never been this high in my life. Ive done ecstasy around 4 times before this, none have made me feel like this, though the previous trips i've had have been really nothing.+++++, probably because the pills where nothing like this. At the onset of me rolling hard, i started sweating prefusly, even though i had cold air from outside. Im thinking what made me puke was the fact that i was in a car when this whole thing started.

I'm really fucking high, hopefully everything goes well.
I feel like laying down or being in a still position. MY eyes want to shut and its hard to keep them open.

Wish me luck, these pills are something else, that is for sure. Ill post the rest of my trip in due time.


October 26, 2005, 12:34 am GMT

blotteracid (member since October 25, 2005)

5:30. No zombi effect for me. I went to the park to fuck around, skate, hit gold balls, play basebal. It made me playfull and upbeat. After me throwing up i felt great the whole time afterward. Personally i like these pills as they are the best i've personally come by. By the way, my votmiting was not violent, just quick and releiving. The person who took the pill with me did not vomit at all and he says he is feeling GREAT. This pills should be tested because so many have different opinions of it being bad, and good. I personally think they're GOOD!

October 26, 2005, 12:39 am GMT

mr wikked (member since October 23, 2005)

October 26, 2005, 11:03 am GMT

mr wikked (member since October 23, 2005)

People I am telling you! I have tested these beans!
Some might be getting a bad batch of mixed beans from some asshole dealer who wants to create a bad name for them! My suggestion is to BUY A TESTER AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! Definately sure of content in my test!

October 26, 2005, 11:06 am GMT

foamdude (member since October 27, 2005)

hey gotta say only one bad thing about these... they really mess you up!! but man i have every feeling touch, smell, visual, love you name it this is now my 3rd time using them and I really enjoy these. I have sex parties and have seen many people enjoy these more than other stuff we have had. I feel bad for those individuals that did not get the good ones! I too have a tester and mine showed black in 1 second. I agree with most of you but I have to say wikked has one point get a tester before you can say what is in it... and do defend others we all know that each roll is about enviroment and surroundings. perhaps some of you did not put yourselves in the right frame of mind.. remember people this is about being positive NOT NEGATIVE!! As people use to say PLUR (that needs to come back!)

October 26, 2005, 11:41 pm GMT

ecstasteve (member since October 3, 2005)

These pills are adulterated crap, mr wikked maybe you got lucky and got a good batch but I think most of these are junk. I've had them on 3 seperate occasions each time the pills being slightly different color. And you know testers cant show everything...

Quote from about testing kits

"Can the kit identify pills containing MDMA plus another drug?

No. The testing kits are useful because they can identify pills containing MDMA as well as screen against pills which do not contain any MDMA. However, just because a pill tests positive for MDMA does not mean it is pure. There might be another drug present. Unfortunately, ecstasy testing kits cannot identify whether a pill containing MDMA contains another drug."

October 29, 2005, 7:16 am GMT

spookz (member since October 31, 2005)

Dude whoever is cooking these maseratis/ecko's is obviously putting out 2 batches.

These 2 pills, both of different shape which is already odd, have both had really good reports by some users and really bad by some users.

They made one batch of each bombay and the other batches bunk or adulterated.

They know how word of mouth works with ecstasy pills and are using that to thier advantage

Remember people, drug dealing is big business and they dotn care how many 'ecstasy users' get fucked, they just need to make money, and even though its morally fucked up. It works flawlessly.

October 31, 2005, 5:53 am GMT

pedrolion (member since October 25, 2005)

I am convinced that there is an opiate like fentynal in these pills. The pink Rhinos are the same odd shape, same pink color and I have gotten both Rhinos and Maserati's from the same person. MDA/Caffine/Fentynal is my guess which would explain the E-type high and the other quality described by blotteracid and everyone else. For example:

"I feel like laying down or being in a still position. My eyes want to shut and its hard to keep them open."

In my experience that is not what good MDMA does. It is what I would expect ecstasy and an opiate would do. My sences were't only hightened, they were dulled.

Ecsatsysteve is right:
"Just because a pill tests positive for MDMA does not mean it is pure. There might be (and in this case there is) another drug present. Unfortunately, ecstasy testing kits cannot identify whether a pill containing MDMA contains another drug."

We should all me warned by now, it's not that there are 2 batches, it's that many of us don't like the opiated feeling that comes along with these pills. I for one only want MDMA in my ecstasy! I don't think I'm alone about this either.

If we keep raving about adulterated pills, we'll eventually only have adulterated pills.

October 31, 2005, 6:28 pm GMT

jester (member since November 4, 2005)

The ones i had last night seem to be in the same vien as the ones the originator of this report took. Light trails were amazing, albeit slightly brighter than with ecstacy but i couldn't muster the energy to wave the glowstick. I felt heavy and useless and no desire to do much of anything. My girlfriend and i had much sex though, as this didn't hinder the possibility of an erection, but made ejaculation impossible. That was pretty much all this pill was good for, sex and conversation, not because it was good for it, but because we could do nothing else. All in all this was a horrible pill and i hope to never take anything like it ever again.

November 4, 2005, 6:08 pm GMT

scvegas (member since February 19, 2006)

i have dropped 50plus of these pills never once a "zombie" effect!! These are the best pills i have ever had!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish these were still on the market the way they were a couple months ago!!! felt like pure mdma to me!!!!possibly some mda, someone saying something about different colors, never seen anything other than light pink. possibly why there is some bad reviews someone trying to duplicate a good pill and fucked it all up! i deffinatley give props to the chemist good job on these pills. Too bad these are in the archives now.

February 20, 2006, 1:26 am GMT

virtual (member since September 7, 2006)

September 7, 2006, 9:46 am GMT

virtual (member since September 7, 2006)

Bullshit! There is no MDMA in these. I just don't know what they are.

September 7, 2006, 9:46 am GMT

virtual (member since September 7, 2006)

September 7, 2006, 9:46 am GMT

dasmuzik (member since September 8, 2008)

DXM fersureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

September 9, 2008, 11:22 pm GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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**WARNING** Blue Punisher’s 477mg- Strongest Ever Ecstasy Pill Found in UK.

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