Pill Report: tweety bird
Tweety Bird

Windsor, Ontario

Posted by
October 14, 2005
Date Submitted
This pill was scored on the back and had "tweety" written on both sides of the score and the writting followed the round edges. The other side had a vague head of tweetie on it and was popping out and wasn't pressed in the pill. The pill was really chalky tasting with a small bitter taste. Also smelled nothing like mdma, as it had a weird chemical smell to it.
Head of tweety (loonie toons)
White with red specs
4.0 mm
9.0 mm
Suspected Contents
User Report

Ok first of all pills on this side of Canada are shit(more adultered than usual)! I mean this has got to be my last drop for a while.

Anyway I start the night by trying one from a friend who said these were awesome rolls and we're better than any he had experienced ever.(Now i know never to trust 1st hand experiences anymore) Well i took his word since i know he has tripped a lot on E and plus it was a free one to try. i took it around 945 pm. The pill almost dissolved in my mouth suprisingly since it was a hard press. and had little bitter taste to it. at about 11:45 or so i am having no effects other than wobbly legs and kind of sweaty palms which made me think these might be mdma but a lower dose. I decided to buy and drop another one since i was having no real bad side effects off of the first one. Maybe 5 mins after taking the 2nd pill my heart is racing and I am just not getting your typical e rushes. And start getting alittle spacey feeling and a little worried. Before I know it I am in a full blown mushroomy-acid like trip. What i mean is textured surfaces had patterns, objects breathing, colours brightning and dimming. Also my sense of hearing was enhanced and distorted (warping at times)...This kind of trip lasted about i'd say from roughly 1230 am to around 4 am... When I came home from my buddies house, i did a lot research on what i might've taken and for some reason 2c-t-7 seemed like a good answer but i am not sure since i don't have a tester kit...I am very thankful i'm a very experienced with psychedelics cause some1 expecting an mdma high out of these will not get that. And it is certainly not like any other psychedelic i've done (shrooms,lsd,dxm,k,mda)


kraizee (member since October 1, 2005)

I should add there was a very speedy edge to the pills too, which included jaw tension, muscle cramps, increased heart rate, a rapidly changing body load (feeling really stoned and then feeling really light).

October 13, 2005, 10:36 am GMT

kraizee (member since October 1, 2005)

ok i added a pic and the dimensions...

October 14, 2005, 4:52 am GMT

sleezydee (member since September 29, 2005)

sounds like some 2c-b to me, ive done it several times and i can relate to the strange body load and muscdle tension...i felt it was mushroom/acidy as well...what a strange chemical...

October 14, 2005, 3:42 pm GMT

whome (member since October 1, 2005)

I have tested those with ez-extreme, and they came out
as MDA. I took only half and was flying. So these suckers are a very hefty dose of MDA. By the way I'm
in ottawa...very likely that we had the same batch.

October 14, 2005, 10:22 pm GMT

therollingstoner (member since September 29, 2005)

Hmmm interesting. Thanks for the report. Whome...Did you see any speed like substance in your results? -mod

October 16, 2005, 12:43 pm GMT

whome (member since October 1, 2005)

They were clean from meth as far as I can tell, and
when I test I'm really careful.

I forgot to mention that mine had that funny smell too.
It was the second time it happened, and both times the
pille were MDA.

October 16, 2005, 1:12 pm GMT

racoonx (member since October 1, 2005)

Thw weird body load thing, and tense jaw sounds like a high dose of MDA to me. With the white MDA we used to do you'd get this feeling in your jaw like you wanted to bite down hard on soemthing. And the body thing was like being on an elevator, your body would feel light and uppy, then you'd get a little rush and your body would be all heavy like. And we called it a trip in black and white, becasue it was like tripping somwhat, but not so into your head like acid gets. And the white MDA was a speedy kind of high, while the brown mda had more intense body rushes and was a more mellow high. (this was in 80's) A dose of 200mg+ of MDA would effect you like you described. It had a taste that sorta twisted your tongue. Like hot rubber, or something.. Sometimes you could smell sasafrass too, safrole actually. But trying to think about the taste makes my mouth act like I've just bit a lemon. Not just bitter, like opiates, but .... crap, I can't find the right words.

