Pill Report: Stars

Philly/South Jersey area

Posted by
October 23, 2005
Date Submitted
Pill is pretty big, couldnt find a ruler at the time, sorry. Strange and very detailed press.
19 small stars
Off White, with brown specks
Round, domed, score on back
Not crumbly, but firm
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Mecke Reagent
User Report

Let me start by saying that I have done a decent number of pills the last 4 years. Me and my man have a high tolerance and I was pleasantly surprised at how strong just one pill was. These were just two pills that we had sitting around extra that I had read a report on that made me think twice about taking them or mixing them with a different batch. They tested good so we decided to try them out.

12:30am-dropped pill on a pretty empty stomach.

1:00am-I was taking a shower and could already feel a bit of a come up, little rushes of slight euphoria.

1:30am-Very mellow, my body felt a little cold, getting under some blankets felt really comfy. No real tingling of the skin but stretching felt good.

2:30am-6:30am-If you have ever taken mda then you know how it feels when I say you just feel f'd up, little dizzy to walk, but was fun, could close eyes and go into own little mda world of half dreams. Head felt cloudy, sometimes couldnt remember what you were talking about. Not much empathy, or talking. Small amount of jaw clenching, nothing that a piece of gum couldnt take care of. Around 4am I did get nauseated for about 30 seconds but went away pretty quickly, havent had nausea in a while so that was kind of surprising off of one pill. For about an hour also I would say that my body temperature was fluctuating, I would be cold one minute, a little sweaty the next, but nothing that was really bother some. Music sounded really good this entire time. However, a Mariah Carey video came on and I wanted so bad to punch her in her jaw, not sure why, my man thought that was hilarious. Hip-hop just not our kind of music, but I have never said anything violent while rolling or coming down so he thought that was strange.

7:00am-Decided to try to sleep some slept for about 2 hours, woke up and had a nice after glow but had a bit of a headache. Coffee tasted great! Watched my recorded marathon of ghost hunters all day, didnt feel like doing much else. Went to sleep at 8pm and slept about 12 hours :)

Conclusion: I really wish I had more then just one of these because wow they would of blown my mind. For those who have had more self control with e usage one would of been great! These are pretty strong and I would definately recommend taking only one if you are not certain of your tolerance level. Even though I am starting to get sick of the MDA replacing what I am hoping is MDMA, still a good time.


msdanger (member since September 29, 2005)

That is an interesting press, never seen any star presses like that before. Seeing a score is very rare for me too. Anyways, let us know how it goes. Happy rolling :)

October 22, 2005, 5:57 am GMT

goddessd (member since September 29, 2005)

I agree, when I first saw that press I was turned off by it, just not what I am used to seeing in a press. That is why I think it took me so long to actually take these.

October 23, 2005, 2:38 pm GMT

xrated (member since October 8, 2005)

October 23, 2005, 4:46 pm GMT

xrated (member since October 8, 2005)

if i had these with my girl and we had no empathy and love we would had been pissed, for us e is about talking and lots of loving.

October 23, 2005, 4:49 pm GMT

var13 (member since September 29, 2005)

Xrated, i totally agree man, thats what E is to me. I get alot out of it and i too would have been bullshit, although when you have a tester you can pick and choose.

Have you gotten closer to her since you started therapy sessions?>

October 23, 2005, 5:21 pm GMT

goddessd (member since September 29, 2005)

Not that we had NO empathy or love, we did alot of cuddling and talking just didnt really want lots of sex, that is just how MDA is, totally different roll. Like I said, I would of much rather had MDMA but unfortunatly I have to take what I can get, It is very hard for me to come by.

October 23, 2005, 9:02 pm GMT

therollingstoner (member since September 29, 2005)

Thanks for the report goddessd. These are a weird looking press. I saw this on the old PR but dont recall what it said about them. -mod

October 24, 2005, 12:29 am GMT

househead420 (member since September 29, 2005)

October 24, 2005, 6:11 am GMT

househead420 (member since September 29, 2005)

Sounds like a good MDA bomb to me! I dunno what y'all mean when u say u can't fuck on MDA....for me it's like a fuckin viagra! And mdma is opposite! The LAST thing I wanna do when I'm on an mdma bean is be TOUCHED.....but rollz like the #1's or the Yellow Yin Yangs or the Orange Pie Symbols made me fuck like a fuckin JACKRABBIT for HOURS. Overall the best combo IMO is a half mda/mdma bomb, u get the best of both worlds.....but in MASS right now there aint nuthin BUT the mdma, and I was far more satisfied with the quality of the mda eggs that have been floating around here than the ones that are mdma......especially after these garbage blue scorpions I tried out this weekend. BLAH....bring me back my MDA DAMMIT!!! LOL

October 24, 2005, 6:18 am GMT

xrated (member since October 8, 2005)

hey var13, just curious by your last comment if you know who i am?

October 24, 2005, 9:43 pm GMT

lugoj (member since December 16, 2005)

Just saw these in NYC

January 6, 2006, 4:14 pm GMT

mdmauser (member since June 20, 2006)

These are called Gallaxy's currently in NYC, took one on Sat (it's been 12 months since my last) first i took half a xanax stick drank beer and vodka, popped half of the Gallaxy within 5 minutes I got a rush of energy! When I got to the club I popped the other half as soon as I walked in I started dancing/looking at the lights, I was going hard for a while, lots of energy , after 1 hour started coming down very little , so I started drinking rum and cokes. Everytime I drank a rum and coke it would feel like I popped another, was dancing all night no stopping. 3 Hours later my jaw was going crazy , I was rubbing my hair (felt awsome). When I got home smoked 420 , I had severe short term memory loss,It even hurt to think, took 2 tylonol pm's went to sleep right away. Woke up 5 hours later with a headache, felt like shit for the next 48 hours, I had no intrest in anything at all! Def a nice energetic pill for dancing!
I only did 1 and it felt like 2!

June 20, 2006, 7:28 pm GMT

mdmauser (member since June 20, 2006)

I don't think these are mda i din't have no holucinations,
Marquis tested straight to purple quick.

August 22, 2006, 4:37 pm GMT

lilczey (member since May 30, 2007)

i wish i could have tried these

March 7, 2009, 2:36 am GMT

juggergod (member since May 10, 2009)

I actually found these about a year back, intense roll but fuck my come down sucked! I found the press there made with for sale on the net!

May 12, 2009, 4:09 pm GMT