The rumor was that the brown mda was heroin based, which is what some say about some X today. It did look like good brown heroin when broken down in water, and it had SOME heroin like effects when injected, but heroin is non active when swallowed in reasonable amounts. So why would anyone mix that with a drug that is mostly swallowed?? And mda went for 35-50 a gram, while H was even then at least $150 a gram.

October 16, 2005, 7:23 pm GMT

mercuryst4r (member since September 29, 2005)

wow, nothing like the tweety birds like 5 years ago....those were real good! they were yellow and just had tweety's head on em

October 19, 2005, 8:34 am GMT

kraizee (member since October 1, 2005)

The problem is that i've tried pure MDA powder and it was nothing like this experience. It was like MDMA but more intense and when mixed with mdma it was incredible(cause mdma's empatho-effects are increased a lot). The visuals of MDA were not shroomey like visuals as i experienced off of these. The visuals we're as if I had taked 2g's of shrooms...on a good dose of 100 mg of MDA i never experienced any of this weirdness. No way in hell this pill had more than 100 mgs of MDA in it. Many of my other friends that have tried this pill also said it was nothing like ecstasy. One thing i found interesting is I have been researching 2c like substances and am starting to think it was one of them possibly (i think 2c-b).

October 19, 2005, 10:12 am GMT

reronic (member since September 29, 2005)

weird looking pills. i love a high dose of MDA 300-400mg dose and you see the most wildest life like hulisnations you every will... becareful thou and have someone sober.. i decided to call the police cause someone was stealing my car who wasn't there at 3am.

October 19, 2005, 7:27 pm GMT

greenosedstoner (member since November 1, 2005)

November 2, 2005, 7:27 pm GMT

greenosedstoner (member since November 1, 2005)

I ate 3 of these in a 3 hour period. They were pretty good. Only problem is that when I started coming down about 12 hours later, I was sketched for about 12 hours after that. I ended up staying up for 30 hours after eating them. And you people comparing these to mushrooms... Come on man, Eat 2 grams of GOOD mushrooms and you'll be a lot more ripped for the first 4 hours.
They had a slight blur to the vision, a good body buzz, but you cannot compare to mushrooms!!

November 2, 2005, 7:32 pm GMT

pct55 (member since September 29, 2005)

^ thats exactly how my friends described them. Avoid at all costs!

November 3, 2005, 5:55 am GMT

smotpoker (member since December 16, 2005)

pct55, what do you mean by avoid at all costs? I haven't rolled in over a year, and my brother got a hold of these in Columbus, OH. I don't know if it's the same ones, but how many different kinds of tweety birds can there be? He said they are white, and the dealer told him that these are speedy.
I've got like 15 people counting on me for a great NYE, so I hope these are good!!!!

December 16, 2005, 6:41 pm GMT

smotpoker (member since December 16, 2005)

I just got these last night. Holding on to them until NYE. Has anyone taken these recently? Some people here on pillreports are telling me that these are good body buzz etc, and others say it's nothing like ecstasy.

I'd like to hear an updated report...

December 23, 2005, 4:15 pm GMT

smotpoker (member since December 16, 2005)

Well, I took these on New Years Eve, 4 to be exact, which is a lot I know, but fuck, it was NYE, and I only roll on NYE.

I'm not gonna get into deep details about these, but all I'll say is WOW!!!!!!!

These were definitely real, and very good. Everyone gave stellar reviews, and as someone who's been doing this stuff for 5 yrs, I can assure everyone these are great.

January 6, 2006, 3:32 pm GMT

mrfluffykins (member since March 7, 2006)

The white tweeties in ottawa were mda, but you can't get them anymore i don't think

March 6, 2006, 11:53 pm GMT

kevz04 (member since September 30, 2005)

The tweeties I had looked exactly like this and they were speed... No taste to them or anything. I enjoyed it tho but definately and i mean DEFINATELY no chance these were MDMA/MDA or anything of the sort. It seemed to be pure amphetamine.

July 10, 2006, 8:25 pm GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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